Chapter 11

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I woke up on really hot sand. I quickly got up and that is when I got hit with the blazing heat. I look around and I only see sand everywhere. I am in a desert. Great. I am going to die in a desert in the past and yet I have no idea what time period I am in. I walk in the direction that my gut is telling me to go. Soon I became very thirsty and hungry. It feels like all of the water in me had evaporated from sweat. My clothes are dirty but surprisingly dry. In the distance I see something like a mule or something like that.

"Hey! Over here!" I screamed.

But the person keeps moving further away. I started to run with all my might and even though my body aches and literary wants to lay down and die, but I am not giving up now.

"Hey! HEY!! Wait up!!"

The animal stopped and when I got there, there was a short man with weird clothes that are make out of linen and it almost looks like a dress. The man looked at me strange like I am an alien or something.

"Hey can you help me get home?"

He still looks at me strangely probably he doesn't understand me. I feel a little light headed and I really need water. The man started talking, but I couldn't understand him at all and none of the words are even close to English nor any other language I have heard of. I started to get dizzy and I fell onto the hot sand and blacked out.


We're now at Kyra's house and we found cookies in one of the cabinets. We start eating the chocolate chip cookies and talked about what happened.

"What do you think happened to Kyra?" Randy asked.

I looked up from my cookie and I saw concern in his eyes. I can tell that he is worried about her. I am to but I am not showing it. I got to be strong.

"I have no clue Randy. No clue."

We ate in silence and finished off all of the cookies. I wonder what time period Kyra is in right now. I hope it is not the Black Plague otherwise she could be dead right now. Then a sudden lightbulb made a bright light for an amazing idea.

"Maria, what are you thinking?"

Now Randy's eyes are filled with curiosity and a little bit of excitement. Don't ask me how I know but I used to read a book about body language so I know a bunch of stuff like that. I got out of the chair and ran to Kyra's bedroom.

I remember when we were little Krya bought this time machine that she thought that it would actually work but it didn't. So maybe it would work now after all of these years. Randy is on my heels following me to see what I am doing. I entered her room and opened her closet. I gasp and grabbed the time machine and took hold of Randy's hand.

"Don't let go of my hand." I told him.

He nodded his head as I pressed the button and a bright blue light shimmered throughout the room and we are gone.

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