Chapter 17

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"What the fuck are you talking about? We don't have powers and our parents died in a car crash! Even I hallucinate and see things that other people can't see." I yelled at Maria.

"We do have powers, Kyra. Our mother is Demeter..." Maria said calmly and paused. As she paused her and Maximum's eyes got wide. I felt arms around my waist and heard a voice behind me: "Morning beautiful. I am starving. Where is the food around here." He sat at the table and they still are shocked from Randy. I guess they ignored the 'Randy is awake' part. I grabbed a warm plate that was meant for me from the counter and gave it to him.

As he started eating his food I went to Maximum's ear and whispered, "Stop staring at him like that. Are you scared of him or something? I am going on a walk, alone."

She nodded her head and I walked out the door. On my right there is a vast plain where I came from when I left Egypt. On the left there is a thick forest and in the middle there is a rocky road. I walk toward the forest. I feel a pull toward the forest like it is calling me. I walk through the forest until I reach the clearing and see a woman wearing a green dress with vines and flowers that I haven't seen before.

I walked up to her quietly and I see a glow of green around her. When I am about five feet away from her flowers bloomed around us. Some flowers aren't even suppose to grow here. Like poinsettias, they grow in Mexico. Other flowers that randomly pop into my head like the blue lye, wild tulip, and the friendship rose (which is my favorite flower).

As I am looking at all of the flowers that randomly bloomed the woman turned around and as I looked up. She has warm brown eyes like my mom's and lips like my sister's but they are red as a royal rose. She also has olive colored skin.

"Hello Kyra," said the stranger. I froze. How did she know my name and who is she? I guess that she saw the confusion on my face and walked up to me. She placed a hand on my shoulder and I immediately relax by the smell of fresh cut grass.

"Demeter." I whispered and closed my eyes. I took a few deep breaths for several minutes. As I was doing that a question automatically popped into my head:

"Are you my mom? Since she was an African American and you have olive colored skin."

"I used the mist. I guess that you can see some features that didn't cover enough for you not to see. You are the only child that can truly see through the mist. While Maria can only see some things through the mist. Like a human she wouldn't notice some of the supernatural stuff that is covered by the mist."

"What happened to you when you and dad crashed?"

"The crash was caused by angry gods. I broke the most important rule," when I was about to ask what it was she beat me to it before I even asked, "it is a rule that I was suppose to leave you after birth or after a few years. Your father caught me leaving a couple of times until he finally convinced me to stay. I thought that the gods ignore that rule but I was wrong. They crash the car and I ran away from the scene before anyone saw that I was there. I also erased every memory of me from everything except for-"

"Us." I finished her sentence as a whisper.

"Now since you girls know that you are demigods you should train as hard as you can. Monsters will track you down and try to kill you-" as if on cue a huge dog with black fur that is dark as night that looks like a mastiff and it comes into the clearing. Its glowing red eyes are glaring at us and yellow rotting teeth bared as it growled.

"Hell hound." I whispered.

Demeter stood in front of me defensive and stared down the hound in a challenge like wolves would do. The hell hound was about to pounce and in slow motion my mom told me: "Run!" I turned around to sprint when the hell hound was half way toward us.

I run out of the clearing as I hear my mother, that I haven't seen in a year, fight the beast. As I am running back to the house I hear another one chasing me. 'Well, I guess that he has a friend.' I thought while I run for my life.

When I am almost out of the forest towards the house I see a huge wolf that is about four to five and a half feet tall. It has dark grey fur with a white spot on its nose. I turn to the right and run parallel to the road. 'Now a hell hound is chasing me and a wolf is chasing it. This is getting better and better.' I thought.

I reached a clearing and there was a large boulder blocking my chosen path. The hell hound comes into the clearing and I put my back against the boulder like trapped prey. I feel beats of sweat run down my face and I am hyperventilating. I could hear my heart pumping hard from running and fear.

The hound growled and lunged towards me. In slow motion I see the wolf crash into the black beast and bite down the hound's neck. It whimpered in pain and scratched the large wolf's side. I wince after seeing the scratch was deep and blood is running through its fur.

Before I closed my eyes I realized that the wolf is a male since I now have a closer look at him. I wait till there is silence then I open my eyes slowly. When I do open them I see the wolf in front of me sitting there panting.

I stared into his golden eyes and say, "Thank you."

It looked like the severely injured wolf grinned and then he fell onto his side and didn't move. I went to him quickly and grabbed him. He is very, very heavy. I carried him and started running. I need to tell the others about this and help this wolf who saved me. I am going to save him for saving me.

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