Chapter 18

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When Kyra left we kept watching Randy eating his food. I was lost in thought of what happened to him and what changed him? suddenly he tilted his head as to look at something and he jumped out of his chair and ran out the door. Maximum and I tried to stop him but he is to dang fast. We went outside and saw that he is gone.

"This is not good." Maximum mumbled.

"What isn't good?"

"Randy could be a werewolf."

I gasped. Randy...a werewolf. " can this be a problem?"

Maximum turns to me. "Then you and Kyra could be werewolves also and one of you is Randy's mate. We can't tell Kyra this."


"She was already overwhelmed by learning that see is the daughter of Demeter. Things can go worse if she finds out." I nod my head. I don't think that she would freak out about it but I don't want to risk anything bad happening. I turned and went inside. I walked to my room and on my way I smell wood and pumpkin spice like for Thanksgiving. Weird. I haven't smelled that before. I went to my room and I laid down onto my bed. Before I even thought of anything I fell asleep.


I burst out of the woods and see Maximum staring out into the distance. She is zoned out.

"Hey!!!" I yell and that got her attention and her eyes go wide from what I am carrying-the wolf that saved me of course.

"I need help." I say when I reach her. She opens the door and I walk in. I put the injured wolf on the table and cleared everything off. Maximum left the room to get ointments and lotions to help this poor wolf. I went to a huge black pot that is rectangular full of water. I ripped part of my shirt and found a wooden bowl to fill with water. I walked back to him and cleaned his wounds. He didn't whine nor make a sound as I cleaned the blood of his beautiful dark grey fur. He stared at me while I do this with his piercing golden eyes. They are full of thought and care. When I was finished and was cleaning the blood off the ripped piece Maximum entered the room and immediately put medicine on him. I suddenly felt a pang of jealousy but I don't know why. I just do. 'Good grief. You might be falling in love with a wolf.' I ignore my feelings and finish cleaning my new rag off. I dump the bowl full of blood and water outside onto the ground and go get some more water to clean myself off. I went into Randy's room and I am suddenly hit with the scent of wood and pumpkin spice. It is intoxicating and yet comforting at the same time. 'Mate.' A voice whispers in the back of my head. What? What mate? Who, what, where, and why? When I realized that I am not going to get an answer from the strange voice in my head I continued cleaning the blood off of me. 'Probably that was an hallucination.' I thought as I finished cleaning myself and got dressed in new clothes that I found in the room. It fits me perfectly. I guess that Maximum and I wear the same size. I was about to open the door but then something in my head said, 'Stop and listen.' I stopped and heard Maximum talking to the wolf in the kitchen.

"You remind me of someone that I miss so much. His name is Owen. He is a son of Hephaestus and a werewolf as a mother. I love his werewolf form. It is beautiful like yours except he has orange eyes like fire. Since he is the son of Hephaestus. He fur is black as ash sprinkled with a tinge of orange." She sighs and continues and she is very upset. I can smell the scent of rain and some of Zeus's aura from her. "But I don't want anyone to take him away from me. I would love him forever and as long as I live. Soon I wish that he will let me travel with him instead of making me stuck here."

I hear sobs after that and I feel bad for her and when again I was to go out again as the voice once again said: 'Stop.' Why am I stopping for? Then I realized that she is still talking.

"Then I remember that he isn't mated yet. I don't want that to happen and since you are a werewolf and most likely Kyra and Maria are werewolves that could be Owen's mate." I hear him growl but I sense that he is held down by something. 'Wait. I can sense that? Weird.' I continue to listen to this sad conversation until she said, as I quote:

"I have to kill Kyra and Maria before Owen gets here so he won't ever have a mate. Well, at least for now until he finds one somewhere and never come back to me."

I hear the wolf growl and that was guttural. I silently growl with him. Why would she do that to us?

"But first I have to get rid of the evidence and say that you got an infection and died and I got your hide for new clothes or even my rug." She laughed silently and as she did that the voice in my head screamed: 'Attack!!!' I suddenly, without a single thought, whip open the door and jumped across the room and tackled Maximum. She is holding a knife with shock written on her face.

"Get off me!!!"

"No!!!" I growled.

She tried to stab me but I grab the knife and threw it away from her. After I threw it Maria came out of her room and the knife hit the door frame with a thud. Her eyes became wide and green looking towards us fighting. She walks towards us and her eyes become a deep shade of green. The room starts to smell like rosemary.


"What are you doing?" she bellowed.

"She is trying to kill us, Maria. I heard the whole conversation." I said as I moved away from her immediately. And I know what is going to happen next. Maria raised her arm toward the dead plant on the counter across the room. The plant became a healthy shade of green and grew very quickly. The vine grew towards Maximum and before she can run the plant had her in a hold against the wooden floor like a starfish on a rock. I had never seen Maria this mad. But I remember that whenever she was really angry her eyes would turn a shade green and a smell of rosemary would spread across the room. The wolf that was strapped on the table whined quietly that it was barely audible. I remember one time when she was mad it was at home when we were little and we were fighting for a doll. Her eyes got a shade of green and there was a dead rose in the room and it grew back and it didn't die until our parents died. Which was about 13 years.

"Why are you trying to kill us?" Maria yelled.

"So you don't steal Owen from me!" Maximum snapped back.

"We won't ever take him from you and you know that."

"But you don't even know if it is your choice."

"I don't LOVE him, Maximum!"

"Um...guys may I ask what are you talking about?" I say cautiously since I don't want to get onto her bad side. Plus she hasn't used this power ever since the rose incident. We might need to work on that.

"I will tell you later but now I might as well break her neck." Maria hissed. Yep. She is out of control and we need to get her out of here.

"Maria, maybe we should go and leave this time period. Plus things can't get any worst than this." I say as I walk to the wolf and took of the straps that held him down. When I was about to walk toward the door it opened. It was Owen who entered the house wide eyed.


Hey guys I am sorry. I publish this chapter but it was out of order and so I had to delete it. And start it all over. I edited all of the other chapters and made them a little better. I am also sorry for taking so long to just finish this. School, and other activities make it hard for me to type my book. So I hope you liked it. Comment, Follow, and Vote!!!😜

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