Chapter 25

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I am looking through my cameras watching Maria with Theo. I don't like him near Maria at all. She is my mate not his! He can't be her mate! Ugh! I bet that I can separate them by morning while they do their goodbyes.

I leave the security room and wall down the halls that has red orange walls with clocks from different ages and time periods. I walk until I see the door with a roman number of ten (X) that is carved onto the nice smooth oak.

I then open the door and walk into my room which my walls are black while my carpet is a dark gray. My bed is a queens size bed with a black cover that has fancy designs that are in white. I lay onto my bed and look onto the night stand that has a white piece of paper that has the prophecy on it:

A wolf who walks through time alone,

Shall destroy moments of the ages,

As a small pack shall find things that were erased,

Looking for all that was lost and loved.

The daughter of nature shall rise,

And bring everything to attack,

The evil who has ruined memories,

Then blood will repaint history,

As a sacrifice for the ancient gods of ancient stories.

Remembering the day when Hermes went with me when I went to the oracle and Hermes fell asleep while we were waiting for the oracle to meet us. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I wrote it on a piece of paper so I wouldn't forget it to see if I could solve it but I hadn't forgotten it nor understood it.

Once Delphi, the oracle, left Hermes woke up and wanted to know what the prophecy was and I just gave him a mini one that wasn't as long as this one. Just in cause he went with me for a reason. I am just lucky enough that they haven't tried to kill me yet.

I yawn and realize that I am actually very tired. How long have I been up? Oh well. I get into bed and clap my hands to turn off the lights and went to sleep.


I open my eyes and feel warm arms around me. I look behind me and see Theo sleeping next to me. I guess he fell asleep next to me when I fell asleep. I knew he was tired but he should've gone to his bunk but I don't mind. Theo looks peaceful in his sleep and a little happy. I then smell food and automatically looked at the tray of warm food for breakfast. I slowly try to get out of bed but Theo pulls me closer.

I freeze and wait until Theo relaxes his grip on me and try again and again. This probably went on for about...I don't hour. This is ridiculous! I'm pretty sure that the food is cold now and I don't really like food cold.

"Theo!" I whispered harshly at him.

"What?" Theo says sleepily.

"Can you let me go and eat the food that is on the floor cold?"


"Why not? I am terribly hungry since I didn't really eat much dinner last night since it was splattered all over my face, remember?"

I feel Theo shaking from laughter. "Yes, I also remember the expression on your face that was covered with mash potatoes and gravy."

Yep. Last nights dinner was mostly on my face from a guard throwing the tray into the cell. Unfortunately, I was the poor victim of food covering my beautiful face. Luckily, there is a sink in here so I could wash my face. Theo lets go of me and allowed me to get out of the bed.

"Thank you, sir." I say teasing.

"Your welcome, madam." Theo replied.

I went to the food and see lots of choices. Better than it was for lunch and dinner. I grab the bacon and eat them quickly to diminish my hunger. Once I ate all of the bacon, boiled eggs, grapes, and half the apple juice that was when Theo stopped me from having some more food before I regretted it. It was a good thing because my stomach was about full. Theo ate his share of the food and that is when everything gone wrong.

A guard walked to our cell and opens the door. I thought that we were free but I was totally wrong. The guard grabs his stick that was on his tool belt and was about to hit Theo. That was when everything inside me told me to jump and I did.

I tackle the guard and he throws me across the room. I then slam my backside against the wall and lay motionless watching the guard grab Theo and leave the cell pulling on his curly brown hair. Theo tried to trip him but he failed to do so and he watched me until he left out of sight with a sad face. I feel a tear go down my face as I watch him taken away from me. Now I am alone in this dirty cell.

"" I whisper before I blacked out.


I am dragged away in pain from this man pulling my hair. I try to trip him again but he jumped and kept going. We went around a corner to the left and the man made me slide to the wall and the corner hits my side and I feel some of my ribs snap. My hands automatically go to the area where the most pain is.

Once the vile guard stops he lets go of my hair and put a foot on my chest to make sure I wouldn't escape. He opens the cell door and throws me in there. I slide against the floor and hear the guard locking the door and walk away laughing evilly.

"Bitch." I mumble to myself.

I am so angry. Why did they have to separate me from Maria? We did nothing wrong! Maybe Owen had something to do with this. That scumbag! I wish that I could tear him apart piece by piece and hear his screams of pain. That would be music to my ears.

I try to phase but something is keeping me from doing it. I don't know what it is but I don't like it one bit. I wonder if Maria is okay since she hit the wall hard from that douche.

'Maria?' I say through the link.

I hear nothing on the other end and that's when I start to panic. I try and try again with nothing on the other side. Now I am truly alone and this will be a long while. I get up from the floor and wince in pain from my ribs and walk carefully to the bed and lay down. I hope Maria is okay and in better shape than I am in at the moment.

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