Chapter 7

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"You still owe that winning kiss," I heard from behind me as I got out of my car. I turned around to see Austin leaning against the hood of his Porsche.

"Stalking me now?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

Austin laughed. "I'm waiting for Liam." Liam was one of Austin's teammates.

"Well in that case don't let me keep you," I smiled locking my car door.

"Violet wait!" Austin called. I turned to face him. "I still need to take you out remember, that was the agreement you came the game and I took you out."

"I thought it was if I came the game you'd win,"

"Why must you be so difficult?" He smirked.

"The best ones are always the hardest to get," I laughed jokingly, flicking my hair over my shoulder like the sassy queen that I am.

"They most certainly are," he mumbled.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Calum's car drive into the parking lot. Without even saying bye to Austin I ran towards to where Calum normally parked, praying he hadn't saw who I was talking to.

"Hey," he smiled getting out his car. I let out a breath I didn't even realised I had been holding in. He hadn't saw.

"Hey," I said hopping onto the bonnet of his car. "We should do something,"


"I don't know, but we should. I still feel bad that you missed the concert." I sighed.

"I'll see if I can find another one," he smiled.

We walked into school together and I could feel Austin staring at me. Ignoring him I followed Calum to the lunch hall. We must have been later than usual because the bell went almost strait away. "I have Spanish," I sighed before walking off.

I took my seat at the back of the class and placed my head onto the desk. When sir began to ramble about the weather I closed my eyes. "Violet, may I speak with you for a moment?" Sir asked.

I lifted my head from the desk to see Mr Lewis sitting at his desk. Standing up, I made my way over. He gestured for me to sit down on the chair next to him so I did. He spoke in a hushed tone. "I do understand that you are at a much higher level than the rest of the class and you can get bored of my lessons,"

I didn't say anything, I just looked at my hands in my lap.

"But you have to understand Violet that although you're Spanish abilities are incredible, the rest of the class have the same ability of most children your age so I'm not going at a slower pace despite what you may believe, in fact sometimes I try and speed easy things up so that you have something to do."

I made eye contact. What could I say? 'Yeah you're right all your lessons bore me,' instead I remained quiet.

"I was thinking... Well me and Miss Saunders were talking and if it's okay with you, she suggested that you attend one of the seniors lessons once a week. The lessons would challenge you more and she is an amazing teacher, I'm sure that she could provide you with something that would be harder then the work you'd get in this class, I know it would still be easy for you but at least it would be harder than this class,"

"Really?" I asked, I would do anything to get out of this boring class even if it was only once a week.

"Yes, once a week instead of coming here you'd go next door, we decided only once a week so that you wouldn't get too far ahead on next years curriculum because then you'd just be bored next year."

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