Chapter 15

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Authors note: OMG I am so so sorry about the wait. I didn't even realise it had been this long. I promise there won't be as much of a wait for the next chapter.

Barely opening my eyes, I let out a loud groan. Pain instantly rushed to my head, only making me groan again. What the hell happened last night?? The last thing I remembered was the fight with Kim and then nothing. Seriously how can your mind go completely blank? I took in my surroundings noticing that I was in my room. Well thank god for that! But how the hell did I get home? Oh my god I bet I embarrassed myself last night.

My body ached as I pulled myself from my bed. This was the most hungover I had ever been in my entire life. I began to shuffle my way to the bathroom, my comforter wrapped tightly around me. Suddenly, my foot connected with something on the floor. Being the graceful swan that I am, I tumbled and fell on top of what ever was on the floor. The object beneath me let out a huge groan. I froze, what on earth in my room would make that noise?

"What the hell?" A very tired sounding Austin asked rubbing his eyes.

"Oh my god what are you doing here?" I said a bit too loud which made my headache even worse. "Oww my head,"

"You got drunk last night and I didn't want to leave you alone," he mumbled sitting up from the floor. There was a thin blanket wrapped around him and he had taken a pillow from my bed to rest his head on.

"Oh god," I complained covering my face with my hands. "Wait, why are you asleep on my floor?"

Austin let out a sigh, trying to avoid my eye contact. "There was a little situation...."

"Go on..." I pressed cautiously.

"You sort of triedtosleepwithme," he said rushing the last bit.

I felt my face pale of colour. No no no no no. I was praying to God I was still drunk and was hearing things. "W-what?"

"Look Violet it doesn't matter you were drunk," he said quickly standing up.

"Oh my god, this is so embarrassing, no I can't," I said trying to bolt out of the room.

Austin grabbed my wrist. "Wait Violet, just hear me out. You had a rough night and a little too much to drink. Seriously please don't worry about it,"

"You literally had to sleep on the floor to get away from me and protect yourself,"

Austin chuckled. "God no you've got it all wrong. The reason I slept on the floor wasn't to protect me, it was to protect you. I don't take advantage of girls and anything we would have done would have been taking advantage of you. I slept on the floor to stop myself from doing anything I would regret,"

I smiled at him, relieved. Then I was once again met with the pain of somebody smacking 10 hammers into my head repeatedly. Placing my hand against my throbbing forehead I winced.

"Has somebody got a little bit of a hangover?" Austin teased. Flipping him off, I sat on the edge of my bed and rubbed my head hoping this pain would soon stop.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

Austin reached behind him and pulled out hie phone from the back pocket of his jeans. "7:15,"

"Oh my god, I cannot go to school like this." I wined.

"Go get a shower," he said lightly pushing me in the direction of the bathroom. I nodded at his request as I heard the beautiful melody of my shower calling my name. As soon as I locked the door I practically ripped the clothes off of my body and jumped into the shower. The hot water running down my body and relaxing all of my muscles.

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