Chapter 16

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"So I've told my mom you'll come for dinner on Thursday okay? And before you ask, Calum has a 2 hour band practice that night and then they're going for food or something after so that gives us like 3 and a half hours," Austin said throwing his arm around my shoulder as I placed my books into my locker. 

I groaned. "What if she doesn't like me?" I asked chewing on my bottom lip.

"Violet shut up, my mother has known you for like 2 years, she already loves you. Like I'm not kidding all she ever does is talk about how happy she is that I've 'found a nice girl'," He laughed using his fingers to make quotation marks.

"Okay so it's not going to be THAT bad but I'm still nervous,"

"Don't be, she loves you, trust me." He promised, kissing the top of my head lightly.

Laughing, I playfully shoved him off me. Rolling his eyes at me Austin simply threw his arm around my shoulder again. We began walking to Spanish, the only lesson we shared. I slumped into the seat I usually sat in durning this lesson. To my surprise, the chair next me was pulled out as a body fell into the seat. I turned around to see Austin leaning back in the chair.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow as if I was completely insane. "Sitting in a Spanish lesson,"

"Okay sherlock, I got that part. What I don't get is why you are sitting here. You normally sit in front of me with your friend,"

Austin rolled his eyes at me. "Yeah and now I'm sitting in the seat next to you,"

"Don't you want to sit next to your friend though?"

"Nope, I want to sit next to my girlfriend and see how good she actually is at Spanish. Personally I don't think you will be THAT good," he smirked, teasing me.

"Sure," was all I said rolling my eyes.


"This is hard!" Austin groaned waving about the worksheet we had been given.

"What one are you stuck on?" I asked.

"Number 2, I've been stuck on it for the last 5 minutes,"

I grabbed his sheet and filled in the answer wordlessly before continuing to quickly fill in the answers on my sheet.

"And number 3," Austin said. I repeated the same action of scribbling the answer down. I got back to my work and Austin paused for a second. "And number 4..."

I laughed at him. "I'm not doing all your work, I've only got 3 left give me a second and I'll help you, emphasis on the word help," I told him.

"Only 3 left?! Violet theres like 50 questions on this thing!"

"There's 43 and I told you I'm practically fluent Spanish," I said not even looking up from my paper.

"Okay well I take back what I said about you not being that good at Spanish, you could probably teach it,"

"Andddddd done," I said placing my pen down and turning to face Austin. "Now what did you need help on?"

Austin huffed. "All of it! The only one I've actually managed to do is number 1,"

I glanced at his paper and bit the inside of my mouth. "And you've sorta got number 1 wrong," I said trying to contain my laugher.

Austin shot me a glare which only made me laugh more. "Stop laughing!" he exclaimed but I could tell he was trying to stop the smirk creeping onto his face.

"But it's funny," I giggled.

"Just help me will you," he grumbled. I took a second to compose myself before explaining each question to Austin. For the really hard ones I just give him the answer. Just as he finished the last question the bell rang, the rest of the class quickly packed up leaving me and Austin. Placing both worksheets onto the teachers desk I made my way to the door behind Austin.

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