Chapter 25

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Authors note: This chapter isn't one of my favourites. I don't love the way it's written so sorry for that. Still, I hope you enjoy it also I know how controversial outfits can be on wattpad but I personally love this dress although I'm sure some of you will hate it 😂😂 if you really hate it just imagine your own but let me know in the comments what dress you would pick.

"Okay seriously what is up with you?" Austin asked for the millionth time.

"Nothing, really," I said unconvincingly. The truth was I was in pain. Not physical pain but pain all the same. I hadn't spoke to Calum since Robyn's house on Saturday, it was now Thursday.

I had skipped school on Monday and Calum hadn't showed up on Tuesday or Wednesday. Now I was sat outside with Austin, doing my best to avoid seeing Calum.

The whole thing was a mess; I was currently pretending to have a headache so I could sit outside away from everyone else but Austin insisted on not leaving me alone. He knew something was wrong, a blind man could see I was ready to burst into tears at any given moment.

There was no way I could tell anyone what Calum had said. Austin would be beyond furious and I can't imagine Robyn being too pleased either. The only solution I could come up with at the minute was to try and avoid everyone. Obviously this was an awful plan but it was the best I had for now.

This plan was destined for failure since it was Robyn's sister's wedding on Saturday and even with my ninja skills I doubted I could avoid my friends the whole night.

That reminded me.

"Hey what are you doing this Saturday?" I asked Austin.

"Nothing, why?"

"Wanna be my plus one to a wedding?"

"Sure, if you tell me what is going on,"

I sighed, he was impossible. "Look it really is nothing, I had an argument with Calum so I'm just trying to avoid him until things calm down,"

Austin raised his eyebrow as if he hadn't expected me to actually tell him what was wrong.

"Okay... What was the argument about?"

I bit my lip, avoiding eye contact. "Nothing really," I lied.

The look on Austin's face told me that he didn't believe me in the slightest but he didn't press.

"So anyway will you come... Please," I all but begged. It would be a little bit more bearable if I had Austin with me.

Austin held back a smirk, his eyes full of mischief. "Hmmmmm let me think,"

"Austin," I wined, pouting slightly.

He rolled his eyes at me. "I would love to be your date,"

"Hey are we interrupting something?" A voice asked, approaching us.

"Don't look now but its your entourage," I teased.

"Seriously guys do you have a tracker on me or something?" Austin asked.

"You wish," Charlie said sitting besides us, Liam following closely behind.

"So how did your tests go? Did you pass?" I asked referring to the new rule that all basketball players had to be passing their classes in order to compete. Also this was a good way to steer the conversation away from mine and Calum's argument.

"I think it's safe to say I'm the smartest person in the school," Charlie boasted.

Liam scoffed at this. "You just about scraped a C in Physics, calm down Einstein,"

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