Chapter 22

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"Okay so I've finally decided who I want to go and see," Robyn announced sitting besides me. Both me and Calum raised our eyebrows, quickly glancing at one another to see if we had any idea what Robyn was talking about. We didn't.

"What?" We asked in unison.

Robyn rolled her eyes. "When I went to that stupid concert in the cold..." she said as if that made it any clearer.

"Robyn you've lost me," I mumbled.

"Calum promised to take me to see who ever I wanted if I went to that concert with you,"

"Oh yeah, wow that was like 3 months ago Robyn how can you expect me to remember," Calum laughed.

"Yeah so I found somebody online selling Harry Styles tickets but the concert is out of town so we'd have to stay overnight. So anyway I've bought the tickets and you can pay for the hotel room,"

Calum groaned. "Are you really going to make me do this?"

"Yes! You promised! The concert is in a week and a half so you better get looking for room," and with that she made her dramatic exit to the lunch line.

"Violet," Calum whined.

"You do know there is literally nothing I can do to help you," I giggled.

"Is there no way I can get out of it?" He pouted.

"Not if you want to continue breathing," I smiled giving him a good luck pat on the back.

For the rest of lunch, Calum and I had to endure Robyn tell us every little detail of the concert from the set list to what shirt Harry was probably going to wear. When the bell went both me and Calum practically leapt from our seats, for once thankful it was lesson time.

Unfortunately for me it was a lesson I shared with Robyn and I wasn't sure if I could cope with any more Harry Styles talk. And to make things worse, we had math. Hmmm, go to math or throw myself off the school roof?? Choices choices.

Robyn made the decision for me when she grabbed my arm and dragged me kicking and screaming towards the classroom. Well maybe I'm being dramatic but that's what I was doing on the inside.

With a groan I slumped down into a seat at the back, Robyn sat next to me looking too happy for a math lesson, no doubt Harry Styles on her mind.

"How much do you think Calum will hate it?" She giggled pulling out a math book from her bag.

"On a scale of 1 to 10?" I laughed. "12,"

"Oh come on it's not going to be that bad,"

"True, Harry Styles has got more of a 'indie' sound now but it will still be full of fangirling teenage girls, not really Calum's scene,"

"Well he promised so there's not a lot he can do!"

I smiled at Robyn as our teacher walked into the room, dropping his briefcase on the desk with a bang in a bid to get the class's attention. To be completely honest I had no idea why Calum had agreed to accompany Robyn to the concert. I knew it was for my benefit but I didn't understand why he'd do that, it wasn't like my life depended on going to that concert.

Then again if he hadn't have agreed I might not have ever spoken to Austin so I was thankful.

It was safe to say that math wasn't my strong suit, nor was is Robyn's. We spent half the lesson trying to pay attention but it was clear that wasn't working. I was chewing the bottom of my pen, pinching my thigh every few minutes to wake myself up, while Robyn played with the end of her hair, tapping her leg up and down.

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