Chapter 23

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Admitting I was ready to Austin was arguably one of the most stupid things I had ever done. Don't get me wrong I was ready and I wanted to be with Austin in an... urmm... intimate way but telling him out of the blue like that was idiotic. I was completely on edge. When would it happen? Where would it happen?

I should have told him when we were alone in his house where we could have actually done it rather than have me jump at the slightest contact my body made with Austin's. Yesterday in one of our Spanish tutoring classes he pushed some hair behind my ear and I practically crumbled to the ground.

The whole thing in general was stressful. I found myself constantly shaving and wearing matching underwear everyday so I was prepared. Seriously, the anticipation was going to put me in an early grave. Cause of death: waiting for sexy time with Austin Hendrix.

"What are you thinking about?" Calum asked raising his eyebrow at me.

I held in a laugh, biting my lip. "You really don't want to know," I mumbled.

Another thing that had been difficult this week was forgetting about the Calum shower incident. Although I doubted he had forgotten about it, he hadn't told anyone. Neither did I, I mean can you imagine how that conversation would go? 'Hey how was your week? Good. Mine? Oh I just saw my male best friend and boyfriend's brother naked in the shower, no biggie.'

The first time I saw him after the shower fiasco had been awkward to say the least, poor Robyn had no idea why the both of us practically sprinted to class when the bell went.

Anyway back to the issue at hand. Austin Hendrix.

Maybe I should talk to him about it so I would have a rough idea of when to be ready. On the other hand nothing made my skin crawl more than the idea of having a set date and time to lose my virginity. I know that's what a lot of people do but that just wasn't for me. I mean what if I felt sick that day? Or came on my period?

"What's up with her?" Robyn asked coming to sit besides Calum.

"Beats me, she's been staring off into space for the past 5 minutes," Calum grumbled.

"Earth to Violet!"

I was shoved so hard I had to grab the table to stop myself falling face first onto the floor.


"Oh thank god, she's back with us," Robyn said dramatically. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously Violet what's with you? Any particular reason you were off to La La Land?"

I bit my lip. "Nope, no particular reason at all,"

With a wave of her hand she dismissed the previous conversation. "Okay so the concert is in 2 days," she said bouncing up and down like a 2 year old in dire need of the lavatory.

"Lucky me," Calum groaned earning a smack on the back of the head from Robyn.

When it was time to get to class Calum and I slowly walked to Biology. Emphasis on the word SLOWLY. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about photosynthesis for an hour.

"She's actually really excited for the concert you know," I laughed.

"Yeah I know, I guess I should stop raining on her parade a little,"

I nodded my head. "You've just got to bite the bullet and be the biggest Harry Styles fan ever," I teased.

It seems like Robyn was teaching Calum her ways because no sooner had the words come out of my mouth when Calum lightly hit me on the back of the head.

God, my friends are aggressive.


"Who peed in your cereal this morning?" I asked a very grumpy looking Austin.

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