Bonus Chapter

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Authors note: Although the majority of people wanted an Austin ending I felt bad for my Calum shippers so this chapter is for you, sorry it's only short.

This was my original ending before I started writing this story. This is the last thing I have planned for Violet for now but I may come back to the story later on and do some chapters another characters POV's so who's POV would you guys want to see and about what? In the meantime I have some other ideas for other books so keep your eyes out. Bye for now, enjoy x

"You knew," I mumbled as I felt Austin's presence behind me.

"Violet please," Austin pleaded, looking desperate for me to hear him out.

"No! You knew this whole time and yet you didn't even give me a hint that Calum had feelings for me, not even a 'hey Violet I think Calum might have a crush on you'!"

"I didn't know for sure," he mumbled scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Bullshit! He's your goddamn brother of course you knew!" How could he not know! How could I not know? How much of an idiot was I to be so oblivious to his feelings. He had liked me for over 2 years for crying out loud. He must have been so upset when he found out about Austin and I, not to mention all those times me and Robyn gossiped about him.

"Violet calm down,"

"No you know what, I can't do this right now!" I said fishing out my car keys from my pocket. How could Austin not tell me! He let me rub this relationship in Calum's face for months without so much as saying a word. "How could you just not tell me?!" I shouted, voicing my thoughts.

I stormed towards my car but Austin quickly caught up and grabbed my shoulders to stop me from moving any further. "Violet, he never told me, I never had any proof and besides even if I did definitely know it was his choice not to tell you not mine. How does that make me the bad guy?"

I took a deep breath. "It doesn't, it just might make you the wrong one,"


The only place I could think of Calum going was the place where his band rehearsed. Much to my disappointment it was empty and Calum being the pain in the ass he was had turned his phone off. I had banged on the door so hard it was a shock it didn't come off of it's hinges.

I was about to give up hope and slam my head against a brick wall when I saw a flyer littering the ground. When I picked it up I gasped.



No. No. No.

It couldn't be. I was seeing things. I needed glasses. I was going blind. The flyer was for Calum's band in some club. He was having his first show and hadn't told me. This really hurt; did he not want me there?

My eyes widened even more when I saw that said show was tonight, right now to be exact. He had to go on stage feeling like crap after all this had happened.

Why didn't he tell me about the show? Holding back tears I got back into my car and drove to the club on the flyer. I didn't care if he didn't want me there, I needed to see him. By the time I got there I could already hear loud music bouncing from the small building. After paying for a ticket I was greeted by a crowd making it virtually impossible to reach the front where the band was and I desperately needed to be closer to Calum.

My head was a mess right now; I didn't know what I was thinking or feeling. Did I have feelings for Calum? I had never thought of him that way but was that because I thought he only saw me as a friend. So what now?

My heart broke into tiny little pieces when I finally saw Calum. He looked a mess, completely out of it. His hair stuck up in different directions, messier than it usually was. He looked so sad, in fact the whole band looked in a mood. No doubt Calum had told them what had happened.

"And now, Calum is going to sing a song he wrote," Danny said into the microphone before stepping back, making room for Calum.

"I wrote this song a while ago, enjoy," was all Calum said before strumming out a tune on his guitar, he was avoiding looking out into the audience, his gaze remained solely on his guitar.

I was pushing myself through the crowd when I froze, listening to the lyrics as Calum began to sing.

"I'm in love with you

You're not in love with me

You're in love with him

Baby can't you see

He's with you all the time

Wishing you were mine

Baby can't you see,"

Was he singing about me? No he couldn't me. Calum wouldn't write a song about just me.

Everything was a blur as I pushed my way to the front, ready to drop kick anyone who said anything to me. The second verse talked about when we first met and brought tears to my eyes. Did he really love me this much?

Calum was halfway through the second chorus when he spotted me. It was like time stopped when our eyes met. Calum stopped everything he was doing and just stared at me. This confused the band. I mean Calum had literally stopped singing and was staring into the audience like he had seen a ghost. If I were them I'd be confused too.

It didn't take long for them to spot me making everything click. The crowd around me also quickly realised Calum was staring directly at me and began to move away allowing me to walk closer to the stage.

I felt every pair of eyes in the room on me but the only ones that mattered were the brown ones directly in front of me.

"Did you mean what you said?" I shouted up to Calum.

Without taking his eyes off of me Calum jumped down from the stage and came to stand in front of me.

"I'm sorry for just-"

I shushed him. "Was that song about me?

Calum looked down at the ground sheepishly and gave a small nod. "Yeah"

I reached for Calum's shoulders, causing him to look up at me. "What the hell took you so long?" I mumbled before slamming his lips onto my own.

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