Chapter 27

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Authors note: Well this is it, the final chapter. I would like to thank every single person who has voted, commented or even opened the book. I started this book nearly 3 years ago, not even having the intensions to post it on wattpad, I was just writing when I got bored. When I did upload it I barley expected it to get to 100 reads but now I'm nearly at 24k reads!! I know that's not a lot compared to other books but for me it's more than I ever could have hoped for.

Every reader means so much to me but i'd like to especially thank @MelloStories for being here since the very early stages of the book and honestly motivating me to write.

I hope you all have enjoyed Violet's story as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

"Violet," Austin's voice said slowly as he neared me. I was still frozen as I stared at the now empty street Calum had just driven down.

"You knew," I stated, not even making an attempt to move and look at Austin.

"Violet," he repeated. I span on my heels to fix him with a harsh glare.

"You knew!" I said with more anger. He knew! He knew all this time and didn't even think to give me a little heads up. Oh god, Calum must have felt like I was rubbing this relationship in his face. He must have felt so shit.

"We never spoke about it," Austin said quietly, looking at the ground as if my stare was physically causing him harm, as if I was medusa and he would instantly turn to stone if we made eye contact.

"Yeah but you must have had a feeling! An inkling! He's your god damn brother surely you would have had a hunch!" I threw my head into my hands dramatically, thinking about every interaction I have ever had with Calum and wondering how I could have possibly be so stupid. Then a thought occurred to me. "Is that why he doesn't like you?"

"Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. I always thought he was a little bitter towards me but it got more intense when we started dating. I'm guessing you had a crush on you before we started dating? That would explain the bitterness,"

I gulped remembering all the times I had declared my undying love for Austin in front of Calum. Austin nodded slowly, understanding.

"Oh my god," I whispered. Calum had been in love with me for over 2 years and for the past few months he had to watch me in a relationship with his own goddamn brother! "I need to talk to him," I said quickly pulling out my phone and finding Calum's number.

"Violet I don't think that is a good idea right now," Austin said calmly as he made a move to take my phone.

"You do not get to tell me what to do! Not right now!" I snapped. I probably shouldn't have taken my anger out on Austin but I was frustrated. Frustrated with myself, frustrated with Austin, frustrated with Calum. Hell I was even frustrated with Robyn for being just as oblivious as me.

Of course Calum didn't answer my calls. Seriously what was the point in him even having a phone if he was never answer it?

Where could he have gone?

I couldn't just leave it; I needed to talk to him now. Who would know where Calum was? I racked my brains thinking for anyone who would have an idea.

The next person I called didn't seem very happy to hear my voice.



"Yeah, do you know where Calum is?" I asked sounding more than desperate.

There was a pause sown the line, it sounded like Lucas took a sharp intake of breath. "You don't know where he is?"

I was so close to shouting that if I did know where Calum was the last thing would be doing is calling Lucas and asking this question but I knew this would only result in Lucas ending the call so I bit my tongue. But come on, it was a stupid question.

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