Chapter 18

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Writers block sucks :(

"Violet remember that your dad comes home tonight and he'll be here for 2 weeks," my mom smiled at me as she grabbed her car keys.

"So we'll have a family meal in the same place we go every time he's home? Got it," I said saluting her before rolling my eyes and continuing to shove cereal into my mouth.

"Violet drop the attitude," my mom scolded.

"What time does he get home?"

"About 8 so make sure you're home for then," she told me. "Okay well I've got to get to work, I'll see you when you get home from school," she said kissing the top of my head before leaving.

Dropping my bowl in the sink, I pulled out my phone and checked the time. Austin would be here any minute. I shoved my feet into a pair of converse and grabbed my school bag from the bottom of the stairs just in time to hear a car horn beeb from outside. Knowing it was Austin I made my way outside and locked the front door behind me before walking over to Austin's car.

He had a huge smirk on his face as I walked towards him. "Hey gorgeous," he said as I got in the car.

I rolled my eyes at his comment and playfully shoved him in his shoulder. "Hey,"

"So after school I was thinking about grabbing some ice cream and going the beach, what do you think?"

"That sounds great!" I paused. "My dad comes back tonight,"

Austin let out a frustrated groan from besides me. "So I'm guessing that means I can't take you to school anymore,"

"It's only for 2 weeks," I said quietly.

"What would happen if you... told him?" Austin asked slowly, knowing this was a difficult subject for me.

"I honestly don't know," I groaned throwing my head on the dash board dramatically.

"Violet," Austin called, it sounded like he was struggling to talk to me about this. "Can you just try to tell him about me, I'm not trying to make you do anything you really don't want to do but I would really like to meet him and to be honest I don't like this sneaking around stuff,"

"I'll try," I almost whispered.

A smile lit up Austin's face. "That's all I ask,"


"Violet can I speak to you for a second?" Miss Saunders called as I was leaving the Spanish room.

I slowed my pace, letting other students pass me. Austin raised his eyebrows at me but I just shrugged in return, I had no idea why she wanted to talk to me. Miss Saunders waited until the last student had left the room before she spoke. For the record, that last student was Austin, I think he thought that if he was slow enough miss Saunders might let him stay so he could hear what she wanted to talk to me about.

"Violet," she began, perching herself on the corner of her desk. "I have noticed how well you excel in my lessons,"

"Thank you," I said as a nervously fiddled with the strap of my bag.

"There's not a lot I can teach you since your knowledge is already so great so I had an idea,"

I nodded for her to continue.

"How would you feel about tutoring?"

"Tutoring?" I repeated.

"Yes, during some of your Spanish lessons I thought that you could do one on one sessions with some of the students who...." she thought about her next words. "Struggle with the language," she said carefully. "If you agree to this I could give you some extra credit and it would be amazing on your college application,"

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