Chapter 14

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while but I had writers block. I've literally this minute finished this chapter so I hope you enjoy :-)

I waved goodbye to my dad as he jumped into his cab which was headed back to the airport. Letting out a sight of relief I walked back into the house. Don't get me wrong I wasn't a horrible person who hated my dad or anything but I had more freedom with him gone.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket.

"Hey, is he gone yet?" Austin asked.

"Yeah he just left,"

"Okay I'll pick you up in 5 minutes,"

"You really don't have to take me to school you know, I have a perfectly good car here,"

"Violet we've talked about this, you're my girlfriend and I like giving my girlfriend a ride to school so I'll be there in 5 minutes," he laughed ending the call.

I rolled my eyes, he was so stubborn. "Who was that?" My mom asked following me inside.

"Austin," I replied casually, not wanting my mom to over react.

"Really! That boy is so cute! I need to meet him and now your dad has left there's nothing stopping us,"

I face palmed. "Mom no!"

"Violet yes! As your mother it's my job to meet and judge your boyfriend, so please invite him to diner,"

"He's busy,"

"I didn't even say what day,"

"He's busy everyday until the end of eternity,"


"Gotta go," I said as I heard Austin's car pull up outside.

"Hey," Austin said kissing my cheek as I plonked myself down into the passenger seat of his car.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Is that your mom?" Austin asked. I looked at him confused until I saw where Austin was looking and he was right, my mom was walking towards us.

"Austin drive!"

He let out a low chuckle. "Violet I'm not driving away from your mom,"

"Why not?! She's just coming to embarrass me please drive away,"

But it was too late, mom had already made her way to Austin's window. Austin wound down his window so he could hear what she was saying.

"So Austin no matter how many times I ask my daughter she's refuses to ask so I guess I've got to do it for myself. Would you like to come for dinner tonight?"

Mom! What was she doing? Did she really want the hottest guy in school to break up with me. She probably only wanted him to come over so she could show him embarrassing photos and tell him stories that would make me want to crawl into a ball and die.  

Austin laughed. "I would love to,"

"No Austin remember you have that urmmm thing, he's busy," I rambled.

"Actually Violet that thing was cancelled so I'm free tonight," he smirked.

"Well that's great then! Is 6 okay?"

"That would be great Mrs Benson, me and Violet are going to go to the football game after school so we'll come over as soon as it's finished,"

"We are?" I asked.

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