Big Bad Wolf

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It had been a week since Rick called round to speak to Daryl and things were tense to say the very least, everyone felt uncertain, scared, determined, and ready, it was a weird mixture of different emotions. Tina wasnt even sure what the plan actually was and nor Carol or Maggie really quizzed her it was that uncertain.

Daryl however, seemed so determined to rid the new world of Negan it was all he could think about, Tina could tell as he scoffed down dinner he was thinking about Negan, when he was on a run he was thinking about Negan and when they would lie in bed at night, Tina would fall asleep while Daryl lay awake thinking about Negan. It was comforting to know how much Daryl was willing to protect the group but even Rick had cracked a few smiles in the interim, Daryl however..

Tina rose from bed, fed Poppy, got dressed and headed downstairs to start breakfast, aimlessly gazing out the window she watched Rosita crying quietly at Abraham's graveside, it pained her when she imagined her life had it of been Daryl. Without realising Tina had overflowed the saucepan with water as she daydreamed at the graveside scene "dammit" she cursed as she turned off the faucet and wiped the sides.

"Daryl?" She called out convinced she heard the door slam as she cleared up the water. Calling out for him again she realised he had just gone out without saying a word. Sighing, Tina carried on with her business, except made breakfast for one.

Carol came over to help Tina look after Poppy which she was relieved about as Tina was desperate to see Rick and see what was going on with Daryl and if possible he could talk some sense into him. "Rosita was at his graveside again this morning" Tina spoke motioning out the window as Carol listened "same time, same position, every day" Tina noted, "Daryl, he just seems so determined with all this I dont think he will solve it on his own, im not doubting his capabilities but if Negan can take down Abraham while the others are forced to not move who knows what else he can do?" Tina confessed her concern "I have all the faith in Rick and Daryl solving this,  just give it some time" Carol reassured, Tina shook her head at Carol's niceness, Carol was a lioness in Tina's eyes, protective of her cubs and motherly but mess with any of them and her and she will rip you to shreds, just that this lioness will bide her time strategically , and when she pounces you better run.

"Im going to go speak to Rick before he ups and leaves too" Tina said standing up and leaving Carol.

As she walked over to his place she noted the town of Alexandria was eerily quiet, it was never like this even when the weather was bad. This was big. Her knocking on Rick's door sent echoes through the town it felt like she was the last person around.

"Rick, can we talk?" Tina asked pleadingly as Rick allowed her to come in and offered her to sit in the kitchen where he was drawing up some plans, he cleared them away before Tina could have a good sneaky peek. "Whats the matter Teen?" He asked sounding fed up "its Daryl, he just upped and left this morning, speeding out of here as fast as he could and I know you know what he is up to and I need you to tell me....please" she pleaded, gulping down the lump in her throat. Rick bowed his head into his hand stroked his brow as he breathed out stressed.  "I told him to cool it for now we are not ready." He huffed. Tina stood, arms folded becoming impatient the last thing everyone needed was another member not being around, she felt doubtful that Daryl was in fact in over his head going alone.

"So what are you going to do?" She demanded, Rick shot her a hurtful look "Tina" he began "no Rick we have to go get him, he could get himself killed like..Abra..Abraham or just make things worse for us here, look at The Hilltop!" She stammered, not getting the reaction she wanted Tina shook her head and headed home.

A taunting, clanging sound on the entrance gates made everyone slowly emerge from their homes, it felt like it was getting louder with each chime. As everyone got closer it was clear this was Negan, and that was his bat knocking on the gate like the big bad wolf. Rick walked from his home and without glancing at the residents or even Tina he opened the gates as Negan chuckled and strutted in with a charming but creepy grin followed by his henchmen.

"Well well well! This is Alexandria!" Negan beamed holding his arms in the air, embracing the area. "The time has come for us to take half of your fucking shit." He added. Looking around Tina could see the pure fear in people's eyes. "Rick, take this, and take it you will." He growled at Rick handing him his bat, who appeared motionless and scattered. "Boys! Each house one by one, take what we need" Negan ordered his men who happily obliged. "Jesus, there might not be any food left with this one" Negan noted out loud pointing at Denise's frame as his men laughed, Tina could swear it was a put on laugh. Shaking her head she walked back arms folded to her house, its not like she had anything worth having in terms of supplies.

Carol reluctantly left Tina to get to her home as Rick followed Negan one by one into each house, the whole time carrying his bat, "hit him with it" Tina spoke through gritted teeth looking from her porch, Negan was all about power, Rick holding the bat was a power trip.

However her blood ran ice cold when she heard the slow footsteps up her porch stairs, it was Negan, her "tough" stance she had when she demanded Rick 'do something' was gone, she felt like bursting into tears at the sight of him. He was so calm, so suave but yet the language and the temper on him was as if he had a sadistic Jekyll and Hyde persona. "Hiya darlin, the names Negan" he grinned holding his hand out for her, quickly glancing at Rick who gave her an approving nod she placed her hand out to which he ever so gently took it and placed a kiss on her hand. Yanking it back she motioned her arm to allow Negan to look around for whatever it is that took his fancy.

Tina watched him walk, arms folded behind his back, he was tall in statue, she could see how he had such dominance and power over his men. Poppy's hungry cries from upstairs knocked her from her daze and she dashed upstairs to tend to her. "Who's kid?" She heard Negan ask Rick, cradling Poppy she stood at the top of the stairs to listen in "Hers and her husband's, Daryl" Rick replied, calling him her husband made her smile. After changing Poppy from her dirty nappy she placed her back in her crib to go fetch her bottle she didnt feel comfortable bringing her downstairs with him. "Holy shit girl, for the mother to a two month old you look fucking incredible" he mentioned eyeing her frame up and down, Tina gave a weak smile before one his men came running in, he had a burnt face and blonde hair, scraggly blonde hair. "We caught him" he mentioned, Tina and Rick's ears both pricked up at his words. "where is he?" Negan asked moving closer to the man "tied up and imprisoned, right where you wanted him" the man spoke proudly as Negan grinned with glee.

"Fucking best news ive had all day" he laughed.

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