Too Soon

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Negan caught eyes with a glaring Tina and shook himself from his delight "anyway, we best carry on" he spoke scratching his head as Tina barged past him to fetch Poppy's bottle. It played on her mind who was his prisoner, probably some poor helpless soul Negan would enjoy torturing to please his ego, then it dawned on her "Daryl!" She called out when she realised who his prisoner was. Dashing out towards Negan as he sat casually on an arm chair. "You bastard! You have Daryl dont you!" She screamed as he chuckled and barely flinched before standing up stopping Tina in her tracks as his tall frame stood above her "what you fucking people dont realise is we own you now, you jump when we fucking say, and when you dont, you will pay and pay with your lives" he explained as he paced the living room slowly pretending to mush dust on the fireplace between his fingers "now what fucking part of that is so difficult to comprehend?!" Negan asked his companion who proudly smirked at his power "i'll let that outburst slide darlin, but I might not be so fucking nice next time" he spoke in an almost whisper getting close to Tina's eyeline. Shooting a look to Rick she realised he had no help to offer her and to just accept their "rules" and get on.

Rick gave her a weak look as he followed Negan and his fellow Saviour out, Rick may of had white knuckles gripping Lucille ready to pounce on him but it was evident this was too far from their comfort zone.

Poppy took Tina from her hateful glare at them leave with her impatient cries for her bottle. Scooping her up in her arms Tina whispered "sorry baby, you hungry?" As she fed her her milk. Pondering what to do next she thought her only way was to bypass Rick and get to Daryl somehow.

She just had no idea how. Tina wasnt that strong to act without another's help, all her life since her mother married into the Dixon name both Merle and Daryl have guided her in someway or at least bossed her about to help her and since the outbreak its always been Rick and Daryl guiding her along with the group, they have fought together. This time she couldnt leave Daryl, a part of her hoped it wasnt him but Negan's sneer was too confident to not be.

Wrapping Poppy in a blanket she headed over to Denise and Tara's, they were always offering to look after Poppy and certainly wouldnt ask too many questions should she go to Carol, who was becoming more like the mother she wished she had as each day came.

"Any chance you could watch Poppy for 5 minutes? Rick wants me to help him gather the supplies Negan and his group want" Tina lied, and lied badly but as expected Denise nodded with a big smile and took Poppy from Tina not before she placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead and walked back to her home.

Feeling adrenaline pump through her she raced upstairs and took a gun her and Daryl hid in the laundry hamper and tucked it into the back of her jeans before peering out the window to see where Negan was. Noticing him walking into Rick's she decided this was her time to try and leave.

Walking as fast but as casually as she could look she spotted a few of his men leaning on the gates, smoking and joking, they were easily distracted. Looking up at the guard tower she thought she could quickly climb it and shimmy down the other side and head to the Saviour's compound. She just didnt know where exactly it was.

Growing frustrated with time being wasted in not getting to Daryl she chose to hide in the RV Negan and his companions travelled in. Her heart was practically in her mouth the whole time she swiftly but quietly opened the RV door and creeped inside, it never dawned on her his men could be inside and this would be game over before it even began.

Closing the door she breathed a sigh of relief when she found no one inside, but it was a matter of finding somewhere to hide in order to get to where Daryl was.

Opting for the tall yet slim cupboard in the bedroom she clambered inside, even in the silence she could hear her heart beating, it sounded as if it could give away her position as any moment.

Now she just had to wait for them to make their way back to wherever it was they called home.

Tina heard laughter, "we can milk those pussies for as long as we want they will never break" she heard one man joke as he climbed into the RV "one or two can be knocked down i reckon" another added, it was clear he was referring to Daryl, Rick and maybe some others who could stand in their way. "Yea well while that prick is eating out the palm of my hand im fucking happy. Now lets get back, got some fucking teasing to do and some pussy to fuck" Tina could tell that was Negan with that potty mouth. She shook her head at the thought of any woman who would give themselves to a murdering asshole like that.

As the RV sped along the road Tina found it hard to keep her grip as she rocked and bounced with each bump on the road. The adrenaline was soaring through her body now yet she wished she had guts to leap out and take them all down with her gun, all this would be over. But would it? Would these men relinquish without Negan? As these thoughts coursed through her mind she was startled as the door was yanked open and she was dragged out "Hey Negan? i found the reason for the bangs and crashes as we drove" one of his men called out gripping onto Tina's arm with all his strength, digging his nails into her.

"Dont" was all Tina could plead tearfully as he pushed her out into the seating area of the RV as it came to a stop.

"Dont what?" Negan asked, he didnt seem the grinning, somewhat charming creep of a man who had strutted around Alexandria earlier, instead he seemed very impatient and sinister.

Tina didnt answer his question, not through choice she physically couldn't, her shakes were clearly visible all she wanted was Daryl to save her but she knew that was not about to happen.

"Dont what?" He questioned again in a snap.

"Dont kill you?" He added with a sideway smile.

Broken ~{Book Two}~ Daryl Dixon ZAWhere stories live. Discover now