Fatal Attraction II

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"I cant have sex with you in this bed" Tina spoke bluntly "you sleep with those women in here, its like a brothel" she added turning to face the other way, still wrapped up in the covers "those women are gone" Negan informed her "really?" She asked sounding surprised turning her head to face him. Negan looked into her eyes, he looked besotted with her and Tina had to snap back to reality to remember why she was here. "I still cant, not here, not in this room" she replied, turning back to face the other way.


Negan slept heavily on Tina as he spooned her all night. Tina didnt sleep, her mind drawn to her daughter and the life she was involved in, so innocent and unbeknown to what the world had become. She tried to not think of Daryl, it was easier if she didnt.

When she did manage to drop off into slumber she felt Negan trace kisses from her collarbone to her neck, for a brief moment Tina thought she was back home with Daryl, she wished she was.

"Is it morning?" She yawned rubbing her eyes "fraid so, why you cosy?" He asked, his morning voice sure was melting her. Tina sat up fast, brushing Negan off in the process before she could attempt to slide out of the bed to fetch her top there was a knock at the door. "Sir?" One of his men called. Negan ignored him. He nodded for Tina to say it was safe to grab her top, as she placed it over her head the knock came again "can they not manage without you for one day?" Tina sighed mocking their 'neediness'. "Fuck off!" Negan yelled to the knocker, Tina watched the shadow from underneath the door , whoever was knocking stood there obviously in confusion at Negan dismissing them so before leaving. These guys really couldnt function without their leader.

"That would get on my nerves, not having a moments peace" Tina said, trying to annoy Negan subtly "I can't breathe here, just like I cant breathe at home" she sighed, purposely slouching down on a chair aiming for a reaction from him. "What do you mean?" He sighed, from the corner of her eye she could see him touching the bridge of his nose, smirking as she realised it was working. "Its the same as home, you are stuck in the same place, everyone is in each others pockets, asking where you are going and why. Why cant you just walk about without all the 'neighbours' poking about?" She replied to which Negan snapped "because the world fucking ended! You cant go out and go to the mall! You cant go out and go to the movies! The world is finished with! All thats left is walkers and fucking murderers!" His voice was raised as he pointed that out to her, "i know that, im not fucking stupid! I just mean no one has anywhere to go to take five minutes for themselves, you get pestered by your men who quite clearly cant make any decision without you" she quipped back, no where near prepared for his following reaction.

"Come here, let me show you something" he spoke bitterly yanking her arm up and walking her to another door in his room "wait what?" She whispered worried as he lead her through the door that on first inspection she thought was a closet. Pulling her up the small windy steps that never seemed to end, Tina was frightened but tried to not show it. Where was he taking her?

"I show no one this, this is my place, you say no one has five minutes?, well this is mine" he spoke swinging her from behind him to his side as he revealed a large room, similar to his chambers below with a wall length bookshelf filled with all kinds of leather bound books, a large bed, drinks cabinet and record player. "This is where I go, the guys dont even know I have it, not even the whores" he explained as Tina took it all in "wow" she whispered, it was perfectly white, completely untouched. "No one comes up here?" She asked as he watched her look around "not one soul" he replied "why did you bring me?" She asked as she admired all the books he had from classics such as Moby Dick to books written solely in Latin. He didnt answer, as she turned to face his way she could see he didnt want to answer, and judging by his reaction downstairs she didnt want to press it further. He caught her eyeline and he nodded for her to continue to look around as she studied his records "we had tapes and cds in my days" she mocked him for his age that even after all of this she actually didnt know but judging by his looks, his dark, grey stubble and his love of old whiskey and books it was late 40's. She felt pleased her comment gained a small chuckle from him easing the tension.

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