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As the gate slammed in her face her heart broke, she had Poppy back but she wanted Daryl too and it killed her not knowing what was happening to him and worse still, was he alive? Had her outburst sent Negan into an almighty rage where he bludgeoned him to death? Tina had to shake these thoughts from her mind and she headed back to where Rick said he would meet her.

Pacing back to where he left her Tina felt an uneasy presence following her, turning round she came across a walker trudging her way,  all she could do was run, clutching Poppy close to her praying with each step she was closer to the car. By the time she would of stopped to reach for her gun the walker could be on her or worse Poppy she had no choice and with no free hands she was near on useless.

The slick sound of Michonne's katana slicing through the walker's head made Tina breathe a sigh of relief "come on lets get you two home" she told her friend helping her into the car.

Tina couldnt stop looking at her daughter, she was so happy to have her back safe and sound. "What next? He wont leave this" Michonne asked Rick as he drove back, she was referring to Negan, it took a while for Rick to answer "i'm going to arrange a truce, sort of, he gives us Daryl back we will obey his rules more" he began, Michonne, Tina and Tara looked his way "let him think we are like The Hilltop, let him think he runs us" they all knew where Rick was going with this and as uncertain as it was now it had to be done. They didnt make Alexandria what it was for guys like this.


Tina lay in bed for most of what was left of the night, she couldnt sleep, all she could think about was Daryl and how she needed him more than ever now, how she wanted to be in his arms and to see his face again, tears streamed down her eyes as she thought about him all alone. He can handle himself granted but she still wanted him with her, safe.

Then her thoughts turned to Negan, she hated his demeanour and the way he acted so violently at the flip of a switch. And then thoughts went to his naked torso, his defined muscles and a tattoo on his chest she didnt quite get a good a look at before his arm gripped hers to stop her hitting him again. Wait. Why is she thinking of Negan? And Negan shirtless? Tina decided to roll over and try and get some sleep as Rick promised a meet with the Saviours and to try and retrieve Daryl.


When Tina awoke she was shattered, she probably had an hour, hour and half tops before sunrise, getting Poppy fed and dressed she then washed and dressed herself before heading over to Rick's, Poppy in tow.

"When they send one of their guys over to give us demands over what they want today I'm going to put a request in to speak to Negan, we can strike a deal, he doesnt really want Daryl, its the other guy Dwight's problem but we will sort this" Rick made a start reassuring Glenn, Maggie, Carol and Michonne while Tina hovered in the doorway. "Might be best you stay out of his way" he added looking over to Tina who weakly nodded.

"So you think he will just give Daryl up?" Carol asked the question everyone wanted to ask "we dont know, but we have to do something, its a suicide mission if we go there, there is too many of them compared to us. We have to play it safe until we get him back" Rick replied, Tina wasnt sure if he was certain in what he said or not.

As the meeting adjourned Carol offered to walk Tina back to her house and stay with her whilst Rick made a plea to meet with Negan which Tina accepted she needed something to take her mind off Daryl.


Hours passed since Dwight delivered a list of what Negan and The Saviours demanded, medicines, food, alcohol, Alexandria had enough to hand over this time but they would need to go on runs to find more for them for the next list of demands. And right now it was an agonising wait to see if Negan accepted Rick's offer of a meet.

Tina stayed put at the bay window, sitting on the window seat she stared anxiously at the gates hoping for Negan to arrive or even Daryl, but she felt that was a long shot. "He will be okay Teen" Carol spoke softly and motherly "what will they gain if they kill him? They made a point with Abraham, so to speak they wont kill him"  Carol added much to Tina's annoyance "you dont know that! These men are animals! The guy burned one of his men's face with an iron! Held it onto his face until the skin melted away, over something stupid!" Tina snapped, yelling at Carol what she witnessed and revealing her fears in what could happen to Daryl. Realising Carol was only trying to help she gave her an apologetic look "Negan's a full blown bastard, whatever it is he wants, we cant pull the wool over his eyes like we have done in the past with The Governor or even with the bikers me and Daryl were with" Tina sighed fed up.

When Negan clanged Lucille on the gates of Alexandria, Tina's blood ran cold and everything fell silent, watching Rick go to open the gate Tina's eyes widened when she saw one of Negan's men push a badly beaten Daryl inside. "Oh my god" she cried as she swung open the door and ran as fast as she could to wrap her arms around him, feeling awful when he winced as she hugged his waist "are you okay? are you free now?" She had so many questions for him. Rick looked to Negan who gave a reluctant nod and Rick ordered Tina to take Daryl to Denise to check him over.

As Tina walked Daryl over, she felt him weakly give her hand a squeeze and she placed loving kiss on his cheek that wasnt so bloodied.

Turning back when she felt eyes watching her she noticed Negan looking over at her, cutting her eyes at him she helped Daryl up the steps to Denise's and when she turned back again his eyes were still on her.

It made her stomach flip, only briefly but she didnt know why.

Broken ~{Book Two}~ Daryl Dixon ZAWhere stories live. Discover now