Not Today Darling

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"Right lets arm up, we are going to get Daryl and Poppy and we aint waiting around anymore" Rick said mentally preparing himself "Carol get Glenn, Tara, and Michonne we leave as soon as!" He added giving Tina's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Shaking her head Tina felt uneasy "He wont let us in, he just wont. He has rules! What if he flips and kills them both...I have to go and I have to go alone" Tina spoke, voice shaken, she was emotionally drained from the last few days and she wasnt sure she could go on. "No T you cant go, you got lucky last time with these guys they may not be so merciful this time, we go together and you go to the entrance, they may let you in alone, we will just be there in the distance" Rick promised her.

Tina didnt speak as they drove up there, it was dark now and she kept blaming herself for leaving and for underestimating these men and their capabilities. Rick kept glancing over at her as he drove, she just stared blankly out the window. Michonne calling out that they were here took Tina from her thoughts. "You going to be alright walking up there?" She asked her as Tina swung the car door open "yup" she quipped "remember we are down here, you need us you make a noise" Rick warned her grabbing her hand.

Tina began the long walk up the road to the Saviours compound, hoping no one spotted her beforehand to take her out thinning she was a trespasser,well she was technically. All she wanted was Daryl and Poppy and to be wrapped up in his arms.

Suddenly a bright white light shone directly into her eyes, it was a search light "Stop!" A man yelled he had to of been on lookout. Tina did as he said, trying to show her face in hopes he would recognise her and seeing as she was female would not be so thuggishly brutal "im here to see Negan" she pleaded raising her arms to show she wasnt armed even though she secretly was.

The man called down to some men who Tina couldnt see and she couldnt make out what was being said when the gate creaked open. "Stay still" a large bearded man warned her as he approached her grabbing her wrists and tightening them behind her back before marching her inside, the men she walked past leered at her as she walked past she heard a few make inaudible comments when she heard the gate slam shut behind her making her jump. The bearded man stroked her face creepily and slurred in her ear "you come to play sugar tits?" His words making Tina want to vomit "I have to see Negan" she whispered trying not to break down "as you wish" he laughed and knocked on Negan's chamber, Tina tried to look around to see Daryl's cell but she couldnt it was too dark. "What!?" Negan called out frustrated "got a visitor sir" the man replied, Tina watched as he tried to sound confident but she noted his fear. "Im fucking busy what is it!?" Negan snapped yanking the door open and looking surprised to see Tina there. She was unsure his reaction seeing the last time he spoke to her he warned her never to return.

Tina looked up from the ground and saw Negan standing in just his dark jeans, no shirt on, she found herself admiring his muscular arms and torso "Tina, what the fuck are you doing here?" He sighed folding his arms and motioning the man holding he to leave them be. Tina couldnt answer, she couldnt find the words, instead, with all she had she swung her right arm and connected her fist with Negan's jaw causing him to stumble back "where is my baby you asshole" suddenly Tina found the inner strength she needed and Negan was shocked by her actions, hearing his men form behind her all cocking their gun before Negan dismissed them with his hands "I havent got your daughter" he cooly replied. Tina raised her hand to strike him again but he gripped it so she couldnt, he really was strong and she struggled to loosen herself from his grasp "one of your men took her! You broke into a house and took her! Why would you do that to an innocent baby?! How could you? After all the bullshit you fed me about your struggle for children--" Tine began yelling but Negan cut her off, slamming the door behind the pair so his men couldnt hear what Tina was saying "we dont take children or babies. Thats not what we do" he tried to reassure her but judging by Tina's emotional outburst it wasnt what she wanted to hear, he witnessed a broken woman. "But im going to get to the bottom of it" he stated and whipped a shirt on before storming from his chamber leaving Tina waiting.

"Dwight!" Negan yelled as he stomped across the compound. Tina shook her head it had to be him he is the one who has it in for Daryl.  Standing anxiously she chewed her nails as she waited for Negan to return and he better have Poppy or she wouldnt know what she would do.

As she waited she could hear Poppy's gurgles and her happy baby chuckle she had when Daryl blew raspberries on her tummy, the sound was coming from Negan's bedroom, well one of many. "Son of a bitch" she muttered as she swung the door open and nearly off its hinges! Pacing down the hallway she pinpointed the noise coming from the last bedroom, upon opening the door she found the two women she saw earlier that day with two other women this time fully dressed. They were cooing over Poppy and talking to her in baby talk. "Give her to me" Tina demanded snatching Poppy from the bed she was laying on and stormed out catching up to Negan in the process and slapping him hard across his face with her one free arm "you knew she was in there you bastard!" She seethed not caring what Negan and his men could do to her, she didnt care. "Now you just got your daughter back, emotional moment i get that, but I wouldnt advise doing it again as I wont be so fucking appreciative of it" Negan teased touching the side of his face that had a defiant mark as his men watched unsure on what to do. "Let us go!" Tina demanded not scared of what he may or may not do "I dont take kids, Im not that much of a monster. Before you shoot your dumb ass mouth off again let me get  to the bottom of it!" Negan spoke again, he was more serious this time "whatever, just let us leave" Tina sighed fed up.

Negan sighed in her rejection to his offer and nodded to his men to open the gate allowing Tina to leave.

"And Daryl?" She asked stepping outside.

"Not today Darling" Negan laughed slamming the gate behind her.

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