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"Negan is back today" Tina mentioned as she sat with Daryl at breakfast "ya think he is buying it?" Daryl asked slurping his water, it had been a month since she, Daryl and Rick hatched the plan to let Negan think Tina would go further with him, the rest of the group except Carol were none the wiser they all under the impression she had still been sneaking around with him and were still being fairly cold towards her, it hurt her knowing Maggie and Glenn were pissed with her but as Rick said "the more they believe it wont look like such an act" and he was right. The only problem being was Maggie was nearing her due date now and Tina wanted to be there for her, she being the only one in the group who knew the pain of giving birth in the new world and surviving.

"As far as im aware he is" Tina sighed fed up. Daryl swallowed hard "its not for long now" he tried to reassure her, Tina forced a smile "i know". Taking her plate to the sink she reminded him "Carol will be over to fetch Poppy in a little while" Daryl nodded and stretched his arms out "I best not be here then" he spoke grabbing his bow and heading for the door "excuse me?" She quipped folding her arms across her chest before patting her cheek with her finger "oh" he whispered and rushed over to kiss her on the cheek mocking her before gently kissing her on the lips "stay safe alright" he told her as he opened the door "you too!" She yelled to him as he left.

Walking up the stairs she went to her room and went to her old hiding place she had in the cupboard where underneath some towels were more letters from Negan, it wasnt going to be as hard as she thought winning him back round, within a matter of days of his tantrum with the coffee table he left a note

You drive me crazy, you do things to me that only I ever had with my wife, I feel like ive lost you now, Daryl is a lucky man, he best treat you right, that goes for anyone in that safe zone of yours, i'll kill for you Tina I really would, you and your daughter.
Negan. X

And another a few days after
On the next supply pick up, be there, I have something for you

After ignoring the last one and hiding at home on the day of the pick up she discovered one more

When I arrive in a few days to meet Rick, be home, i'll sneak round. I have to see you.

And today was that day. Negan had been threatening to up his orders to The Hilltop and with them being more submissive than Rick's, Rick wanted to meet in order to give him his supplies and to reiterate that their deal still stands at what it was and Tina would be the bait to which he should soften.

Tina washed her face, brushed her hair and dressed in her ripped jeans and chequered shirt, her stomach filled with butterflies when she noticed Negan arrive from the window. She watched as he stepped from the car like the 'big i am' followed by his men. She felt her heart stop briefly when Negan and Daryl glared at eachother, if this were a zoo they would be circling one another about to pounce for the kill. As she studied him from the window she gulped when Negan made his eyes up to her window and smiled, she smiled back, this man was a pig, a violent, nasty pig but his charm could win anyone round, well Tina anyway.

She made sure to be noticed around the town after Carol picked Poppy up, Negan keeping his eyes on her the whole time. It was awkward with Tara and Eugene when she helped them pack up stuff, they didnt want to talk to her and she missed them but what she was doing was for the benefit of them all. "Tina" a familiar voice called gently to her, it was Negan and he was motioning with his eyes to her house. As she walked back towards her house she listened to the whispers of "poor Daryl" and "she is a stupid girl" from her fellow residents. Little did they know.

"Where is Poppy?" Negan asked closing the door behind him "Carol has her, I, I didnt want her here when you came round" she told him, "we cant talk properly with a babbling baby" she added in a joke as she tried to gauge his reaction. "You been getting my letters?" He asked scratching his head, she smirked "yea" she replied "ive been hiding them" she confessed bowing her head only raising it when she heard Negan huff with impatience "Things not going right with Daryl?" He asked "you know fill well they are not" she snapped instantly regretting doing so and backed up a little which Negan noticed and immediately dropped Lucille to the ground "dont be scared of me Tina" he whispered rushing to cup her face in his hand, her heart was beating really fast now, he did scare her, his temper too erratic for her to handle "the last time you were here you killed my coffee table" she said fast making him laugh "its because im crazy for you kiddo, you make me" he paused letting out a big exhale "you make me want to whisk you and Poppy and start a new life somewhere just us three" he sighed. His words making her melt into his hands but she had to stay strong "I know you didnt mean it when you told me to leave you alone, I could tell by your eyes you didnt mean it" he began slowly letting her go "if you meant it you wouldnt of let me in, you wouldnt let me be here right this second" he continued, Tina tried to speak, she tried to go along with what she agreed with the plan but Negan spoke again "we were made for eachother in this world Tina, we are meant to be together"

Tina gulped again. This was more messier than she thought it would be.

Broken ~{Book Two}~ Daryl Dixon ZAWhere stories live. Discover now