Stupid Confessions

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"I aint tellin you again" Daryl snarled again, still aiming and edging closer to Negan who looked surprisingly calm. Tina had no idea what she was going to do or even say. "Why you here with her?" He snapped as Rick, Glenn and Aaron followed him in, they looked shocked and confused at seeing Tina with Negan, she wasnt sure if any of them registered what was actually happening, Daryl hadnt looked at Tina, his eyes were squared on Negan, she was scared except she didnt know who for.

Negan laughed, still staying calm even with Daryl aiming a crossbow at his head, Rick , Glenn and Aaron were all aiming too, they were looking to Tina to find out what was going on and why she was here. "Boys!" Negan shouted making Tina jump, the look on Rick's face said it all when following out of the Vicar's chambers, seven of Negan's men came out, all aiming their weapons, Negan did say he was 'sort of' alone when they met. Daryl snatched Tina's arm and pulled her to him "you okay?" He asked changing his tone but not removing his glare.

It felt like no one had said anything in years. "This church here, is ours" Negan began gently pushing Daryl's crossbow out his face "minding our own fucking business boys weren't we?" He added and his men grunted in reply, Tina could feel herself clam up she had to think of something "Yea? And why do you have Tina here?!" Daryl snapped in response, Tina immediately looked to Negan and shot him a look to not say anything "I wanted some air from that place, I just got in a car and drove" Daryl shot her the filthiest look and shoved her to the door with Rick and Glenn who looked disappointed Tina would risk her life like that. Tina stood outside, joined by more of Negan's men smirking at her knowing the real reason she was there, originally she planned to sleep with him to save herself and the others until Negan said what he did, why did he have to say stuff like that to her?

She heard Rick yell "enough!" And Tina peered in the doorway "no one is hurt, lets just get home before someone does something they might regret" he tried to convince both Negan and Daryl, eventually he relented and eyed Negan up and down before brushing past them all and yanking Tina's arm and walking her down to the car, she heard Negan smugly remark he would be back in a days time to pick up more of "their fucking stuff" as Daryl pulled her really hard to walk faster "what the hell are you playing at? Heath said you got out I thought you were dead! Why Tina? Why!" He shook her as he gripped onto her upper arms as he spoke, Tina began to cry, more so for being caught out, she couldnt lie anymore it was breaking her and it was beginning to break Daryl "I thought if I slept with him he would leave you all alone" she confessed in a whimper, Daryl stepped back "what?" He barked backing away from her "you came here to fuck him?" He asked, almost disgusted "im trying to get him to leave us alone!" She protested, justifying her words "by being a whore" Daryl snapped and with that he barged past her and opened the car door almost pushing her inside. As he slammed the door behind her she heard him call her 'stupid' and 'dumb'. Tina certainly felt that way for telling Daryl her reasons as if he was going to be okay with it and for getting caught out, she honestly thought she could get back unnoticed like last time.

The drive home was awkward, Glenn and Aaron didnt know where to look, she watched as Daryl sped up ahead in the car Tina arrived in. Rick broke the ice "Tina, I dont know why you did what you did tonight but im glad you are okay" he spoke giving her a weak, sympathetic smile "Negan isnt to be messed with and you know that" he added pretty bluntly. Not a word was spoken after that.

Rick knew why she had gone there, her and Daryl were yelling pretty loud. He was just too considerate to call her on it.

Tina walked back home as they returned through the gates of Alexandria, Daryl was pacing fast home, Tina took her time. Alexandria was quiet, everyone was asleep. Heath looked guilty as he watched her walk past, she couldnt blame him, to everyone else it would look strange as to why she would leave Alexandria, it was unlike her.

She felt the tension smack her in the face as she opened the door and entered her home. Daryl was so enraged she thought he was going to hit her. "Daryl" she began but Daryl interrupted  "are you that stupid you thought you could sleep with that piece of shit and all our problems go away?" He almost laughed as he spoke "No, I just" she began again but he cut her off "why is it everytime i see you lately Negan is near? The garage? Tonight?" He asked, his voice sounded weak and it broke Tina when she felt his vulnerability show "you already slept with him didnt you?" He asked, nodding his head he was that certain, Tina slapped him hard across the face "what do you take me for!" She yelled, he pulled a face "you told me you would!" He reminded her of what she confessed at the church.

It went silent.

"You have feelings for him dont you?" He asked, his eyes were teared up but not one tear fell. "No!" She lied "Tina im not stupid" he added, her heart was snapping in two seeing Daryl like this "he likes me, I promise I gave him no reason to, he said im different to his other girlfriends--" Daryl cut her off "he says that to get in your knickers" he reprimanded her.

This made Tina feel uneasy, she thought Negan liked her but now Daryl was saying its all lies. It slowly dawned on her she was beginning to get feelings for both men and for two different reasons, or was it all the words Negan was saying to "get in her knickers"

"Tina you are a smart girl, dont do anything stupid okay?" Daryl sighed before walking up the stairs leaving her downstairs. Did he have no faith in her?

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