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Tina drove so fast she thought she was going to crash through the gates of home rather then come to a sensible stop. No one noticed her sneak back over the wall, even if she was loudly cursing as she tried to shimmy up the poles holding the wall in place. Eugene really was a crappy lookout, she made sure to notify Rick on that but she wasnt sure how to go about that. Guilt riding her as she strolled home, Daryl had no idea where she had been and it would never cross his mind that she was being hit on by Negan himself, the thought of that monster touching her repulsed her but he had a different side around her and it seemed to be only her, charming, intriguing and somewhat protective. She had to shake him from her mind.

As she creeped in the door another wave of guilt hit her, she would never jeopardise what her and Daryl have not after what they have to fight for to get eachother. She smiled as she watched him sleeping, even sleeping he scowled, she never understood that. Kicking her boots off she gently lifted the throw from Daryl and slowly slid in, trying not to wake him. Nuzzling herself so her face was in the crook of his neck and her leg was wrapped over his to stop her sliding off the sofa. "You still pissed at me?" He whispered half awake, half smiling as he wrapped an arm around her "i never was" she whispered kissing his cheek and stroking his hair as he fell back asleep, rearranging himself on the sofa in order for Tina to get comfortable.


The Saviours didnt show again until exactly a week from their last, and a week since Tina snuck out the safe zone. Rick made sure to be there to oversee the goings on.

"You not helping Tara and Eugene today?" Daryl asked as he prepped his bow sitting on the sofa, foot on the floor the other on the coffee table, Tina shook her head, she made out she had a headache, "Aaron is doing my shift for me" she replied trying to sound weak "you could stay here too?" she suggestively asked playfully motioning her eyes upstairs, Daryl smiled and blushed "its not even lunchtime" he replied sarcastically "does it have to be?" She spoke with a raised eyebrow "stop" he laughed her off "thought you had a headache" he asked uncertain, he was not getting Tina's hints for a quickie anytime soon. Rolling her eyes at him she sighed "ill see you later then". "Feel better" he wished her leaning into kiss her and she was disheartened when he went for her cheek and not her lips.

Tina could not stop thinking about Negan analogy of 'Vanilla' not that it was the most important thing on everyones agenda right now but it bothered her, was she reading too much into it? Daryl is protecting the group and his family and here Tina is trying to distract him with a quick fumble, but that wasnt all bad right?

Feeling pleased she wouldnt have to see Negan after what happened last time, she decided to laze around the house and spend time with Poppy.


When she put Poppy down for a nap she decided to have one too, having a headache was proving to be a good excuse if Daryl came home she could get away with a nap, something that doesnt really happen a lot in the new world.

Brushing her hair before she lay down she caught sight of Negan walking with Rick around the town, he kept looking back over to Eugene and Tara, was he wondering where she was? Her stomach filled with fluttering butterflies as he looked up to her bedroom window and caught eyes with her before she darted to the side and out of view of the window. Her cheeks felt hot as she went red.


The sound of men talking filled the living room downstairs stirring her from her slumber, it was Rick, Daryl, Glenn and Aaron. As Tina made her way downstairs they went quiet which annoyed her, this was her house why should she be kept out the loop in her own house. Making eyes at Daryl he quickly informed her they were going to make an alliance with The Hilltop and get rid of Negan and his cronies, in hopes the rest of his men will be too weak without him to carry on their ways. Rick nodded in acceptance of her knowing and said he would inform Maggie and Michonne and a select few of what was happening as he wanted a group to take part. Tina included.

When they left Tina got Daryl to explain further, "it wont happen yet, Rick thinks we draw this out and then strike them at the Hilltop they will never expect it" Daryl explained as he took his shirt off to change "Eugene is gunna make some ammo, we are going to hide it so when they take what they think we have really we will have shit loads stashed" he added, he seemed certain of it "and he wont suspect anything?" Tina asked worried as she picked up the shirt Daryl screwed up on the floor "nope" He replied with confidence," I told you T, he aint shit, and he wont be shit when I shoot an arrow in his head" he added menacingly.

"Why do you need me, shouldnt I stay here with Pops?" Tina asked, she could fight granted but Negan didnt play about, she has seen it first hand after all. Daryl scoffed "with you there he wont suspect anything" he replied, Tina immediately felt worried, why her? What did Daryl know? "What?" She laughed it off praying her awkwardness wasnt showing "why me?" She fake giggled trying to act natural, playing over if Daryl knew about the meet up she had or in fact the kiss that she couldnt work out was a kiss or not "because you, Michonne and Maggie will make it less tense, Tara too, maybe Rosita too, he keeps smiling at her" Daryl replied, she realised then he meant with the females there Negan would have no reason to suspect he was being ambushed had it of been Rick and the men, then she thought more...Rosita? "Since when has he been smiling at her?" She asked with attitude pulling a face "did she smile back?" She asked "he killed Abraham! Of course she doesnt smile back!" Daryl reminded her confused as to why she would ask such a question "why do you care, you hate him too" he added looking at her, narrowing his eyes, Tina wondered if she was sounding jealous "i do" she brushed off and walked downstairs, hoping Daryl didnt read too much into that.

Broken ~{Book Two}~ Daryl Dixon ZAWhere stories live. Discover now