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When Daryl came back Tina sobbed on him uncontrollably "he thinks im going to leave with him, is that believable enough? I cant actually leave with him though, I just cant" she spoke wiping her eyes "sssh it wont come to that" Daryl hushed her "oh yea, how do you know? We have to get rid of him soon! He thinks Poppy will come and I cant risk her I just cant!" Tina insisted, holding her head in her hands, Daryl nodded as she spoke, thinking the whole time on what course of action to take, of course it was his daughter now at risk after all as well.

"So what happens now?" Tina asked composing herself sniffing "you just gotta keep it up a little longer, if he thinks you will leave in the night then so be it, you will bring his guard down sweetheart and it will all work out" Daryl spoke rubbing her arm as he held her "and then what?" She whispered sensing he was holding something back, hearing him breathe in deep caused her to look up at him "then i'll do what ive wanted to do since I laid eyes on the bastard" he said bitterly, Tina knew what he meant by this and she couldnt deny it didnt make her stomach flip, and in a good way. Sitting up she demanded "Daryl take me to bed" he pulled a face "what?" He gulped "you heard, come on" she laughed grabbing his hand and marching him up the stairs.

Waking up the next morning Tina went out and over to Rick's, the whole leaving with Negan caused her trouble sleeping and she had to air her concerns.

Rick seemed smug as he listened to Tina stress, as if there was something she didnt know. "This couldnt be going any better" he began standing up with a single clap to his hands "Tina, we have this covered okay" he said trying to change the subject and usher her away but she wasnt leaving anytime soon. Sighing he relented and began explaining "Eugene has been making ammo, has been for weeks, he has made a few small bombs, small enough to conceal but big enough to do some damage." Tina listened, feeling her mouth run dry "we are going to take one of them some miles out today and see how it works, then if it does, when you are out with Negan or even here, we can attack the compound leaving Negan with a lot less men, maybe even just Negan." Rick continued, he began smiling "then we can take whatever is left of his men out, few shots here, and then Negan is ours." Tina nodded as Rick finished, the plan actually sound it had a very high chance of working "are you going to kill him?" She asked nervously, she wasnt sure in her mind if she cared or not, she shouldnt, the man was an animal, a murdering mad man with power. But getting back to seeing Negan was leaving her rather excited, maybe it was the game she was playing that he didnt know? She hoped anyway. Rick pondered for a moment "i think i'll keep him prisoner here" he admitted, Tina was shocked "no one here will have that!" She exclaimed "you cant bring him on side, he hates you, he hates Daryl, he wants me to himself! It would never work, he would kill you both!" She added sounding more frantic, she never thought Rick would have an idea so stupid. "No! He will never be one of us, he can just spend the rest of his days behind bars, no one will free him, he will never get out. Ever Tina" he replied defending his last statement "this doesnt have to end in bloodshed" he added, it was true it didnt but Tina thought back to Abraham and Spencer, it didnt have to end like that for them but it did. "Okay Rick" she nodded making her way to the door.

When she got home she began packing a small rucksack, a few clothes, few supplies, gun, flashlight and her knife "whatcha doing?" Daryl yawned whilst rubbing his eyes "Rick is testing out those bombs Eugene made, i have to distract Negan" she replied again sounding frantic but determined "you are going to go now? Where? You cant go alone!" Daryl responded growing frustrated as he showed his fear of Tina getting hurt, placing her hands on his chest she tried to reason with him "ive gone alone before, and you know that, it will look i really do want him, besides if you test the bomb today and it works then tomorrow or the next day we can get rid of The Saviours" she spoke using their groups name, a part of her didnt want to say Negan. Pulling her into a deep loving kiss as if it would be their last Daryl held her face "you best come back tonight" he warned her "nothing will happen to me I promise, i'll be safe" she replied stroking his face "Negan wont let anything happen to me will he?" She added, Daryl showing his jealousy with hearing that as he pouted but tried to play it cool. "He dont wanna either" he growled before helping her adjust the rucksack on her back.

Tina hated having to make this so believable, all her friends glared at her, some with disappointment and the rest with disdain. Sighing she exited via the gates and walked to one of the cars, looking back she saw Sasha on watch who looked down at her with disgust, Tina wasnt sure if she would shoot her down or not, solve all the residents problems. Starting the engine she began the short drive to the compound, praying the whole time that Rick and Eugene's expedition goes well otherwise they truly are fucked and it would most likely end in Daryl being killed by Negan who was just itching to do so. Tears fell down her face when she thought of Daryl being wiped out in such a disgusting way. "He will be fine, this will be fine, everything will be fine" she whispered to herself over and over again as a sort of pep talk.

Pulling into the area of the compound she was surprised that the gates just opened up for her, no orders to halt, no searches, nothing. Just as the gates closed behind her vehicle she was yanked from the car by Dwight who looked like he had taken a fresh beating, one of his eyes looked popped out and the other on the burnt side was purple and looked dreadfully sore "what you doing here little lady?" He spoke through gritted teeth as two of his men searched her bag and car "im here to see" Tina began before Negan's booming voice called out "get your hands off her!" Tina instantly looked his way and her heart pounded, his voice really was loud when he got going. As Dwight let her go Tina ran down to him and leaped into his arms wrapping her arms tightly around his neck almost knocking him from his feet "not out here darling" he almost laughed letting her down and holding his room door open for her, following her closely behind.

"This is out of the blue, you okay?" Negan asked showing concern as he brushed some of her hair behind her ear, it sent shivers down her spine. Tina told herself in her head it was a crush, nothing more. "I just missed you" she whispered backing away from his touch unsure on kissing him as she loved Daryl but also unsure that if she did she wasnt totally convinced she would stop.

"Tell me something Tina" Negan asked stepping closing to her "you and Daryl? You sleeping together?" He asked making her laugh aloud, it was a fearful laugh, it was nervous "Negan" Tina replied hoping he would drop it but he wouldnt "answer me" he demanded still trying to look calm in front of her, Tina looked into his eyes, he seemed jealous "no of course not" she replied swallowing hard "you aint lying to me are you?" He quizzed her again, Tina pulled a face "God cant you just accept my answer?!" She snapped shooting her eyes to him hoping he wouldnt be cross with her outburst "hmm alright then" he shrugged. Putting his back to her Tina felt more nervous, she wasnt convinced he bought her lie, in fact she could smell Daryl on her skin and clothes as she stood there lying to him "you dont trust me do you?" She spoke saddened, she was worried this whole plan was falling through and it wasnt even the first hurdle. "Of course i trust you" he replied turning to her and smiling, taking her hands from her sides he clutched them close, kissing each one making Tina feel weak.

"Its your friends that I dont" he spoke bluntly dropping her hands.

Broken ~{Book Two}~ Daryl Dixon ZAWhere stories live. Discover now