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POV: Jin
Why did I even have to go to this stupid all-day dance activity that Namjoon was talking about?

It was a huge waste of my time.

I hesitantly shuffled down the stairs after getting ready, clutching my bag in one hand, the other sleepily dragging my body down the stair-rail.

"Come on, hyung!" Namjoon shouted, as I saw everybody else standing in a straight line, waiting for me. Their beady eyes stared straight into my soul as I awkwardly joined them.

Of course, he was with Jungkook. He's always with Jungkook.

Well, what do you expect? They're dating, and they're probably in love as well, for all I know. It's none of my business about who he wants to be with... right?

I tried to suppress him from my mind, erasing all of the good and the bad involving him. Trying to forget the time when I took him on a car ride and the car broke down, or when I ate his burnt pancakes and got sick, or when he confessed to....

I don't want to remember that.

"Hyung, are you ready?" Namjoon asked, as he opened the front door. "Who's driving?"

"I will. I guess," Yoongi mumbled, taking the car keys. "Hyung looks too tired to drive." he shrugged.

On the way to our local dance studio, Yoongi played some trap music, unnecessarily putting the volume to max as everybody else rapped along to the lyrics, or at least they tried to do so.

"Hyung? Why are you so quiet?" Hoseok asked me eventually, after several minutes of me silently looking out of the window from the very back seat. "Are you feeling lonely?"

"No," I shrugged. "I'm fine, Hobi, it's okay. I like being at the back, anyway, so there's no problem there," I laughed sheepishly.

He and Jungkook were giggling and laughing, snuggling up to each other as they whispered things.

They acted like they were the perfect couple that you would see on Tumblr posts or something.

It was disgusting.

"Why do you keep looking at Jikook?" Hoseok asked, his neck craning towards me.

"Jikook?" I asked, eyes narrowing. "What the hell is that? Some new made-up language or what?"

"Jimin & Jungkook... it's their ship name, hyung!" he laughed, as if it was so obvious. "They're such a lovey-dovey couple, it would only make sense to call them together, wouldn't it?"

"No! It wouldn't make sense!" I snapped, making Hoseok jump in fear. "What are you on about?!"

"Horse-face, what was that?" Yoongi asked plainly, not even bothering to look back from the driver's seat. "Did you just yell at hyung?"

"That wasn't me. It was hyung."

"W-what was he shouting about, Hobi hyung?" Jungkook asked nervously, turning around.

Why would Jungkook care?

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