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POV: 3rd Person
"Is e-everybody... okay?" Namjoon weakly asked as he slowly opened his eyes.

He was the last person to wake up. Unfortunately, he realised that he didn't wake up in the minivan, where he remembered he was there last.

He woke up in a hospital room.

"Ah, Mr. Kim! You've woken up, that's good," a nice looking doctor smiled, but it soon turned into a frown.

"How long have I been asleep for, doctor?" he questioned, looking at his surroundings as he tried to get up from the hospital bed. "Where is everybody else? Please, tell me that everybody is safe!"

"Well, you've been in a coma for a few weeks now..." she said softly. "I'm really glad that you woke up, though. You're a strong one, aren't you?" she weakly smiled. "But, I have some bad news for you..."

"What? What bad news?" his heart started to beat really fast, as he knew what was coming.

"Sadly, two of your friends weren't lucky enough to have made it, Mr. Kim..." her voice drifted off.

"W-who?" he spluttered, heart sinking with fear. "P-please, you're joking!" he cried.

"Mr. Min, the driver, and Mr. Jung, sadly, passed away," she stated. "They both suffered from major blood loss, and we couldn't save them, unfortunately..."

"Y-you're actually joking me... you're lying to me! This can't be real! This must be just a horrible nightmare! W-what about the other four? Please tell me that they're all okay..."

"The other four have woken up already, Mr. Kim. You will be discharged since you seem stable, so would you like to see them?"

He looked at his own body. How lucky was Namjoon to have not gotten any bad injuries? He had a few scratches and a few scars, but he wasn't in a really bad condition.

He had a fractured wrist, somehow, but he knew that it wasn't anywhere near as serious as it was to die.

"Rest in peace, Yoonseok," he whispered to himself, remembering the stupidly cute 'ship names' that Hoseok had made for everybody ages ago.

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