二十五 (end)

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POV: Jin
"No, please! I'm begging you, come down from there and we can talk about this together! I'm sorry for everything! I'm sorry, I really am! Now, just stop being so dramatically ridiculous about this and come down!" I yelled as loudly as I could, but he still refused to listen to a word.

"There's no point, Seokjin. I love you, but you deserve better than me. I've expressed to you time and time again that I just can't deal with this. The heavy rain that's been pouring down has made me crave death more, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

"Please, Jimin! Just listen to me! Listen!" I yelled, running towards the roof again, edging closer towards him carefully. "Don't move. Please, don't you dare throw yourself off that roof, whether it'd be today or not! Not today, not ever!"

"Seokjin, stop being so goddamn hypocritical when you know that you were also once standing here on this roof, feeling the same way I feel now! My life is completely hopeless, and now, I've realised that and I've definitely proven my case."

"Jimin, come here! I don't care what depressing shit you have to say! All I know is that you're the reason why I managed to get off that roof with a sense of hope and love! Now, I'm going to do the same with you. I promise that my love for you won't ever change, no matter how much you try to escape from it. I'll practically suffocate you with my embraces, which is way better than being suffocated by your painful thoughts. I know that from experience, trust me. Just take my hand, and let's get off this roof together, okay?"

He was still hesitant, taking a look back to where he would have fallen to his death if I hadn't stopped him in time.

"Jimin, just take my hand. There's no point fighting it. Look at the pendant, slide your fingers in between mine and I'll hold you tight until happiness rains on you once again. I'll try and make you feel the safest you've ever felt and give you the eternal love that you deserve."

He sniffed. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, there's no point in being sorry. All I want is for you to take my hand, and we can slowly walk over to safety. This roof won't do you any good, despite what you think at the moment. Take my hand."

He slowly reached out for my hand, and I stroked his freezing fingers with my thumb, giving him a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry for not admitting my feelings for you earlier. I'm sorry for putting you through so much pain and suffering just because I was too scared to face my own love for you. I'm so sorry..."

"You don't need to apologise," I said quietly. "I understand. As long as this love that you have for me isn't by force, I couldn't be any happier being with you."

FINALLY! I started this in August and wanted to make it an elaborate, complicated story but I want to get through all of my drafts so I guess this'll have to do.

I hope you've enjoyed it (yay, I didn't actually kill Jimin off like I wanted to XD) and I thank everyone for all of the sweet comments!!

I will be publishing more JinMin stories in the near future (well ofc I will this is a JinMin account ffs) but I hope you'll enjoy my other stories as well!

Again, thanks so much!

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