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Chapter eleven


Atsuko's training at the rooftop was very effective although all the students of kaijo are starting rumors around a girl singing beautifully after school. I continue as I wanted to conquer the fear that I had been for years. Soon I was known the 'unknown singer' people didn't know it was me.

"Savior" mrs Izumi, out drama and English teacher wrote on the board while the rest of us student were busy chatting all the way. "Okay, this is an surprise special drama play and the theme is savior. You guys have to think of something as a group. I don't care how big the group is. This play must be done by the end of this lesson, got it? " mrs Izumi said at the top of her voice. "Finish by the end if this lesson? It's too quick, we don't have enough time" one of the student talk back, "impossible.." The whole class grumble and curse under their breath.

I was being quiet at my seat when all of the sudden, Hiroshi grab my left arm and pull me out of my seat. "Ne ne Atsuko, let's make a team" he sweat drop while he ask Atsuko. "Kikori also wants you in the group, right?" Hiroshi asked me, I look at him confusingly. "Kikori didn't agree did she?" Atsuko said, Hiroshi starts to panic. "No, I agree I want to be with Atsuko" I cried as I deny, Hiroshi smiled. Atsuko sign and stood up. I think I know why Hiroshi wants to be in Atsuko's group, Atsuko is smart thinking and fast too.

"Let it be this, the princess save the prince from an evil person" she said, I quickly rush to say something. "Can I be the evil person?" I asked, Hiroshi look at me as he frown a little and Atsuko look at me in surprise. "Why would you want to be the evil person?" Hiroshi asked, his face had written 'Kikori is such a nice girl, why would she choose to be the evil person?'

"Because I want to stand a chance to be evil for a while" I said and Atsuko smile as she hear my words.

It was out turn to perform Infront of the class Atsuko is the princess and Hiroshi Is the prince. I was called to be the evil witch and the narrator.

"There was once an prince and princess in the castle that was within the deep forest and they fell in love. But not for long, an witch who was their god mother who disapprove then to be together" after I narrate the passage, Atsuko and Hiroshi went forward and face each other. "Oh, prince hiro. I love you so much" she acted girly, I had ever seen this side of her. "I love you too! Let's let married!" Hiroshi said, he swallow his disgust feeling as he felt disgusted by Atsuko's drama.

"I-I reject!" I shouted as I walk forward towards them. "Why are you rejecting us together?" Atsuko asked just then, I accidentally tripped and fall Infront of them. Hiroshi was shocked by the sudden fall that I did, I quickly get up as I felt embarrassed and continue the play. "You both are not destined to be together, I can see it with my magical mirror" I said and whipped out an mirror which belongs to me. Hiroshi pretend to draw his sword from his waist. I also pretend to draw an sword from my waist, using the hand that is holding the mirror. As I draw out forcefully, the mirror slips out of my hand and it flew towards the door and shattered as it hit the door with an loud bang.

Some of the students laugh, some over their mouth and I did the same. What am I suppose to do? I can't just continue and let that scene happen, I started to panic as I drop swear. "I don't need the mirror to fight you, I'll use my own magic with out any swords" I make up an excuse and continue my role. "Save me" Atsuko screamed, that's so extra. That line wasn't suppose to be in the play.

Hiroshi start waving his hands around and walk towards me. I kept stepping backwards and my head hit the window, I quickly move forward and I bang into Hiroshi who was moving forward.

Hiroshi fall on his butt, the whole class start cheering and the play had become an fighting stage.

"How can I be so clumsy?" I murmur to myself, Hiroshi came charging at me. I start charging toward him too but I tripped again, I fall forward. Meanwhile, Hiroshi was charging and he didn't see me stopping and kept running. And I bump into him, we both fell backwards. I rubbed my butt as I quickly get up.

Hiroshi soon stand up," that's it ,you win" he said, everyone was shocked. This isn't a part of the play. "Why?" I asked in a soft voice where only me and Hiroshi can hear. "Let's end this, I don't want to hurt an innocent friend like you, Kikori" he whisper to me. "I-I also give up, you two can be together forever" I said after I heard Hiroshi's words. Everyone was shocked by Hiroshi's defeat, I quickly move beside Atsuko. "I'm sorry, princess" I bow down, Atsuko put her left hand on my right shoulder. "It's okay, I forgive you" she smiled. "Arigatou gozaimasu!(thank you)" I said excitedly, "let's all go for a feast!" Hiroshi declared.

We then stand in a straight row, "the end" I announced. Everyone clap for our play, mrs Izumi was shocked by our play and give us an smile as we went back to our seats. "How clumsy can i be?" I curse myself.

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