The important news

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Chapter forty
[The important news] 

    I enroll to school this morning, looked in bandages. "Damn them" i cursed while blushing a little. 

  "What in the earth happened to you, Kikori?" Hiroshi asked while i put my bag on the table and stumble on my chair. "Nothing much, i fell down the stairs" I sign and close my eyes, using an excuse. "You look fine yesterday when we said good bye. Now you look horrible" Hiroshi said while Atsuko fold her arms. "Next time it will be worst..." i muttered under my breath. "Do you want to go to the nurse office?" Atsuko asked, i shook my head. 

  "Okay class, settle down," Students scurried to their seats. As Hiroshi walk away, he looked worried. Well, no big deal anyway, his is my friend and a friend cares for each other.

  "As you all are aware of, sports day is coming next month, 31 of march" Mr Toshio started, "if you want to sign up any event, please do so here on this board now" He point at the board and the chair person wrote the events. "Every one is to participate in the school mass running. judging by who comes first place will get, 100,00 cash and some other prizes" 

   i'm going to for the long jump,the shuttle run, 200m run and 400m run" Atusko said as she raise up her hand. "Serious?!" Hiroshi was shocked, i look at Hiroshi. "You are quite althele, are you? " Hiroshi asked, Atsuko look at Hiroshi with an blank expression. "Can't i participate?" Atsuko's death stare asked Hiroshi. " Nono, no problem at all" Hiroshi frozed. 

  "How about you Kikori?" Hiroshi asked, turning back to me. i don't want to join any, hmmm. "i will go for shot put?" i said, Hiroshi jumped. "Are you sure? You are still injured, don't force yourself too much okay?" Hiroshi said, i nodded and smile warmly. "This injuries will be healed by then, don't need to worry :) " i said. "Okay then, i will go for the 100m run and 300m run" Hiroshi decided.  "just two events?" i asked, shocked. "yea, it's enough for me" he replied. 



Should i tell kise what happened? After all is about him... should i just stay away from him? Why should i? He and i are just friends, he is my senpai. He is good and kind, friendly and playful. It's also thanks to him, i grow stronger. He helped me during the performance and my mother's death. What will happened if i tell him what happened? Will he stay away from me? Will he go against them and make the girls hate me even more and make it worst? Will he hate me? i certainly don't want him to stay away from me because i need him too.. Do i even have the guts to tell him? With this injuries, am i able to face him and tell him what happened? 




  "Ah, there you are Kikori-san" Kasamatsu found me behind the school, washing my face after school. " Hello kasamatsu-san" i greeted as i bow. "i need you to come with me for a moment" he winked, i was confused but i followed him all the way to the school basketball court. 

  "Kikori is here" Everyone greet me in excitement. "Hello everyone, what's with this excitement?" i greeted and asked, smiling. "hey, nice to see you again" Kise from the corner of my right greeted at me, i just bowed. "Woah, what happened to you Kikori?" Hayakawa asked, "Gosh, you look horrible" Moriyama added. "Did you beat her up on the way here,Senpai?" Moriyama asked him, Kasamastu immediately got flare.  "Why would i?" he yelled. 

  "Oi,  Daijoubu ka Kikori-chan?" Kise rush to me and ask me anxiously i just started at him with no sad emotions and unsure feelings.  

I don't even know anymore, whether to stay with him or not. This whole feeling is turning  to be alone. The once senpai i bond friendship with, am i going to let go of his support? 

  "Are you alright? You don't look active today.. and you are in cuts and bandages..." He ask with a worried expression on his face, i look down. "Did something happened between them?" Moriyama asked, "Kise played with her feelings?" Kasamatsu whispered. "That baka" Hayakawa whispered back. 

  "Hey i heard that!" Kise scolded as he turn around. "Eek!" All of them jumped. "That's enough" i said, he look at me. "watashi wa daijoubu, i just fell down the stairs that's all" i look up and smiled. "Are you sure?" He bend down to my level so that he can look into my eye, i watched him. "If you need anything right now, i can help you." 

You can't do anything. 

 "Okay?" He patted on my head, my eyes widen for a few seconds then closed slowly. "Okay,let's get to the point, Kise" The coach demanded. "We decide to make you the manager or something of our basketball team" Kise explained, i stare blankly as my jaw drop. "Matte matte matte matte, WHAT?!" i shouted, the coach stared at me while kasamatsu nodded, Hayakawa smiled and Kise tried to cool me down. "i just started in this school, isn't this too much for me?" I asked, "Nope, you are just fine. Besides, i like you girl." The coach winked at me as Kobori passed the basketball to me. "pass it to me, Kikori" Kise said as he walked back to the court smiling. "Join us" 

  I think joining them shouldn't be a problem, but my injuries... But at the same time i want to play basketball. If you want something, you should go pursuit it no matter what.  Was what i thought. Those injuries were the cause of the KIse, it wouldn't hurt just to play with them right? just to play with Kise? 


Senpai- senior
daijoubu ka? - are you alright/ ok ?
Baka - idiot / stupid
watashi wa daijoubu - i'm fine/ok/alright
Matte- wait 

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