The tiger and the deer

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Chapter twenty-one
[The tiger and the deer]


"Let play around with this punk"
  Little Kikori stepped backwards as a hand of four were going near her, they were at the school field after school. Kikori. was so scare, she couldn't move. She remembered being beaten by gangs in school, elementary was tough. Just by remembering the bruises, scars and blue blacks made her cry. But she remembered one person, who always stand up for her and end up having the bruises instead.  The person is Kagami Taiga, a dark red hair boy, he didn't look tough and mature.

  "Stop!" Kagami shouted at them, pushing them aside and guarding Kikori.  "Who are you? damn it" one of the boys asked, the one wasn't being pushed. "Get away from Alice" Kagami. demanded, the boys look very angry and as if they are going to beat Kagami you anytime.

  "Huh? Are you her girlfriend or something?" A boy asked while the others look at each other, then laughed. "She's weak, annoying and unpopular. If you go out with her, you'll look bad" The other boy said in a evil tone. "That's not true" Kagami who was still protecting. fight back.

  "You all will look bad if you bully her" Kagami  said angrily, the gang of boys stopped laughing.

  "What did you say?!"
  "Nobody cares about her!"

  Just then they charge at Kagami , a battlefield had just started. Kikori who was just standing there, started to worry about Kagami. "Stop it" She shouted at them, one of the boys turn to look at her. He started to march towards Kikori, taking out his fist. "What Chu say?"

  That boy gave her a punch on her face, she fell down. "Alice" Kagami called desperately, pushing all the boys who charged at him aside and started running towards her. He pushed down the boys who was standing infront Kikori.  He spread his arms wide infront of Kikori,  guarding her.


  The battle ended, the gang of boys leave Kagami alone. Kikori walked to Kagami, her eyes were filled with tears and dark clouds started to overcome the bright sun. Just standing there, she cried. She couldn't bear to see the person who protect her, save her, become friends with her no matter what, being so close to her like a brother and fell in love with him got hurt because of her.

  Soon, rain started failing. She kneeled down beside him, starting to cry so hard that she couldn't stop. "Why are you crying?" Kagami asked, sat there listlessly. "Because Kagami-kun is hurt. I'm sad when Kagami-kun gets hurt everything because of me. you are my b-best friend, always being there f-for me and help me. I really like you, Kagami-kun" Kikori said as she sobbed, tears kept flowing down like it's not gonna stop.

  "I like you too, Alice. Although you are born as the same place as me and went overseas school with me, even if we are in a different family. Alice, you are forever my sister. A brother is suppose to protect the sister right? So that's no need to cry because of me, I did it because you are my sister. we have the same fate, people always bully us. people don't talk to me much because I'm quiet, but I found you." Tears started to form in Kagami's eyes, they both soaked in the rain in silence.

  "So, don't cry OK? That's no need to cry, I'll be there for you." He smile at Kikori even though he shred tears, he managed to give a smile to Kikori and tried to cheer her up.

  Kikori followed Kagami  and smiled, letting her tears mix with the rain, she felt a warmth feeling in her heart. The rain stopped and sunlight shine down everywhere. It was a short rainfall.

  They went to middle school together, helping each other with study. Kagami pick up basketball as his interest and Kikori started loving singing when she join choir.

  High school came, Kagami was gone. He migrate back to Japan, without telling Kikori anything. Kikori went through high school without any real friends, keeping quiet is her choice. She never really open up to anyone, she felt lonely. The pain that Kagami left couldn't compare to the emptiness inside her heart, a lonely world without him was so empty to live. she migrate back to Japan after a few years of high school in US.

Author: Let's look at Why Kikori is address as Alice and Why she migrate back to Japan.
Kagami: Why did you cut the scene again?
Kise: Stop interrupting, I want to know more in the story *sobs*
Kuroko: Kise-kun?
Kise: Such tragedy...: (
Author: Sorry, Kagami and Kise.  haha..
Kagami: Stop it will you? [talking to Kise ]
Kise: But it's too sad, I can't stand it *sobs*
Author & Kagami: Just do your part, baka!

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