Prince of Jakku

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Ben's POV
I slam the door and stomp down the hall to my bedroom.

I enter my room and throw myself on to my bed. I lay silently on my back staring at the ceiling with gold detailing.

The door slams open. "Ben Solo! What was that?" My mother, Leia, marchs over to me. "You just walk in and leave? You didn't even give her a chance!" She shouts.

I sit up. "Why should I when she's just like the rest?"

"How would you know?" She crosses her arms.

"Mhmmm. Let's see. Dressed in the riches clothes, is wearing gold this, gold that, the finest head piece known to man, and her face painted with the most precious make up." I pause. "She is just like every other snuck up princess you have tried to set me up with!"

Mom rolls her eyes. "She has a wonderful.."

"Personality?" I interrupt.

"It's not polite to interrupt Ben."

"It's not polite to set your one and only son up with a woman twice his age, half his age, twice the ego of his father, overly critical as his mother, oh and is a gold digger seeking to probably slip me poison right after I crown her my queen." I count off on my fingers.

She sighs and sits down next to me. "Are the girls I'm picking really that bad?"

"I'm 23 mother. I should be able to find a women myself... The closest you've gotten to my age was a 16 year old and a 30 year old. I want someone my age who isn't looking for wealth or a crown, and doesn't have an ego the same of an elephant."

"What not going to go on about being overly critical?" She chimes in.

"Oh yeah, and doesn't judge me as if I'm a rancor trying to past for a tautaum."

"I don't critize you that much."

"You made me apologize to whoever for a piece of my hair hanging in my face and grounded me for a week for not being well groomed."

"Okay you knew how important that ball was to me."

"So why did you have me go? I just screw everything up."

She sighs and places her hand on mine. "No, you don't. Just." She sighs again. "Give Bazine a chance."

I look at her and give a sad smile. "Next please."

She groans. "I will discuss this with your father."

She stands and exits my room.

I flop back down on to the bed and groan. "I don't want to be Prince Ben of Jakku."


I wake the next morning and begin dressing in my usual prince attire, which I believe is too formal to be called casual.

I open my door and walk down the hall to our dining room.

"Good morning Prince Ben." Maz greets me as I enter.

"Good morning." I reply with a smile.

"How did you sleep?" My father Han asks as I take my seat.

"Fine and you?"

"Back is bothering me, but it's fine."

"Argue with mother again last night?"

"Yeah, I agreed with you." He raises his eyebrows.

I smile. "Sleeping on the couch for your son's mentality, best reason there is."

He rolls his eyes. "I told her that I don't blame you for not wanting to marry those greedy gold diggers looking to my profit from our family."


"She wants to see you happy, so I asked if she couldn't see the pain she was putting you through. After that I slept on the couch."

"Well thank you father. I don't want to marry for her to get grandchildren and your people to get a queen. I want to marry for love and rule Jakku and better the lives for the people."

"Are you saying I'm not running it right?"

"What I'm saying is you're doing a good job and I hope to do better."

He smirks. "Good luck with that."

"And good luck with your lunch date today." Mom says as she walks in.

"We never discussed that." I retaliate.

"Well Bazine and I did. She would love to get to know you." She takes her seat.

"She would like to get to know the size of your crown." I growl at her.

"Please with how she's dressed." Mom huffs back.

"Bazine Netal is from Takodana. Thrid in line to the throne after her older brother and sister. There main export there is alcohol and they are known as a quick stop for smugglers to rest and drink."

"So they have a clientele established."

"They have drunks and people who only care about their own personal benefits. And those people don't even have to pay taxes and they are allowed to dock their ships for free."

"So that's their problem, not ours."

"They'll make it our problem." I slap my hand down on the table. Maz is shocked by my sudden outburst and drops a tin pitcher. I get up and walk over to her. "I'm so sorry Maz."

"No, no, it's my fault." She sets the pitcher upright and begins drying up the spilled water.

I pick up the plate and pitcher she set down and place them on the table.

"All she wants is the crown and our money, so she can do as she please mother. Why can't you see that?"

"Because I'm not against what my people want." I scoff at her "You think I'm kidding?" She raises her eyebrows. "Ben, the people need a new king, your father is getting old and you need a queen to rule by your side and keep you in line." She emphasizes you and is giving me a cold, hard stare.

I take a deep breathe and let out a low groan almost growl at her.

"What was that?" She snaps at me.

"I'll be in my room." I turn my back and begin to walk out.

"I'll see you later for your lunch date young man." She shouts at me.

I roll my eyes. There is no way I am going to that.

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