Diamond in the Rough

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Rey's POV
I get into my little dirty home and throw my bag that I ripped from Kylo's hands when I ran off.

The bag hits the wall and falls spilling it's contents. "Screw her!" I yell. "Stuck up, careless, lazy bitch!"

My fists begin to shake with rage. "How fucking dare she!" I kick a old dirt covered rug on the floor. "I bet she taxes her people to death." I contuine talking to myself. I chuckle and hear Kylo enter. I turn and stare at him for a hard second. "You know, I bet the prince is going to marry her and then she'll tax us all to death and she'll sent guards to find and kill me." I laugh bitterly. "I'm so tired of being the worthless Street Rat in everyone's eyes. If only they looked closer." I walk to the window. "They'd find out, there's so much more to me."

I turn away from the window. "I'm going back out, don't follow me." I grab my staff from the corner and leave.

Ben's POV
Rey climbs out with her staff.

I stay behind as told and begin to clean up her home to the best of my ability. I pick up her bag and place the found parts inside and pull her headgear the rest of the way out. I place them on their little shelf. I look around and see one of the rugs had been moved and the sand covering it has been disturbed.

I walk over and grab the rug. I pick it up and walk to the window. I shake the rug and watch the sand fall back to where it belongs.

I pick up more rugs from inside and shake them all out. After I finish that task I notice the sun is setting and feel a rumble in my stomach.

I go to the kitchen and make a quarter portion. A take my food and sit on the window sill.

A pair of stormtrooper walk below and I over hear them talking about my disappearance from the palace.

"What a stuck up brat." The first one says to the other. "What kind of kid runs from money?"

"The dumb kind." The second one laughs. "But I don't blame him running from Bazine."

"Yeah she's a nightmare."

"I bet she's after his money."

"I wouldn't doubt it."

I smirk. Yeah she is. The stormtroopers get to far for me to hear anymore and soon enough I hear the sound of footsteps. I recognize the footsteps as Rey's on the ladder and reassured they were hers when she enters.

"Hey." I greet her.

"Hey." She walks over to her make shift bed. "I'm going to head to bed soon."

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"No." She comes over and takes off her boots, dumping the sand out the window.

"I'm sorry about earlier."

"It's not your fault. You tried to warn me." She puts her boots back on. "Besides, I'm glad you didn't interfere."

"Why's that? I should have stood up for you." I raise my voice.

"No, I can handle myself." She walks away.

"I know you can, but they shouldn't have treated you like that."

"I'm just a commoner." She shakes her head and goes to turn on the lamp, then goes to her bag.

"No you're not just any commoner Rey. You're a scavenger who cares about people and defend the helpless. You stand up for what you believe in." I walk over to her.

"Kylo please I'm just a street rat."

I grab her hand, stopping her. "Rey, look at me." She lifts her face and I look into her greenish brown eyes. "You are not worthless and anyone who doesn't see the worth in you is crazy. You are a true diamond in the rough."

We look into each other's eyes, then she reaches up with her other hand and pulls my neck down causing my lips to go to hers.

She kisses me and I kiss her back.

Our hands part from each other, but quickly tug at one another wanting to be closer.

I have never wanted someone so much.

We part and catch our breathe, resting against each other's foreheads.

"Kylo." She breathes.

"Yeah." I match her volume.

"Thank you." She pulls away and goes to her bed. She pulls off her wrap and boots, then crawls under her blanket and wrap. "Good night."

I sit in awe. "Good night. Sweet dreams." I walk over to my bed and crawl under my blanket as well. The sun's light is now gone and the lamp is the only light lighting up the room.

A/N: Aaaayyyyyeeee they finally kissed!!! Can I get an amen johannaistrash?

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