8 Months

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Rey's POV
Ben and I walk into the palace hand in hand and immediately get questioned by Leia and Poe, after explaining what happened. Leia is embarrassed and Poe looks ashamed.

That night is rather nice until I start vomiting again, but Ben holds back my hair and cuddles me afterwards.

Days pass and Ben has to leave a lot for trips to make treaties or discuss shipmemts, people visit as well, my stomach grows, and Poe, his wife Kayla, and Finn become some of my closest friends along with Phasma and Maz.

Now waddling around at 8 months pregnant I want this dang baby out of me. I'm always hungry, and get hangry at Ben when he takes too long to get my weird cravings, but he deals with me.

I refuse to know anything about my baby, including the gender of the child until it's born and only Ben knows everything because he's impatient, but is sworn to keep it all secret and never speak a word of it until our child is born. I kind of like the mystery.

I get ready for tea in the garden with Kayla, Phasma, Maz, and Leia. Ben helps dress me in a new dress Phasma made for him to easily help me in and out of. I've given up on shoes. Haven't worn heels in months, my boots were hard as well, and flats were easy until they slipped off or started rubbing my feet the wrong way, so know I walk about bare foot.

I hold onto Ben's arm as we approach the garden.

"I feel fat." I say casually.

"Don't say that about yourself. You're pregnant, if you were skinny we would worry."

"Well I want this child out of me, so I can have my body back and have some good sex."

"Hey we have sex last night, are you saying it wasn't good?"

"Wasn't the best."

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes." I admit. He chuckles.

"I will bring you your favorite."

"Which is?"

"I don't know, what day is it?"

I laugh and he smiles. "I want apple slices with caramel sauce please."

"As you wish." He smiles and pulls out my chair. "Ladies." He greets the table of girls.

"Ben." They smile back except Leia, who greets "Son."

"So Rey, 8 months. Have you finally started to think about names yet?" Phasma asks as Ben walks away 

"No." I reply.

"Okay, you can't leave until you have decided your top 3 girl names and boy names." Kayla declares.

"Why 3?" I ask.

"Because you look big enough to be having triplets." Leia laughs.

"For all I know I am." I laugh.

"Can't believe you don't want to know anything." Kayla says.

"I kind of like it this way." I smile and sip some lemon tea with honey.

"Okay well what names are you thinking of?"

"For girls ummm... I kind of like..." I haven't really thought actually. "I don't know, suggest something."

"Leia the second." Leia smiles.

"Belle." Kayla suggests.

"Daisy." Maz says.

"Rileigh. Like a fancy spelling of Leigh." Phasma says.

"Maybe Diamond?" Leia suggests again.

"Is someone going to write this all down?" I giggle and run my finger over my swollen belly.

"I will." Kayla grabs a napkin and pen, which Phasma gives her.

"How about Johanna or Isabelle?" Phasma suggests.

"Those girls are too unique. Johanna's writing is incredible, especially for her age and Isabelle has outstanding drawing. Those girls are too precious. I wouldn't want to take that away from them."

"Their name?"

"It's the only thing given to you in life that you can say is yours forever." Phasma and I smile at one another. "How about Elizabeth?" I finally suggest something.

"I like that, sounds like a Queen's name." Leia says and sips some more tea.

"Like what?" Ben comes out and hands me my apple slices with caramel dipping.

"I think we should keep this from him." Kayla smirks.

"Keep what?" He eyes me.

"Baby names." I smile back and begin to eat.

"Well I'll be happy with whatever you pick, as long as it's not Ben or something stupid."

"Ben is not a stupid name." Leia counters.

He rolls his eyes and places a hand on my shoulder. "I need go away on a shipment mission."

"Your wife is 8 months pregnant! Can't they come here?" Leia begins to argue on my behalf.

"They want our ship parts, but don't know what to offer, so I was going to take a look around."

"It's fine." I wave off Leia's disagreement. "Ben go, hurry back."

"I don't have to leave for a few days, Rey."

"Either you leave now or you don't go." I stare at the edge of my plate.

"Okay." He leans down to kiss my lips and I turn and he gets the cheek.

"Thank you for the food." I whisper.

"You're welcome." I look over and see the hurt in his eyes. "I'll miss you."

"You say that every time." I begin to play with my food.

He sighs, then leaves.

"What was that about?" Phasma asks.

"He's always leaving, when the baby gets here is he going to keep leaving?"

"Well dear, he just became king-" Maz tries to comfort me.

"8 months ago." I shoot back. I go to speak and almost throw up. I put a hand to my mouth. "I need to rest, I can't deal with this." I stand to leave.

"Let me walk you." Leia stands.

"I'm fine. I just need some-" I sudden hard kick from my stomach causes me to grab my chair.

"Rey are you alright?" Kayla shouts.

I take a few deep breaths. "The baby hates it, almost as much as me when Ben and I disagree or he upsets me like this." I hold a hand to my aching stomach. I bite my lip to hold in the pain.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated real recent! Some stuff happened and now I'm back :)

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