Fruit Pickers

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Leia's POV
"Thank you Bazine for your patience." I say while I pour us some tea in the garden.

"Oh your son is worth the wait." Bazine smiles and lifts her tea. "I feel a real connection with him."

"Oh I'm so happy for you." I smile at her.

"If you don't mind, I was thinking I could travel home and come back shortly, just to check on my people, see my family, and trade out some dresses."

"Oh dear, yes go home and return when you please. There's no rush."

"Thank you, but I must ask. How is your husband? I overheard some maids talking."

"Oh he's resting in bed. Nothing to worry about."

"Okay just checking, because I know if something happens to him Ben will have to take the throne. Of course with a Queen." She says.

"Yes, it's a rather unique law here, but it has tended to keep the Solo men in check." I smile.

"Yes, us women do tend to be a voice of wisdom." She takes a sip of tea. "You know if something happens and you need Ben to have a voice of reason, I'm always here."

"Thank you dear." I reach across and hold her hand.

Rey's POV
I take some of my coins I have saved up from my pouch and count them.

2 gold pieces and 5 silvers.

"Hey Kylo." I call over my shoulder from my little kitchen. "I'm going out to do something. Care to come?" I ask and stand, placing them back into my pouch.

"Sure." He gets up from the window.

We travel out our home and down to the make shift street.

"So I was hoping we might be able to stop by a clothing booth." Ben says.

"Sure. We can do that first." I tell him.

We walk along and enter a building that sells clothes. He pulls out his 2 silver coins and looks around.

I look through a couple of racks and don't see anything in his price range and size.

"No luck." I tell him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Same. Maybe another day." He smiles.

"One day." I smile back at him. We exit and I see two children digging through a trash can nearby. I walk over and approach them with a small smile. "Hello." I greet them as I crouch to there level. "Are you hungry?" I ask.

They nod quietly and shy.

"Well you're in luck today. See that fruit booth over there?" I point and they nod. "How bout each of you go pick a fruit? My treat, I'll pay."

There faces light up and they run over. I walk behind them over there.

The girl shows me a melon and I nod, the boy lifts up a banana. I nod. "Why don't you grab 2?"

His smile grows brighter.

"Thank you." The little girl speaks up as I hand over a gold coin and a silver coin.

"Yes, thank you ma'." The boy joins in.

"You're very welcome." I crouch back down. "If you ever need help, just give a shout. My name's Rey by the way."

"I'm Kylo Ren." Kylo speaks up from behind.

"Thank you." The kids smile at us and run off to go eat in private or share with their family.

Ben's POV
We begin our walk home and I can't believe Rey just used her hard earned money to feed those kids.

"Is that what you went to do today?" I ask her.

"Yes." She heads into our home.

"Why would you waste your money on others?" I ask following. She turns around and has a look of disgust on her face. "What?"

"How was that a waste?" She demands.

"Well, what did you get out of it?"

"Did you see the look on those kids faces? That little gesture made their day, maybe week. They probably haven't been shown that kind of kindness in quite some time. My money turned those kids life around possibly. Maybe they'll pass it forward when they get older, maybe they'll grow up healthy now."

"A piece of fruit can't change someone's life."

"I'll remember that next time you steal a piece of fruit... Do you even know the price of stealing?"

"Jail time?" I raise an eyebrow.

"If you're lucky." She scoffs. "He was going to chop your hand off." She goes and sits at the window facing me.

"What?" I almost shout. "That's not the law."

"They don't care... and neither does the royal family." She slumps against the window framing and looks at the palace. "That's why I do what I can." She looks back over at me. "Like with the kids and you."

"That makes complete sense now."

A/N: Today's my Birthday!

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