Be Our Guest

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A/N: Chapter dedicated to LostGirlKayla.

Ben's POV
I pull the chair out for Rey as we sit for dinner. Our table with my mother and father, looks over the rest and the dance floor. Maz insisted on serving us and I gave Phasma her own table nearby with her husband Hux, and her two little ones Johanna and Isabella.

"So who's who?" Rey whispers. "The only people I know our at our table and Phasma."

"Okay over there at that table." I point. "That's Grace, Courtney, Yerha, Bryce, and Kayla."

"How do you know them?"

"Met Grace during a trade agreement, she's Princess of Naboo, that's where we get our fabrics. I plan on making another agreement with her about water for our people since her kingdom has some of the freshest. Courtney's family is long time friends with my family, her family recently got into an accident and she's the only one out of the hospital along with her sister who's hates travelling. Yerha lives on Tatoonie, runs the old cantina  there. I think of her as a friend, stop by there whenever I have to travel. She serves the best food and drinks in the galaxy. I was amazed she could make it here with such short notice." I give a small wave to her, when she glances over. "Bryce is a quite guy who keeps to himself, but he is very intelligent. His brother, Matt, works here, he taught him everything he knows, but he didn't want to leave his mother home alone. Father passed in a mining accident."

"And Kayla?" Rey asks.

"Kayla lives here on Jakku. She was adopted by the Storm family, married into the Dameron family. Mother took her in for a little while when her family crashed and everyone, but her died. Tragic, but her brother, Finn, always makes sure to keep her smiling. Mother let them cover over and play when I was younger. That's how she met Poe, her now husband. Her, Poe, and Finn, where my only friends when I was younger."

"That's so sweet." Rey smiles. "Is that her husband walking over?"

Poe takes the sit next to her. "Yeah, cute couple, but we're cuter." I kiss her cheek.

Rey's POV
"Let's dance." I stand and extend my hand for him.

He takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. A new song starts up and the dance floor clears for us.

I smile as we take our place. Ben smiles and begins to lead.

I don't know what I'm doing, but u go off what he is doing.

"We almost forgot about our first dance." He twirls me.

"I didn't know that was a thing." I smile. He guides me around the dance floor and hums along with the tune playing. "What piece is playing?"

"A Whole New World. One of my favorites. "

"It's very pretty."

"I'll have to play it for you sometime, I can teach you the lyrics, as well."

"You can play piano?"

"Mother made me learn it."

We go about dancing and the song ends shortly afterward. Poe and Kayla approach us. "Very nice." Poe smiles.

"Poe this is my wife Rey."

"How do you do?" He kisses my hand.

"His wife Kayla."

"Hello." She smiles to me. "Finn said he'd be running late. Had to go check on things at home after the ceremony."

"Well I'll make sure to find him later."

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