The Closet

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A/N: Chapter dedicated to johannaistrash, she just finished a really good book. You should all go read it, it's called 'P.W.B.'
Also chapter dedicated to korvescence_9 for being basically the first read and like on every chapter so far. You're amazing 😘

Rey's POV
I wake with the morning sun and Kylo. We eat our portion then we are off for another day of scavenging.

Today I dare reach for the top levels of a Star Destroyer.

"Rey be careful." Kylo calls after me.

"I've been doing this longer than you." I call back.

I pull out the piece I need for Unkar and stash it away. I look further at some of the wiring, then notice another useful piece. I pull it from the slot as well and hear something shift below.

"Kylo what was that?"

"Looks like some sort of hallway opened up."

New opening means new treasures.

I stand and make my way over to some long loose wires. I pull them from where they reside and tug hard on them until they stop moving and coming out. This will do.

I throw the rest of the wire down and it almost reaches to Kylo.

"How good are you at catching?" I ask looking down.

"Do you trust me?" He looks at me.


"Do you trust me?" He repeats.

I stare at him through my goggles. "Yes." I take a breath and jump clinging to the wire that slides through my hands.

He catches me flawlessly as I drop into his arms after the wire runs out.

I smile, but my mask hides it. I look into his eyes. He looks into my eyes, but I can tell he's just guessing and can't really see me. I blush to myself.

"Umm Kylo, you can put me down now."

"Oh Umm yeah right." He puts me down. "The opening right."

"Yeah, where is it?"

"This way I think." He points to a hallway that has now opened.

"Right." I point to it and begin walking towards it.

"Here." He takes off my staff that was hung around him. "Just in case."

I smile and nod, then contuine walking.

I step through the doorway with Kylo following.

There's a door that didn't open, I hit the key button even though I know it won't do anything.

"Let me try." Kylo steps in front of the door then backs up some.

He kicks the door and the metal work whines. He does this again and the door further bends. He gives a final kick, but the door remains the same.

"Let me try something." I come next to him and jam my staff in the bindings on the side. I use it as a lever and the door rips free on the one side. I pull my staff out and step on the door causing it to sink and bend more under my feet.

Kylo reaches out grasping my hips to steady me. His touch rather surprises me, but I know he means well.

I switch the light on my goggles on and look around seeing it's a small closet. "Looks like a spare room full of under clothing for stormtroopers."

I pull out some shirts and pants, then stumble upon blankets and a first aid kit. I hand the clothing and blankets out to Kylo who stuffs it in an old scavenger bag we found today. Last owner must have forgotten about it.

The bag fills quickly and there's still more here. I know many people who would kill to have new clothing. I think for a moment, then decide to just leave it. Hopefully no one will come for it, but if someone does find it I hope they put it to good use.

I grab more blankets than pants and shirts, so I can give some away to others who struggle, like the children picking food out of trash cans.

With our bags full, we travel home.

Ben's POV
We trade our parts in with Unkar for coins and those for portions. Rey finds some children looking through trash cans and gives them blankets and by then it's just past high noon.

The swear drips down my back as we enter our home. "Wow, what a busy, eventful day."

"Yeah, want to go back out later and try to get more from that closet or you want to rest until tomorrow?"

"Ask me again later." I lay down and fan myself. "Is it just me or is it hotter than normal?"

"Seems a bit hotter today." She wipes sweat off her eyebrow.

"You don't mind if I take my shirt off do you?" I ask.

"No." She looks away. "Go ahead." She walks to the mini kitchen and stores the portions and begins making herself some. "Hungry?"

"Yeah." I take my shirt off and shake it out the window. I didn't realize how much sand there was on it.

"Here you go." Rey walks up beside me and hands me a plate of food.

"Thanks." I toss my shirt aside and sit.

She looks hesitate, but takes a seat next to me on the window. "I bet the palace is air conditioned."

"It is." I look at it with her, then she looks over at me confused. "Well from what I heard." She nods slightly. I see some stormtroopers, as does she and we both remain quiet.

"Did you hear the King got worse?" One asks the other.

"Yeah, was coughing up blood and now he isn't getting up." I need to go home.

"Wonder where the prince is hiding." Not as far as you think, I anwser back in my mind.

"Better question. I wonder if he knows." I do now.

"Well Queen Leia and Princess Bazine know for sure. I think I heard the Queen planning some kind of small wedding for the two love birds." They laugh.

"I would hardly call them love birds." They keep talking, but are from ear shot now.

"Can't believe she's going to be Queen." Rey sighs and finishes her portion.

"Yeah, hopefully the Prince doesn't have to marry her." I put the last piece in my mouth. Rey gets up and goes over to her bag and empties the rest of the blankets and clothing.

I put my plate in the kitchen, then join alongside her with my new bag. "I like your idea about the Prince marrying a commoner, but there's that stupid law about having to marry a princess."

"If the King made the rule, surely he can unmake the rule."

"Never thought of that." I smirk.

I'll go home tonight and beg for him to change it, maybe mother would agree and be happy that I found someone I want to marry.


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