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A/N: Chapter dedicated to korvescence_9 for reading my books and always being among the first likes. Very active reader, comments and likes, you should all go follow her.

Rey's POV
My stomach begins to growl and I knew it was time to return home from my second scavenging trip of the day. I have enough portions, but a couple more won't hurt.

I shift my bag, as the sun begins lowering in the distance. I approach Unkar's stand and know I'm safe for now at least.

We have small talk while he examines the new finds. He ends up giving me 3 silver coins.

I place them in my pouch and turn around to see the beautiful sunset.

Kylo's POV
The sunset is beautiful, more than usual as the light dances on the sand instead of the building tops from my new view within the market place of Jakku.

I begin my stroll down the line of carts. I see an apple along side some portions.

I pick the apple up and return my glaze to the sunset. I brush off the apple and take a bite from it.

"Hey!" A man yells.

I turn and look at him. "Hello." I raise an eyebrow and take another bite. Some juice slides down from my lip and I wipe it away. "Can I help you?"

"You could pay me for that apple."

"Pay? What do you-" The guy grabs me by my shirt and pulls me down to his face level, causing me to drop my apple.

"Don't play dumb boy." He threatens and narrows his eyes.

"Hey." A girl speaks up. "He's with me." She crosses her arms.

"He stole from me Rey." He growls and let's go of me.

"Here." She pulls out four silver coins and slaps them on the wooden cart. "Now his debt is paid for right?"

He eyes the coins them swipes them into his hand. He grunts and nods, then looks at me. "You got lucky." He grumbles.

He begins closing up his shop and the girl walks off lugging a staff and almost empty bag with the exception of something clicking together.

"Hey!" I call after her. I run up to her. "Umm thanks for that, back there."

"Mmhmm." She hums and contuines walking.

"Hey, what can I do to repay you?" I ask.

"Well I'm assuming you don't have any money which is why you stole, so here let me give you a few tips. If you steal, don't get caught. Don't be out in the wide open streets after dark, there are thugs who will get you, even if you're broke. So if you'll let me be on my way, that would be much appreciated." She shifts her staff around and picks up her pace and the sky turns a mild blue.

"Hey, what's your name?" I jog up to her.

"Rey and you?" She finally stops before a corner.

"Kylo, Kylo Ren."

"Well Kylo, follow me." She turns back around.

"Why?" I question, but follow.

We round the corner and she grips her staff and holds it ready to strike.

"I'm assuming you don't have a place to stay."


Someone lunges out of nowhere and Rey swings at them hitting them to the ground immediately.

"What's your hurry thief?" The guy lays in the ground, then scrambles backwards. "Don't follow me." She looks at me. "Or him." She walks off and I contuine in her path.

We duck into an abandon burnt building and travel through it and out the back. She climbs up the ladder and on to the flat roof tops. I follow glancing down the ladder, but quickly looking back up. We travel along the tops in quiet, until we come to one thats too far to jump across. Rey goes over near the edge and grabs a pole. She backs up and runs sticking it against the border on the rooftop sailing over the gap and onto the other side. I stare at her in some what shock that she lands perfectly. She looks at me and I nod to her. She throws the stick across and her throw is great, but I miss it. I pick it up and go back just like her. I run and soar over the gap and land perfectly like her.

"I'm a fast learner." I smirk at her. she rolls her eyes and takes the stick, storing it away. We contuine across the tops, then turn right and jump onto a higher rooftop, and then cross on a board. We cross quickly and I can see the sandy street below.

She climbs up the side of a building that has some fire damage and looks rather old on a ladder and goes through a window. She peeks her head up and I begin my climb up the ladder.

Once inside I look to see its an old master bedroom with a small kitchen area, but the best part is a stunning view of my home.

Rey's POV
I look at Ben and he stares at the Palace. I walk up next to him. "What are you thinking about?" I ask.

"The Palace."

"What about it?"

"It just looks stunning." The lights begin to flicker on in different rooms and we watch for a while.

"Still hungry or that apple satisfy you?" I turn away and into my small kitchen.

"A little, what do you have?"

"Just portions." I open a bag and mix it with some water on my heater. "So
Kylo. You seem new to town."

"What makes you think that?"

"Stealing without running, no place to stay, and you don't seem street smart, but look feed."

"Oh." I look down, away from the Palace.

"Where did you come from?"

Kylo's POV
I'm taken back by her question. "Ummm." I start. Phasma and I did not think this through. "Classified."

"Classified really?" She looks over at me. "Me too." She looks back."Big secret."

"Really?" I ask shocked.

"No, come on, really?"

"Well let's just say I ran away for a reason and I don't plan on going back any time soon." I tell Rey.

"Okay. Won't bring that up then." She hands me some food. "Let's eat."

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