Dinner Drama

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A/N: Chapter dedicated to thelastsithIam, korvescence_9, and johannaistrash. Thanks for all the comments and love :) I hope you all enjoy the new chapter!

Rey's POV
We get back all sweaty and probably smelly, but I'm used to it.

"I'll see you for dinner in an hour." Ben kisses my cheek at my door.

"Okay." I smile. "Save me a seat next to you."

"No where else I rather have you." He smiles back then walks to his room down the hall.

I enter mine and see Phasma waiting for me. "Phasma." I smile. "Nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you again as well." She stands. "Ready to get ready for dinner?"

"Sure. Sorry if I smell I was just out-"

"Don't apologize. I'm glad you were out feeding the poor." She smiles and mine grows. "Plus I rather smell hardwork then Bazine's perfume any day." She laughs.

I giggle and undo my three buns. "I'll show and you can dress me however you like."

"Okay, any requests?"

"Just not a lot of jewels, but other than that whatever you want."

"I have just the dress that would love perfect on you."

"Any hairstyles to go with it?" I ask and she nods excitedly. "I'll leave hair and make up to you then."

I go into my bathroom and undress, then step into my shower, closing the curtain, then the glass sliding door.

"Rey?" Phasma calls outside the door.

"I'm in the shower, but the curtains closed."

I hear the door open. "I brought you some new under garments and a robe. Put these on after and I'll do your hair and make up."

"Okay." I call back and hear the door shut.

I finish quickly and dress in what she left out for me. I open the door and invite her in.

I sit in a chair and Phasma works her magic. Once my hair is done along with my make up, Phasma helps me into my dress. It's a soft flowing one. It's white with pink and yellowing shading through it. It ties around my neck and the excess trails behind me and gets lost in the train. My hair is pulled into a lower loose bun with my bangs free and curled, framing my face. My lips are painted pink and my touches of gold are added need my eyes along with something called mascara. I'm instructed to not rub my eyes and then I am escorted to dinner.

On the way I search the halls for Ben with my wondering eyes, but I believe I'm late, so he's beaten me there.

We pass the usual dining room. "Where are we going?"

"Dinner is being held on the balcony dining area."

"Oh, that's wonderful."

We pass a window where I can see the sun getting ready to set.

"Hear we are." Phasma stops in front of two double doors with two guards at it.

I take a breath. "Thank you." There's a round of laughter on the other side. I take another breath and Phasma gives me a reassuring smile then nods for me to go.

I smile and turn. The guards both open the doors and I'm greeted with a beautiful sunset matching my dress with added oranges and light blues.

My eyes adjust and fall upon Ben who sits next to Bazine across from the King and Queen and Maz walks around serving them.

"Rey, please, join us." Leia motions to the chair at the end of the table.

I walk over and take my seat.

Ben looks at me and we lock eyes. He doesn't smile and neither do I.

Bazine clears her throat... once... twice.

Our eyes stay locked.

Bazine takes a sip of her water, then places it down. Not so casually spilling it on to my lap and over my dress. I look down at my lap, then grab my napkin and dab at my dress.

"Oops." Bazine spits out.

"Bitch." Han coughs. A smile breaks across my face and I contuine dabbing.

"What was that dear?" Leia snaps.

"It was just a cough." He replies casually.

I look up and smirk at Han who gives me a wink.

I feel Bazine kick me under the table. I look at her and she smirks.

"Excuse me Bazine?" I ask as sweet as can be.

Her smirk fades into a disgusted look. "It's Princess Bazine, scavenger." She sneers. Maz narrows her eyes and is visibly mad at her comment.

"Ok Princess of Cruelty. What the hell is your problem?"

Bazine looks stunned. "Ex-Excuse me?" She stumbles out.

"You heard me. The first time in the streets, you called me a Street Rat and poured water on my head. Now you see me again and you spill water on me yet again and kick me under the table. So Princess I'll ask again, what is your problem?"

"You." She snaps and stands knocking her chair backwards. "You Street Rat, you don't have any right to be in the Palace. I deserve to be here, you deserve to die in the streets."

I stand and stare into her eyes. "You are a intitled bully. You have everything handed to you and don't work for anything. You wouldn't last a day in my shoes."

"I didn't know you owed shoes." Bazine cuts in.

"Excuse me your highness." I nod to King Han.

"I'll join you." He rolls back from the table in his wheelchair and to my side.

"Would you like a push dad?" Ben asks standing.

"Off a cliff." Bazine mumbles.

"You're not even worth it." I comment back.

"Worth more than you." She smiles.

Maz goes over and slaps the smile off her face. "She may not give you what you deserve, but I will." Maz growls at her. "Rey is more valuable then you will ever be and I hope Ben marries her, because she will be double the queen that you could ever be in your pitiful little life."

"Guards." Leia stands joining the argument.

"Escort Bazine back to her room." Han cuts in.

"Han." Leia objects.

"And my wife."

A/N: You know that scene from Princess Diaries where Mia cones Lana and everyone goes "Lana got coned, Lana got coned", well this is kinda what is going on in my mind, but it's "Bazine got told, Bazine got told!"

PS What are your thoughts on Leia still defending Bazine?

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