Royal Make Over

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A/N: Chapter dedicated to johannaistrash because she's my boo, and ThatBubbleGumBxtch because she is a queen. There's a little something special for you in this chapter.

Ben's POV
I head into my clothing maker's shop.
"Hello Phasma." I smile to the blonde headed lady.

"Oh hello Ben. What can I do for you today?"

Phasma and I have a relationship I consider more of friends than her working for me. I ask her for advice and learn more about my workers from her. She's sort of like a spy for me occasionally, but I need her more as a friend than ever.

"I need you to listen to me as a friend." She nods. "Can you get ahold of some cheap fabric?"

She smiles. "One moment." She walks into her living quarters on the side and comes back out with some rolls of fabric that are dully colored and pre-dirty. "Like this?"

"Exactly, but why do you have these. You said your pay is nice here, surely you could afford better."

"The pay is nice, but I have twin little girls, Johanna and Isabella, they're at home with their father."

"So why don't they dress nicer?"

"My pay goes to food, rent, and then their clothes." She sighs. "There father refuses to work since I have such a nice job and can support our family single handedly."

"I'm sorry Phasma. If you need a raise just say so, it'll be no problem for you."

"Oh Ben it's nothing. That'll just encourage Hux, my husband, to drink more. But enough about me. What do you need these fabrics for?"

"I'll trade you those for some plush velvets and smooth silk fabrics if you make me an outfit complete with a hooded cape out of those."


"When can you have them ready?"

"We start now and you can be out by dinner."

"How did you know?"

"Ben, I've been dressing you for a while and would like to think I know you and how you are." She smiles and draws a fabric from the middle of the wrap and one falls. I help pick them up and look over the article in my hands. "Those are your pants. Here's your cape." She hands me it by the hood. "Try them on."

I smile and pull her in for a hug. "Thank you." She hugs back then releases me and grabs her tool case.

"Okay let's do this."

She measures me and cuts fabric. Sews some and tells me to mess with her make up. "Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not putting on make up."

"No what I mean is grab some brown eyeshadow and using your finger tips,  get some on your face to portray dirt." I do as told and really want to wash my face off, but don't.

"Okay." She comes over. "Close your eyes." I do as told again. I feel her drawing on my eyelids. "Okay open and look up."

She dots something underneath my eyes.

"Okay, I'm going to have you break the first rule of make up."

I raise my eyebrow at her.

"Rub your face and your eyes." I do so gently. "Okay now rub your eyes like something is in them." I do, so and then feel how great it is to rub my eyes. "Okay that's enough open."

I open and look at her. She smirks, "Perfect." Then hands me a hand mirror.

"I look like I slept on dirt."

"That's the point." She pats my shoulder. "Now let's get you dressed."

I look in the mirror fully dressed. Dark brown pants matching my hooded cape, a tan shirt, and some brown boots she had bought for Hux originally, but decided I needed them.

I smile at how different I look and feel. Phasma ruffles my black locks and I chuckle with her.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"Sure." I turn to face her.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because it's the right thing to do. You need to see Jakku for yourself and learn what life is like for someone like a merchant, a begger, or even a scavenger." She smiles. "Okay, let's get you out of here."

"Okay." I smile and head for the door.

"You can't use that one."


"You have to use the staff exit if you don't want your mother or father to see you."

"They won't recognize me." I tell her.

"As a mother, I'll telling you. They will." She opens the staff door and I duck inside.

The staff hall seems narrow compared to the main halls, but is wide enough for four people to stand shoulder to shoulder. The ceiling is tall enough for me to stand once through the door, but definitely not as tall as I would have imagined.

We come to a loading dock and Phasma begins unloading a wagon. I follow her lead wordlessly.

The wagon is empty and I return to Phasma's side.

"Now is your chance. Drive to the west gate, that's the staff gate, just give a nod and they'll open up. Once outside the gate, ditch the wagon nearby and we'll discover it. Go and disappear from there. You'll need to use a fake name." She whispers.

"Kylo Ren."

"Excuse me?"

"That'll be my name from now on. Kylo Ren."

"Okay, well Kylo. Now is the chance, so take it. Come back home when the time is right."

"I will." I smile. I walk over to the wagon and get inside. I flip the switches to turn it on and the engine stirs alive.

'Good luck.' Phasma mouths to me. I nod to her and she disappears back into the staff halls.

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