Return of the Scavenger

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Rey's POV
I pace Ben's room, technically our room, since we share his room now.

What am I going to do.

I walk to the balcony and the wind blows my hair around. I tie my hair up in a simple bun and sit on the bench.

Not long ago I was a scavenger and now I'm a pregnant queen. I sigh in frustration. I wish Ben was here.

I stand and look down at the people. My dress flows around me at my ankles. I put a hand to my still flat stomach.

I can't do this alone, but I know there's something I can.

I leave and go to Phasma.

"Do you have my outfit that I came in?" I ask.

"Should I be scared of your intentions if I say yes."

"No, I need to do something, but I need to do things my way after I clear my head."

"Okay, yes I have it. I'll bring it out for you right now."

Phasma goes and retrieves it. It's washed and clean, but oh well.

I give Phasma and hug and give her a note, instructing her to give it to Ben upon his arrival.

I return to my room and change, then slip a cape over covering my clothes.

I walk through and out the palace, no questions asked. The guards don't dare question the queen I guess. It was easier than I thought I have to admit.

Leia's POV
I sit holding Han's hand while he sleeps, softly snoring.

A soft knock is heard on the door. "Come in." I anwser.

"My lady." A guard addresses me. "Queen Rey has left the Palace."

"What? What do you mean left?"

"She walked out the loading Bay without saying a word to anyone."

"Did she leave with anything or anyone?"

"She left empty handed. Did not tell anyone where she was going or when she may return. She left in what she came in."

I sigh and put a hand to my head. "Send for my son to come home at once. Tell him his wife is missing."

"Should I alert the public as well? Offer a reward on information?"

"No. Just send for Ben."

Han begins stirring and the guard leaves.

"Leia what's wrong?" He asks examining my face.

I put a hand to his forehead. "Nothing dear." I fake smile. I get up and leave him.

Rey's POV
I cook myself a portion and sit in my window sill watching the sun set behind my new home.

My old home is quite dirty and I can't imagine what was going through Ben's head when he first saw it.

I glance around and notice the stormtrooper outfits missing, but everything else is untouched and covered in dust.

I'm glad I don't have to raise a child here. I place a hand to my stomach again. I'm glad this baby was made from love. I'm very glad Ben in the father.

I finish my portion and begin to feel sick.

I lay down in the corner finding comfort from my walls. I keep the lamp nearby, but lay in the dark.

I fall asleep and the morning sun wakes me.

I get up and put my gear on. I walk out with the other scavengers. Many glance my way and whisper to each other.

By now, all of Jakku knows I'm queen.

I go about my old routine. I approach Unkar. "There's my favorite person." He smiles. "Congrats on your marriage."

"Thanks." I pull the pieces out.

"So why is the Queen out unguarded? Especially scavenging." He raises an eyebrow and examines the pieces.

"Needed some time to think."

"Planning on killing someone for the money?" He grumbles.

"No." I hiss. "I really do love him."

"3 silvers." He puts them down. "How do you even know him?"

"He was disguised as Kylo, that new scavenger I introduced you too."

"No way." He scratches himself. "Well good for you. Glad you found yourself a price charming." He chuckles. "You got an actual prince."

"Yup, but I feel in love with Kylo first."  I slip the coins in my pouch. "Take care."

"Until next time." I turn and see Poe.

"Rey." He approaches. "Where's Ben? What are you wearing?"

"Don't blow my cover." I whisper. "Walk with me?" He nods. "I just needed time to think."

"Oh okay. About what?"

"It's between Leia and I at the moment."

"Why not you and Ben?"

"He's away on a business trip."

"Okay." We walk quietly along the sandy street. "Rey, I'm sorry about the other night at your wedding."

"Thanks for the apology." I smile.

"But I'm telling Ben about Kylo."

"What about Kylo?"

"That you love him and not Ben."

"Poe it's not what you think." I laugh to myself.

"No Rey, I overheard you perfectly clear. You're in love with Kylo not Ben."

"Poe, you don't understand."

"Whatever Rey. I'll get to him before you." His eyes narrow.

"Okay, you do that, then send him my way. He'll know where to find me."

I walk away from Poe and look over my shoulder and see him heading to the palace. He will not ruin my marriage.

Leia's POV
"My lady." A guard greets me. I nod for him to speak. "Poe Dameron is here to see you. Says you know him personally."

"Yes. Send him in."

After a few minutes, there's a knock. "Come in Poe."

"Hello." He greets me. I get up and hug him, then offer him a seat.

"What brings you here?"

"Well I saw Rey in the market."

"Yes I heard. I think she just needs some time to clear her head."

"Well I overheard her saying she's in love with someone named Kylo."

"What?" I ask shocked.

"She was discussing it with Unkar Plutt."

I shake my head and put a head to my forehead.

What if the baby isn't Ben's?

A/N: Video above is mine! Check me out on YouTube please! Same username :)

Me: Hey Rey! How do you get around Ben?



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