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A/N: Chapter dedicated to thelastsithIam

Ben's POV
As the sun sets and night begins to fall upon us I sit with Rey in my arms in the corner of our home looking out the window at the sunset behind the palace.

The sun ducks and doesn't blare in our eyes like earlier and it's rather peaceful.

I have my arms around Rey and I kiss her neck. She giggles and kisses my dirty arms.

"I'm dirty." I whine.

"I am too." I can tell she's smiling, it's just in her voice.



"Tell me something about yourself."

"That's not much to know about me, I mean just look at me." She shrugs her shoulders.

"I am."

She looks over at me. "Okay ummm... I want to fall in love and have a family, but I'm afraid because of where I live."


"Well, it's just dirty here and I couldn't bring new life into this world with the poor conditions, it wouldn't be fair." She sighs. "Plus who would fall in love with a Street Rat." Her voice doesn't sound happy anymore.

"I would."

She shifts her weight and looks at me face to face.

I lean down and kiss her.

She sweetly kisses back and I feel bad knowing shortly I'll leave her unsure of when I'll kiss her again.

Time passes and we crawl into her bed together tonight.

The wind blows a cold breeze that sweeps around us brushing the sand on the floor around.

Rey holds on to my arm wrapped around her and drifts to sleep quickly. Her breathing is easy and steady. My anxiety kicks in knowing what I have to do. I try to calm myself and enjoy the moment, matching my breath to hers.

I almost fall asleep and that's when I decide to make my move.

I slowly slip away from her and quietly go to the exit.

I look at Rey, asleep peacefully in the moonlight, smiling at the thought that I'm next to her.

I sigh and remember my duty to my kingdom, then slip out of her home.

I journey back to the main make shift street and find a stormtrooper. I approach him quietly.

"You shouldn't be wandering the streets peasant." He sneers at me.

I straighten my posture and look at him. "I am Prince Ben of Jakku and I demand to be taken back to the palace."

The stormtrooper is startled, but then recognizes me or believes me. "Oh um, so sorry your highness. Right this way." He escorts me the rest of the way to the palace, which I never would have been able to find on my own. Well maybe after a day and with Rey's help, but I think she would catch on.

He takes me through the guards entrance, which I didn't know we had, and after quite the walk I'm finally pointed to the main hallway.

"Thank you." I nod to the stormtrooper. He nods back and begins his walk and to his post.

Instead of going to see my mother and tell her I have returned home or seeing my father and telling him about our people and Rey, I go to Phasma.

I knock softly, then just enter. I see her fast asleep and take it upon myself to just grab an outfit that appears to have been washed and return what she has made me.

I walk quickly and quietly back to my room, luckily unnoticed and draw a bath.

Rey's POV
The sun shines through and I slept through the whole night and didn't wake up on time, but I'm too happy to care.

I smile and stretch, then stand and notice something. My smile fades as I realize I'm alone. Maybe he went scavenging without me and let me sleep in.

Yeah, that's it. I smile again at his kindness. I go to the kitchen and begin making our breakfast, he should be back soon.

I make breakfast, then go and wait at our window sill. I redo my three buns and look at my tempting portion. I look at the Palace once I'm done with my hair and try not to worry about Kylo. He's fine, I taught him some stuff. Maybe he's only going to the closet, that's a safe trip.

Time passes and my anxiety spikes at his absence. I cave and eat my breakfast, leaving his on the plate and putting it back in the kitchen.

I put in my scavenging gear and decide it's time to go find him.

The main street is filled with scavengers trading their goods for food and coins. Many look at me weirdly for my lateness, but some that I'm daring to go out at just before high noon, which can be dangerous because of the heat. I hike out through the sand and all the way to the closet. I don't see Kylo anywhere and there's no trance of him. I grab some clothing and take it back for my goods to trade today.

The sun beats down as I'm halfway back to the village from this junkyard. My legs barely carry me as the warm breeze gently pushes me around.

My feet fumble leading my body to hit the sand. The hot sand would most likely burn me if I had any exposed skin, but luckily my scavenging gear doesn't allow that.

My heavy breathing makes me realize I need to rest and my sweat tells me to hydrate, but there's no water for at least a mile.

I lay on my side and think of Kylo. Where could he be?

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