Find Her

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Ben's POV
No one steps forward and I don't see her anywhere.

Why didn't I tell her the truth?

I turn and hurry off stage.

"Ben!" My mother comes after me. "Ben! Where are you going?"

"To find her."

"And how do you plan on that?"

"I know her mother. She doesn't come to these kind of things. She's most likely at home."

"Then let's send some guards to find her."

I chuckle. "She'll kick their ass."

"Just trust me son."

Rey's POV
I awaken on the floor of my home. My face damp, hair messy, and mind wondering.

I hear a crack outside and stand daring to take a peek, hoping it's Kylo.

Instead I'm greeted by stormtroopers, they begin crawling up my ladder. How did they find me? No time for questions. I run to my staff and prepare for a fight. I see the stormtrooper outfits and blankets I scavenged and know there's no time to hide it.

"There she is!" The first one entering calls out.

I watch them enter and they stare hesitate on what to do.

"We just need to take you-"

I swing my staff knocking him out cold. ""Enough chit chat. I know why you're here and you're not taking me!" I yell.

"Get her." I assume the leader commands.

There's four of them, one passed out already, and one leading.

The two listen to him and charge me. I clash the butt of my staff into ones chest sending him backwards and kick the other in the stomach.

The leader pulls out a blaster and before I can dodge, he stuns me. I fall to the ground and return to my sleeping state.

Ben's POV
I enter my father's office where my mother is sitting at his desk. "Where is she? Why haven't they returned?"

"They returned a while ago." She contuines going through some papers.

"Where is she?"

"The dungeon." She says casually.

"What? Why?"

"She's a criminal. She had stolen property in her position and resisted arrest."

"I shouldn't have trusted you. I shouldn't have betrayed her like that. Now she's going to hate me forever."

"Forever won't be much longer."

"What do you mean?"

"She's going to be tried for her crimes and you're going to marry Bazine."

"That's not fair!" I shout. "You heard what dad said."

"Yes, but he's dying and just wants you to shut up."

"I hate you." I turn and run out the room. I need to save Rey.

Rey's POV
The room is cold with almost no light. I sit up and pull my knees to my chest. So this is how I die.

I look at my surrounding and find a small opening up high that shows the dark sky.

Maybe I can crawl out there. I stand and realize I'm chained to the ground and wall.

Ben's POV
I approach the dungeon guard. "Let the prisoner free this instant."

"My orders come from the queen."

"Let him in." I turn and see my father wheeling himself my way. "By order of the king."

"Yes, your highness." The guard opens and I look inside the dark, gloomy room.

Rey turns and sees me.

"Prince Ben." She bows before me, kneeling at my presence.

"Rey." I rush to her and hug her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." She looks at me like she doesn't know me. "How do you know my name?"

The guard comes over and unchains her wrist and ankles. "It's me." I brush back a piece of her hair. "Can't you tell?"

She looks at my hair, then my physique, and finally my face. "Kylo?" She whispers.

"Yes." I smile.

"You lied to me." She pushes me away from her. "I trusted you." Her eyebrows knit together and I know she's upset. "I must have sounded so stupid." She turns her back to me.

"Rey, please understand."

"No, you understand." She turns back to me. "I put my life in danger for you."

"Yes and I'm thankful for that."

"No, I almost died looking out in the junkyard for you at high noon with no water."

"You shouldn't have gone looking for me."

"You left without saying goodbye." I can see the tears building up in her eyes. "What was I supposed to do?"

I slowly step towards her. "I'm sorry." I try to hug her and she moves my arms away. "Rey please. I love you."  She won't look at me. I try to move into her view, but her eyes wonder away. I hold her arms with my own and she doesn't push me away this time. "Rey, please forgive me."

"I need time to think." She mumbles.

"Of course."

"We have a room for you." My father speaks up from the doorway. "I can show you to it personally."

"Thank you, your majesty." Rey says softly and walks away from me and follows my dad out.

Rey's POV
King Han leads me to a room that is now mine. It's decorated with fine jewels, elegant fabrics, and a bathroom with running fresh water.

I hear a knock at the door and I'm not sure if I should anwser it, but I do.

A woman smiles. "Hi I'm Phasma. I'm hear to measure you and make you some clothes."

"Oh um. I don't have any money to pay you."

"Don't be silly, you're a guest of the royal family, it's paid for."

So this is another thing my tax money pays for.

She measures me quietly after attempting to make small talk. "You must be tired, want me to draw you a bath?"

"Umm sure."

She goes into the bathroom and I hear running water. I go in to find a large bucket of sorts filled with fresh warm water. "I'll bring you some fresh, clean clothes. Any preference?" She asks turning off the water.

"Umm tan and flowy?" I reply unsure.

"No problem." She leaves and I'm left with a large amount of water for bathing.

"Kylo, Ben." I correct myself. "Bathes like this daily while I don't even drink this much in a week. Let alone fresh." I roll my eyes and begin undressing, while I keep whispering to myself about other daily activities he has compared to mine. "Maybe we're too different." I sink into the warm water.

A/N: How bout Leia imprisoning Rey? Thoughts on Rey finally knowing the truth? What are you hoping to see happen next?

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