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A/N: Since johannaistrash asked nicely and buttered me up, here's the next chapter. Hope you all enjoy!

Rey's POV
I awaken in my new bed just before dawn. It's comfy and I don't want to leave. Actually I don't have to leave. I don't have to scavenge since I'm a guest here.

I roll over and pull the covers up and slip back into dream land.

I awaken a little after sunrise from the light peering into my room. I stretch and get up, there's a note from Phasma instructing me where breakfast is and that Maz can assist me.

I follow directions and stumble upon the right place. Ben, Leia, and Bazine all sit silently while a short woman stands on call. "Good morning dear." She says. "I'm Maz, Phasma told me about you."

"I'm Rey, Phasma told me about you as well."

"Need anything I'm here." Maz smiles.

"As am I." Ben smiles at me and pulls a chair out for me.

I take the seat and give a small nod to him. He returns to his seat and Bazine whispers something to Leia.

"So Rey, have any family?" Leia asks.

"Umm no."

"So sorry dear." She picks at the food on her plate.

"Rey." Ben speaks up.

"Yes?" I look at him as Maz pours me a glass of water.

"Would you like to join me on a walk later?"

"You have no time for a walk later." Leia interferes.

"What's on the agenda then?" He counters.

"Fitting, ring picking, law approval, lunch with Bazine and I, visit your father, another fitting, planning the wedding, and-"

"What wedding?"

"Ours." Bazine smirks then eyes me.

"Not happening. Screw the agenda." He stands. "Rey." He holds his hand out to me.


"Are you coming?"


He glances at Bazine and his mother who stare at us.

"On our walk."


"Yes." He contuines holding his hand. "Do you trust me?"

I look at him in surprise, but I don't see Prince Ben, I see Kylo Ren the scavenger. The boy who ran away to learn about his people and make a change. They are the same person and I'm going to have to learn that the Kylo I knew, is the Ben I know.

"Yes." I take his hand and stand. He grabs a piece of fruit. "Maz you're excused."

"We aren't done." Leia injects.

"You're capable of serving yourself." We exit the room. "So Rey, what shall we do today?"

"Take a walk in the garden? Feed the kids?" I throw out a couple of suggestions.

"Feeding the poor sounds like a wonderful idea." He smiles.

We walk down the hall into a staff only area. He enters and I follow still holding his hand.

"Chef." He calls out and is greeted by a man.

"Hello Prince Ben. How may I assist you?" He sounds nervous.

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