Lucky Shot

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A/N: Video above was made by me!It's now posted on YouTube. Channel is up and running as of today. Same username. Please Check it out :)

Ben's POV
A gun fires and a bullet whizzes pass my ear.

"Next is through her head." Bazine shouts as she reloads her pistol.

I pull Rey behind me and Han tries to stand, but falls out of his chair coughing. Maz and Phasma go to his side, as I stand my ground protecting Rey.

"Guards!" I shout and she points the gun blindly and manages to shoot the trooper down in one shot.

"Lucky shot." Rey says behind me.

"Speak up bitch." Bazine says while reloading her gun again.

My mother comes from the doorway and my eyes go wide.

She motions me to be quiet.

"Bazine, why are you doing this?" I stall.

"Because she doesn't deserve any of this. I do!"

"You have your own palace."

"It's nothing like this." She motions around and Mom snatches the gun from her and points it at Bazine's head.

"Don't make another move."

Bazine turns slowly with her hands up. "Traitor."


Bazine goes to hit her, but she pulls the trigger.

"Mom!" I shout. "Are you okay?"

"She had it coming."

"Ben." Rey tugs on me. I had almost forgotten I was protecting her.

"Han!" Mom calls after dad.

I see my father on the ground.

"Dad." I grip his hand as I crouch down.

"Son." He grins. "You did it."

"Hey, I shot the bitch." Mom chimes in.

"Yes, you redeemed yourself after defending her for how long?"

"But I saved our skins." She smiles and dad does back.

"It's my time to go Leia." Tears form in his eyes.

"No dad." I go to lift him up. "Not here." I successfully begin to carry him.

"Mom get the medic. Maz escort Rey to my room. Phasma get someone to clean up Bazine."

We all break off into action.

Han's POV
I lay in bed with Ben and Leia at my sides.

"Thank you for everything." I tell them.

Leia kisses my hand. "Sorry I made your life suck."

"It wasn't all bad. Some of it was... good." He smirks.

"Had to be if I'm here." Ben smirks just like me.

Leia rolls her eyes.

Rey's POV
I sit in Ben's room on his bed staring at my ring, it's gorgeous.

There's a knock on the door. I go over to anwser since I see no threat, being that Bazine is dead and Leia isn't trying to imprison me anymore.

I open the door to see Phasma with a silky blue nightgown.

"Thought you might want to change."

"Thanks." I take it. "Any word on where Ben is?"

"With his dad. King Han isn't looking too good."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Would you like me to send a message to him?"

"No I'm fine. I'm just going to head to bed."

"Dear you skipped breakfast and dinner. You've only had one meal today."

"I'm used to not eating much."

"Okay, but I am worried about you. Promise me you'll eat breakfast tomorrow?"

"I promise. Good night Phasma."

"Good night Rey." I close the door.

I go back to the bed and slip out of my dress and kick the heels off . I slide into the blue silky gown and walk to the balcony.

The marble floors are cold against my feet, but feels nice.

There's a thump and I look over to see Ben come in.

"Ben-" He holds up his hand stopping me as he approaches.

"He is in good hands, nothing else I can do, I don't want to talk about it. Let's just celebrate our engagement tonight." He takes me in his arms.

"Okay fiancé." I smile and lean up on my toes to kiss him.

(this is for you johannaistrash)

He sweeps me up onto his waist and my legs wrap around him.

He takes me over to his desk, pushing everything off. He sets me down and my dress remains up some from my open legs. I begin undressing him.

First the jacket, then vest, his shirt... "I'm starting to hate all these clothes." He smiles at my struggle with his shirt buttons until I rip his shirt off. "Wow someone's aggressive."

"What gave it away? Kicking your troopers asses or-" His lips crash against mine and he returns the favor ripping my dress at the top and peeling it from my body.

He pulls my ass forward and causes me to lean against the wall. He pull the dress completely off and I'm left in my underwear.

He smirks at my black lace set.

"Phasma knows me well."

I kick him lightly back and stand. "Guess you'll have more trouble than I will with finding out your likings."

He pulls me to his body by my hip. I bite my lip and wish for his rough hand to take control of me.

"Guess I just figured one out." He smirks again.

I grab the back of his hair and bring his lips down to mine. I pull on his hair and feel his chest tense against me. I pull from his lips. "Ben One."

"Rey one." He raises his eyebrow, as he pulls his pants off.

There's a knock at the door.

"Damn." He growls.

I smirk. "Want me to get it?"

"No, only I get to see you like that." He winks and walks to the door.

along with this chapter

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