Find Me

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Ben's POV
"What do you mean she went missing?" I shout at my mother.

"She got up and left. No word to anyone. She was reported to leave in what she came in and didn't take anything else."

I get up quickly and rush to Phasma's room.

I knock loudly on the door.

She opens up and smiles. "Took you long enough. Here's the note from Rey and your scavenger outfit."

"What?" I ask confused.

"She didn't leave for good. If I know anything about women they want you to go after them."

"Ben!" My mother calls from down the hall. She spots me and rushes over. "Ben, there you are. I wasn't finished."

I take the stuff from Phasma and shut the door.

"What mother?"

"Rey just needed time to think, she will return, but there's a bigger issue at hand."

"What is more important than finding my wife?"

"She's in love with someone else."

I chuckle in disbelief. "Oh yeah who?"

"Poe told me his name was Kylo."

I laugh and shake my head. "Kylo was my scavenger name. That's what I told her my name was at first."

"How do you know there isn't another guy named Kylo?"

"Because I know my wife... I trust her." I brush past my mother and head into my room. I change and read Rey's note.

I have something to tell you.
Meet me where we first kissed.

I smile, our place. I know exactly where she is.

My mother knocks on the door and I open passing her. "I forbid you. She just needs some time to embrace everything... or see Kylo." She mumbles at the end.

"You're right, she does need to see Kylo." I smirk and lift the hood on my cape. "Bye." I begin to walk away and she grabs my arm. "As your King I will do what I find best."

"As your mother I won't allow you."

"As your son, frankly I don't give a damn." I pull my arm free and go.

Rey's POV
I pace my home waiting for Ben.

He's coming. I know he is. What if he go in trouble? I should go find him. Wait, what if he comes looking for me and finds me gone. Uuugggghhhh. Rey why did you do this?

I hear a grunt out the window and smile. It's Ben.

I look out and see him. I smile as he contuines to climb.

I help him through the window.

"Rey." He cups my jaw line. I smile at his perfection. He looks just how I remember him as Kylo only less dirty.

A tear escapes my eye. He wipes it and searches my eyes.

"Are you alright? You're trembling." He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I need to tell you something, but I don't know how."

"You can tell me anything and I won't be mad."

I smile shaking my head. "I'm not worried you being mad." I take a deep breath. "You first fell in love with me in this room right?"

"Yes." He smiles.

"And you loved me for what's inside of me?"

"Your personality, thoughts, ideas, everything. The outer beauty was just a bonus."

I smile. "Well you're about to fall more in love with what's inside me." He looks at me confused. "I'm pregnant."

"Rey, that's... that's wonderful." He smiles. "But are you ready I mean you just became queen and we just got married, everything is changing, and I remind you saying something about not wanting kids, but the situation has drasatically changed-"

"Ben." I cut off his rambling. "I want a child, but I want to know if you're ready to be a father and help be become a mother."

"Of course. Whatever you need."

"Okay." I smile at him.

"Okay." He grins back, then pulls me in for a kiss.

A/N: I know it's a rather short chapter, but hey you got some Reylo!
I'm thinking about ending this in a couple chapters. After the baby is born of course. I've been working on the sequel to 'It is You' and I'm starting to get back into that series and I know I need to step up my game with The Jedi Games. If you could all go like and comment on that, then I may feel a little more motivated, just saying. It has HanLeia, Reylo, Anidala, Jassian, and EzraSabine  (idk their ship name). Basically I'm including a whole lot of characters, so I probably won't miss yours lol.

Well here was your chapter for the day, along its posted late.

Tomorrow I probably won't post, but I'll try. Until then TTFN

Ta Ta For Now 😘

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