Chapter 1 - The Incounter

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Bright lights shined down on me as I was working my usual late shift at a coffee and doughnut shop, my boss was a nice lady in her mid twenties. I always greeted the customers with a smile and I always called them sunshine. I had one job, doughnut duty. It wasn't the best job in the whole world because I couldn't stand around them without the urge to eat every single one of them. I had to control my urge or else my head would end up on the chopping block. I was a very kind hearted person who treated everyone with compassion and respect. My curly hair showed through my purple sparkly beanie. I was getting someone else's order behind the counter when the doorbell chimed meaning a customer was coming in. I noticed a tall boy with brown curly hair and electric green eyes that seemed to shine in the light. He had a short sleeve blue button down shirt with a black leather jacket and jeans. he had tattoos covering his entire arms. He had two black lip rings on the right and left of his bottom lip. On his jacket sleeve was a capital H. He was waiting at the counter as he cleared his throat. I turned around and smiled. " How can I help you sunshine?" I asked him. " One mocha iced coffee, don't screw it up." he growled the last part so only I could hear. How rude, he growled at me. I thought to myself. " Anything else?" I asked him. " Nah." he said. " That will be $2.35 please." I said. " Aren't you the one making my iced coffee?" he asked me. I laughed.

" No, sorry sunshine. I'm on doughnut duty." I said with a smile. He paid me the exact amount and I handed him the reciept.

I noticed after he grabbed his iced coffee off the counter he sat down at one of the tables. He sat there until I was the only one left in the place. I took my apron off and sighed. " Come sit." The guy said patting the seat next to his. I looked at him strangely. but then I smiled and sat down. " How long have you worked here?" he asked in a deep voice. " 5 months." I said. He smiled and laughed. " What so funny?" I asked him with a serious face. " Nothing." H
said lighting a cigarette. " Smoking is gross." I said. He blew out a puff of smoke in my face and used my hands to swat the smoke out of my face. My cheeks turned red with anger. " Could you please go smoke that outside?" I asked him in the calmest voice I could use. " I want to hear more about you." He said. " Why would you wanna know more about me? my life isn't that special." I said with a grunt. " I've got to go." I said heading towards the door. " Wait. Let me at least know your name." He said with a smile. I sighed, and then spoke. " My name is Katlynn." I said as I pushed the door open and waited for him to go outside, I closed and locked the door behind us. " Well, it was nice talking to you Katlynn." He said as he turned around and walked in the other direction. I put my keys in my pocket and began to walk. I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't think about it at the time but then I felt something papery in my pocket. It was his reciept. it said, I will be watching you -H I got freaked out and noticed there was a number on the bottom of it. I typed it into my phone and sent a text. Whats your name? I typed. A minute later my phone vibrated and I opened the text. That depends am I gonna see you again tomorrow? he replied. Hmmm.. Maybe. I typed back with a smile. So that's a yes then, right? all you need to know about me is that I always get what I want. He answered. Is that so? I typed back. This time it took a half an hour to reply back. I was on my couch with my head against the pillow. My phone vibrated crazily. I opened the text and read it four times to make sure the message was correct. What a beautiful house you have. do you live alone? he typed. That's none of your business. How do you know what my house looks like? I asked him. he didn't answer. the door bell rang and my head shot up as my eyes filled with fear. I slowly walked towards the front door and spoke. " Who is it?" I asked. " It's the guy from the coffee shop." the voice said back. oh brother, it's him. I opened the door and he smiled. " Surprise." He said. Before I could speak he walked into my house and kicked off his shoes. he flopped down on the couch and put his arms together and put them behind his head. " You can't just barge into my house! I have to invite you in other wise its trespassing." I said. "Listen here sweetie, I don't follow the rules, I play by my own rules. I will be here in the morning to pick you up, don't make me wait." he said. " I don't want or need a ride, I'm capable walking by myself." I said. " I said, I'm picking you up." he growled. I got scared and backed away.

"Leave." I snapped at him. " Fine." he snapped back. " Have a good life creep." I snarled as he walked out. I saw him get into his black car and drive off. I sighed and slid my back down against the wall as I ran my hands over my hair. Tomorrow is a new day and yesterday is history. I said to myself. The next morning I woke up and got ready early enough to miss his ride offer. I walked down the street as a car started riding alongside me. " Get in the car!" He growled. " No." I said as I kept walking. " I said no." I snapped. " Get in this car RIGHT NOW!" He shouted. I just ignored him and kept walking. " Okay you wanna play that game." He growled. He pulled the car over and yanked on my arm towards the car. " Let Me Go." I growled. His eyes turned full on black with anger. I tried to pull my arm back as he tightened his grip. I cried out in pain. " Don't make me tell you again. Get in the car." he snapped. He opened the door and I had no choice but to hop in and go for the ride. " I didn't mean to hurt your arm but, you were making me angry." He said. we had stopped at a stop light and I ran out of the car and down the street running as fast as I could until I reached the coffee shop and ran out back and into the bathroom. He's coming for me, what do I do? I said scared. " Kat, are you okay?" Tom our coffee maker asked me. " Yeah i'm fine." I said as I opened the door. I walked out into the front and continued my daily routine. " One double chocolate doughnut please." the voice said. my body froze in fear. it was him. I put one in a bag and handed it to him I gave him his change and turned around again. nobody else was in line so he leaned up against the counter and started talking to me. " Nice move back there, I'm very impressed." He said with a smile. "Why are you here?" I asked him. " I'm here to visit you sunshine." He said with a smile. " are you gonna stay here until we close again?" I asked him.

" Every time I will." He said. it was closing time I locked the front door as he stood near the window smoking his cigarette. " will you tell me your name now?" I asked him. A playful smile spread across his face. " come watch a movie with me at my place and then maybe I will tell you my name." He said as I put his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. " for now just call me H." He said. He put his arm around my shoulders as we walked. " one movie." I said. " maybe we can make out a little?" He suggested. " you wanna make out with me?! I barely know you." I said.

" I'm only playing around." He laughed. His breath smelled like tobacco. The smell made my stomach turn. " welcome to my place." He said as we stood by a normal looking house. " this is where you live?" I asked him not buying it. " of course." He said with a smile.

" are you the only one in your family that dresses like that?" I asked him. " yep." He said.

" H?" I asked him. " Yeah?" He asked me. " have you ever got arrested?" I asked him. He looked at me as his face turned white. " god no." He said grabbing two sodas out of the fridge. " do your parents know you smoke?" I asked curious. " I only smoke when I'm either stressed or I have the urge to." He said with a smile. He flung off his shirt I noticed his whole front was covered in ink. " so you parents approve of those?" I asked pointing. " oh my tattoos, yeah." He said.

He grabbed a blanket off the chair and wrapped it around him. He turned on his tv and selected a movie from the list and clicked play. " you're gonna love this movie I promise." He said. I was just waiting for this movie to end so I could go home and get away from this creep. He's a violent stalker who is really weird. I needed to escape away from him. But how?

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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