Chapter 19 - Day 15 ( Part 1)

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I couldn't take it anymore. They killed Niall! I needed to escape along with Jennette. Only problem was that Jennette was being held captive as Z's girlfriend by z in his "love chamber" as he called it, meanwhile I was back and forth from H to Liam. Liam promised me the world and H saved my life. " Liam?" I asked with a smile. " Yeah, babe?" He asked me with a small smile. " there's something I need to tell you." I said with a sigh. " come here." Liam said as he held me in his arms. " I tried... To..." I stumbled. " You tried to what?" Liam asked me rubbing my back with his hand. " The other night, I tried to kill myself, by jumping over the cliff and into the water. I lost conciousness... All I remember was coughing up water and seeing a blurry figure looking me in the eyes." I said. " Who was it?" Liam asked surprised. " H." I said. " H pulled me out of the water and he told me he loved me." I said. " I love you way more than that animal could." Liam said kissing my lips. " WHAT DID YOU CALL ME PAYNE?!" H growled angrily as he stood in the doorway as his finger nails dug into the wood. " YOURE A MONSTER." Liam snarled as he bared his teeth. " Ha! Very funny! If it weren't for me saving your ass that night you would've been killed by your drunken idiot father!" H snarled angrily. " you're father was an alcoholic?" I asked Liam shocked. " I'll explain the story to you later right now I'm gonna teach H a lesson." Liam said he dragged H out the front door and I just layed there on the bed looking up at the ceiling. " they're going at it out there." James laughed. " let them. Just keep an eye on them that's all." I said to him. Jennette walked into the room wearing a necklace I had never seen before. " Where did you get that?" I asked her surprised. " Z gave it to me, it was his lucky necklace." She said happily. " oh. Interesting." I said happily as I smiled. " I'm gonna  keep her happy and safe." Z said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close towards him. She smiled and laughed happily as he kissed her lips. " I'm gonna go smoke, you two have fun." Z said as he smiled and walked down the hallway. " MMMM!" I heard the muffled cries coming from a closet. I opened the door and a person fell to the floor as I cried. I hugged the person tight, but he died! H killed him! How is this possible?! "Niall's alive." Jennette said happily. " Niall." I said putting my hand on his cheek.

I untied his mouth as he kissed me happily. " H didn't slit my throat.. He drugged you." Niall said.

"But.... I watched him bury you! I tried to kill myself! How is this possible." I cried happily. " He made it look like he killed me, but he put me here and I can't remember anything after that." Niall said. He put on his nerdy and super cute glasses and looked at me with a smile. " my beautiful butterfly how I've missed you." Niall said as he kissed my lips. " I missed you too." I said hugging him. " Angel?" A voice called. " shhh! Stay here I'll be right back." I said shutting the closet door. I walked out into the hallway as H smiled. " There you are. Come here babe, I wanna talk to you." H said patting the couch cushion I noticed all the other guys were gone just me and H all by ourselves. " whatcha wanna talk about?" I asked him with a smile. " Well.." He said putting his arm around me and pulling him closer towards him. " I've been thinking lately and I want us to have a baby together, screw Payne. You're the perfect mother for my children. I mean our children." H said with a smile. " I'm not comfortable for that right now... I mean being the mother to a child of a gang member." I said with a sigh. " I put my knife away for good it's gone. I'm willing to risk it all to be with you." H said holding my hand. " I can't do it." I said walking off. H followed me out of the front door and towards Liam. " Tell him to go away." I cried into Liam's shoulder. " What did you say to my girl?" Liam asked worried. " I wanted us to have a baby." H said. " she's my baby mama go get your own." Liam growled. " She's mine! I had her first!" H snarled. " over my dead body!" Liam growled. He tackled H to the ground and started pounding his face in. " Liam Stop!" I cried upset. " I don't want him hurting you." Liam snarled. " Just please... Stop." I said.

Liam raised his fist in the air and then put it into the sand. " Stay away from my girl." Liam snarled as he took my hand. He grabbed his guitar as we sat by another handmade fire as he sang to me. I put my head on his shoulder as we looked up at the stars up above in the dark night sky. A shooting star burst end across the sky like a rocket ship. " Liam make a wish!" I cried happily. " I wish to never let you go, I'll love you forever I promise you." Liam said holding me close. He kissed my forehead and held my hand. H got angry and filled a bucket full of water and dumped it over Liam's head. He laughed happily. " What the hell was that for?!" Liam said as his face turned full on red like a tomato. " you think you've won this battle haven't you Payne? Well you're wrong because this game has just begun. Remember this is the jungle, survival of the fittest." H snarled. " jungle my ass! You're the only monkey here!" Liam screamed. " we fight over her and may the best man win, I wish you all the luck in the world because I'm so gonna kick your ass to the curb." H growled. " In your dreams styles! You wish! I'm gonna be the one kicking your ass in the end you just wait and see! I'll win and you'll loose! Just like you always do." Liam said. H huffed. " is that right? Do I really always loose? Cause I beg to differ. I always get what I want. I want her and I'll have her no matter what it takes! She'll be mine! That's a promise!" H said as he stormed off. I gulped scared as my face turned white. " Stupid ass." Liam said. " I'm not gonna let him take you away from me. You're mine." Liam said holding me in his warm, safe, strong, arms. I felt secure for once like all of worries had fallen off my shoulders in that very moment. But what about Niall? We're still together. I looked up at the night sky above and Then looked at Liam. " Liam?" I asked him. " Yes my love?" He asked me with a smile. " Niall isn't dead." I said. " H drugged me that night and staged the whole thing." I said. " Don't worry about Nermal, he'll be perfectly fine. Besides you're my girl now and that's all that really matters." Liam said holding me close. I just hoped Z doesn't hurt Jennette in any way or I couldn't live with myself. She's my best friend. My only best friend.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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