Chapter 24 - Day 19 (Part 1)

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Liam would do anything to protect me, even if it meant locking me up in some tower far away in some uncharted forest in the middle of no mans land then he would do it. Harry would be that boy with arrows and a hooded cape as he rode off on his horse into the patchy hills of grass in search of true happiness. But that was just my dreams talking. " You're the warlock that trapped me in the tallest tower to keep me safe from danger and You're like the Robin Hood/ Rescuer in this story the other four are H's pals. And Go!" I said pointing a video camera at us as it stood on a camera stand. " hark! A fair maiden is in distress at the top of that tall tower!" H said. " Help me oh fair rescuer it is so lonely in this tower, I need a champion." I said. " I shall be your champion my fair maiden, now how the hell am I suppose to get up this tall tower?!" H cried. " Cut! Cut! In the Middle Ages they didn't swear. So watch your language." I said. " Katlynn? Katlynn!" Liam said snapping me out of my daydream. " Yes?" I asked looking puzzled. "What were you thinking about babe?" Liam asked me as he held my hand. " I was just daydreaming.. Nothing special." I said putting my head on his shoulder. He took a puff off of his smoke and blew it out. " I thought you stopped that?" I asked him. " I'm sorry babe, I can't help it." He said. " One per day." I said to him. " Okay." Liam said as he pouted. " Smile for me babe." I said rubbing his cheek. He smiled and then I kissed his lips. " I love you." Liam said. " YOU LOVE HER?!" H snarled as he looked like he was about to explode. " Yeah." Liam said. " SHE'S MINE. ALL MINE. I LOVE HER." H said as he pulled me towards him with a nasty grin. " I'm not your girl!" I growled kicking him in the knee. He swore and jumped up snd down. " GET BACK HERE BITCH I'M GONNA BASH YOUR SKULL IN!" H growled at me as Liam stepped in front of me. " DON'T HURT HER." Liam said angrily. H just chuckled and tried to push Liam out of the way. " I'm not moving." Liam said crossing his arms. " YOU WILL MOVE FAT ASS!" H growled. " MY ASS ISN'T FAT." Liam growled. He put his hand around H's neck and pinned him against the wall. " Be careful Liam." I said standing next to them. H kicked Liam in between the legs and Liam fell to the ground and H pinned my arms to the wall with his hands. His lips came at my neck and he started kissing my neck as he growled happily. " That feels good doesn't it?" H asked me. " Please stop." I said closing my eyes. " Get off of her you animal!" James said throwing H out of the way. " James?! I thought we were in this together? You're betraying me!" H snarled. " I can't take seeing you treat her this way at least Liam treats her better than you do." James said as he stood in front of me as Liam held me close. " Leave her alone Harry." James said as he pushed him away. That was the first time we had ever heard James use H's full first name before. When James said it H seemed to tear up and emotionally walk off. It's like his brothers words had some kind of affect on his heart. H threw his cigarette to the ground and crushed it under his boot. " every time you say something... When just one word slips out of your mouth. You sound just like dad." H said. " Mom And Dad left us because we were train wrecks both of us, we were the absolute worst children somebody could ever raise. We were lucky they left us with all that money... Our third twin brother god only knows where he is with his quarter of the money mom and dad left him.. What was his name again Marco?" James asked H as they both looked at the setting sun over the horizon of the ocean. H just chuckled and then spoke, " Marcel. His name was Marcel not Marco. Maybe just maybe one day we will find him and become a family once again, until then I'm staying here in my own little piece of paradise with my friends and my girl." H said as he leaned up against the wall. " You know she's not your girl right?" James said as he looked at H and then back out at the open water. " remember this is still the wild and this lion king isn't giving up without a fight for his mate if you know what I'm saying." H said. " Payne is going to beat the shit out of you... Don't do it." James growled. " I have to.. She belongs to me." H said with a smirk as he walked back into the house and left me to think about it.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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