Chapter 27 - Day 21 (Kelsey)

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I grew up with a rough background, my mother died when I was 4, my step father was a raging alcoholic who was very abusive. My step brother Tom was a complete creep, he was obsessively attracted to me and rapes me when ever he feels like it. School was horrible also, bullies were all over me like a pack of flies on fly paper. From my step dads drinking to my brothers raping and the bullies I was afraid I wouldn't make it another day without dying. My step dad left his beer bottles everywhere and left the house a complete mess. "Kelsey I need another beer!" He would yell at me. I decided today was the day I would speak up to that drunk fool. " Get off your lazy ass and get yourself some help for your damn drinking problem! I'm sick of you yelling at me and if my mother were here she wouldn't approve of this kind of behavior." I snapped. His got up out of his chair walked over to me and grabbed me by my hair. " What did you just say to me?!" H snarled as I could smell the beer on his breathe I almost gaged but didn't. " You heard me." I said. He called for Tom and made Tom beat me. "Next time I'll have him kill you." He slurred his words angrily. I got up and ran Into my room as I locked the door behind me I cleaned the blood off of my face. I took out my roll away back pack and zipped it open. I packed my apple laptop and charger my iPhone and charger cords. A couple of pairs of clothes, essentials and a blanket and a pillow with my slippers. I zipped it up and put it on the floor. A hand caught my shoulder and I quickly turned around, " Where do you think you're going beautiful?" Tom asked running his hand down my arm. " Don't touch me you creep!" I snarled as I opened my window and jumped out of it, I slung my backpack over my shoulders and ran for my life. I got to the highway and hitchhiked for the first time in my life. A car pulled over and rolled down its window. " can I help you?" A nice woman asked. " I... I need a ride to the bus station." I said with a small smile. " hop in, if you don't mind me asking aren't you suppose to be at home?" The woman asked me. " Home is the one place I don't wanna be, I just wanna go away from here, away from my family. They're not even my family they're monsters." I said looking out the window. She dropped me off as I walked to the front bus terminal. "May I help you?" The woman sitting in the ticket booth asked me with a smile on her face. " One ticket to downtown L.A. please." I said as I handed her fourty dollars. " dear tickets are only twenty dollars keep this other twenty to buy something for yourself." She said with a smile. " here you go enjoy your time down there." She said handing me the ticket. I rolled my bag to the bus and then put the straps around my shoulders and got onto the bus, I handed the bus driver my ticket and sat down in one of the comfy seats in an empty isle. I put my head again the the wall as someone stopped in my isle. " excuse me, may I sit next to you?" A voiced asked me kindly. I looked up to see a boy a couple years older than me wearing a leather jacket and ripped jeans. " umm... Sure." I said with a poliet smile. " I'm James, whats your name beautiful?" He asked me as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. " My name is... Maria." I said with a smile. " Maria what a lovely name." He said with a smile. " where are you headed to Maria?" James asked me. " Downtown L.A." I said. " same here gonna pay a visit to some of my old mates." He smiled I turned my music on and blocked out his voice, all I could see was his lips moving. I breathed out and then fell asleep. " Next stop downtown L.A." The bus driver said. I woke up that morning and got ready to leave. " here we are, downtown L.A." The bus driver said. I got off the bus as James got off before me and waited. " so I guess I'll see you around, it was nice talking to you Maria." He said with a smile. " same here." I said as I took off my backpack and rolled it along behind me. I wasn't sure where I was going I just decided to keep going, it hit dark quickly so I laid my pillow against the brick wall of a building and put my blanket over me. I almost fell asleep when I heard a voice over me, " Hello? Are you okay?" The voice asked. I opened my eyes and saw a boy who had on a sweater vest and glasses. " Do you live out here?" He asked. " No I just needed some place to crash and I don't know anyone in town so I decided to crash here for the night." I said. " Here take my hand and come with me, let's get you out of this rain." He said. I rolled my bag along with me as he grabbed my pillow and blanket. He opened the door to a coffee shop and held it open for me as I walked in rolling my bag along behind me. " Coffee?" He asked me. I shook my head no. " Hot cocoa?" He asked me. I grew a big smile. " Hot cocoa it is." He said as he got up and ordered our drinks. " Are you homeless?" He asked me. I shook my head. " a runaway." He said pouring some sugar into his coffee. I nodded in responce. " I'm Marcel by the way." He said with a smile. " I'm... Kelsey." Was all I could really say. " So Kelsey whats your story?" Marcel asked me with a serious look on his face. I just looked out the window. " Oh... I didn't mean to upset you." Marcel said. " are you sure you don't have anywhere else to go?" He asked me with a small smile. " I'm sure." I said. " Hmmm... How about you come stay with me just for tonight I'm all alone anyway." Marcel said as he took my hand and walked me to his car. " I'll put your stuff in the backseat." He said opening the door. " thank you." I said. I sat in silence the whole ride to his home. You can sleep here on my couch. There's a fire to keep you warm and here's a warm blanket and I'm gonna put your wet clothes in the dryer." He said smiling at me. " but I have nothing else to wear." I said. He stopped and turned on his heels. " let me go search for something I'm sure my brother left something behind." Marcel said as he walked into a bedroom and searched through his closet. " here we go. A extra- extra large t-shirt you can wear as a nightgown." Marcel said as he smiled. I went into the bathroom and put it on and gave Marcel my wet clothes. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch as I wrapped a blanket around me, It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. The next morning I woke up and Marcel gasped as he entered the room. " Those markings, who did this to you?" He asked me. I tried to cover up my bruises but he took my hand away. I just shook my head. " please tell me." He said. " My stepdad and my brother.." I cried. " That's why you left home because of abuse." He said. " rape." I finally said. " what about rape?" He asked me. "My brother and rape and it was so awful!" I cried. " your brother raped you?" He asked me. I shook my head yes. " dear god. I'm glad I found you cause who knows what would've happened if someone else found you lying in those streets." He said sitting next to me. He touched my hand but I flinched away. " I'm not gonna hurt you." Marcel said. I moved farther away from him. " Kelsey I'm not gonna hurt you." He said again. " that's what my brother said... And then he.." I said. Marcel held out his arms and I ran into them, knowing this was the only comfort I'd ever find. " Shhh." He said holding me in his arms. As time went by me and Marcel developed a friendship but Marcel noticed I had become distant and more to myself. Marcel got curious about why I did this over time. I had to tell him but I was afraid to. I finally told him and got it out of me. He understood. it was like Marcel was the light I needed to brighten my world. He was the super hero I needed to save me from danger. Whenever he could he'd always get me to smile and laugh. Months went by soon our relationship took a turn and we starting going on dates. Not long after our third date he got down on one knee pulled out a ring and asked me to be his girlfriend until we got to an age where it was legal to get married. Marcel called me Kels and to him I was his entire world. What I hadn't known that while I was gone for this entire time Tom had become a drinker with a horrible rage like my step father who was a complete ass. He vowed to never give up to finding me and when he did he swore to kill me. But I didn't know his plan only he did. I was too busy with my love and my new twin sister to care about. All I needed was love and attention something I never had growing up. Love was my key to happiness.

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