Chapter 3 - Abduction

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there I was waiting, hoping harry wouldn't find me at Niall's place. Damn was I stupid! I know where you are my luv and I'm coming for yah! - H, I shrieked and dropped my phone to the ground like I was holding a hot potato. Calm down katlynn, he can't hurt you, he won't hurt you, just breathe. I thought to myself, I was in the kitchen when Harry's face suddenly popped up against the glass window to the door. I screamed as he laughed, " Found Yah!" He laughed as he tried to open up the door, I ran down the hallway and ran right into Niall as he grunted. " Are you okay? what's wrong?" Niall asked. I pointed down the hall, " H! he's back! he tried to break in the back door! I saw him.... I saw him Niall!" I cried as I hugged Niall. Niall walked into the kitchen and sighed, " see there's nobody here, you really need to get some extra sleep." Niall said. " But he was there! I saw him!" I said. Niall ran upstairs and I was all alone down stairs, suddenly He came around the corner as I backed up against the wall scared. " Hey beautiful, Miss me?" he asked in a raspy sexy but creepy voice that gave you both the creeps and the chills. He put his arm on my waist and pulled me closer, " I told you not to run away... oh but you did!" he clucked at me and then continued, " So this is his place,what a dump! it looks like a nerd convention threw up on this place." H laughed as he looked around. " So what! why do you care?" I growled. He stared at me coldly I could feel the anger building up in him quickly, " Because, You're Mine." He snarled as he moved closer. " Get your damn hands off of me you creep!" I growled as I stepped on his foot. He grabbed his foot and swore and then laughed as he grabbed me. " Not so fast!" He smirked as he grabbed me and pulled me into the closet. " Let me out!" I growled as he pushed me up against the wall. " You give me such a big boner." he whispered as he kissed my neck. " You make me want to throw up!" I growled as I kneed him in the stomach. he grunted and fell to the ground, I tried to run towards the door but he caught me and tackled me to the ground. " I'm gonna make this as painless as possible." H said with a dirty smirk, " RAPE!!!!!" I screamed. " Hahahaha, it isn't rape until I enter you!" harry laughed. " Get off of me!" I screamed. " Not until I'm done." he snapped. " Don't do this please." I cried. " Ive been waiting for this moment for a long time, now hold still," Harry snarled at me. " Don't touch me!" I snapped as he moved into me. " Oooo! purple my favorite color!" he said looking at my underwear, he whipped them off and then entered me, but then something weird happened, he got up and shut the light off in the closet, when I turned it back on I put my pants and underwear back on as Niall opened the door. " What are you doing in here silly?" Niall asked teasingly. " I was.... he was... he raped me!" I cried as I ran into Niall's arms. " Who?" Niall asked shocked. " H! he was here!" I cried. Niall sighed. " Stop playing games with me Katlynn, there's no H. Come back when you realize the truth." Niall said as he gently pushed me out the door. " You don't believe me?" I cried as my eyes filled with tears, Niall just looked confused and had a look on his face that said he wasn't buying the story. I ran down the stairs as tears fell down my cheeks. He didn't believe me! I can't believe him! I kicked a rock on the sidewalk as I walked home, Suddenly I stopped when I noticed a motorcycle parked in my driveway and a figure standing there smoking, Shit shit SHIT! it was him! I didn't know what to do! should I call 911? should I confront him even though he could have a dangerous weapon stored somewhere in his clothing. I gulped and back up against the tree. I dialed 911 in my phone and almost pressed send when a hand caught mine and I dropped my phone. " What the hell do you think you're doing sweetheart? are you trying to rat me out to the cops? Awwwh how cute! they'll come knocking on your door and enter your house only to find your bloody body lying naked on the floor! is that how you want it to be?! cause I can make that possible! don't test me! now did you enjoy our little session back there?" he cooed. " Go to hell!" I screamed as I kicked his knee. he swore and then caught my arm as his other arm went on my throat and pushed my body against the tree. " you're a fighter! I like that." H growled as he put his hand on my spot.

" cant you see how much I care about you? And you disobey my orders! you're a very naughty girl!" H teasted. " You're a deranged pervert!" I said back. his eyes turned black with anger as his arm went harder into my throat. " What was that?" H growled. I broke from his grip and ran into my house as I locked all of the doors and windows, I shut the shades in my bed room and put my pillow and blanket in the closet, I locked the closet door and fell asleep in peace. I slept like a baby last night, I stretched and yawned, I looked around and realized I wasn't at home, I was in someones shity hangout. " God damn whats that smell?" I asked covering my nose, a voice laughed and then blew cigarette smoke in my face, I coughed and waved it away, " Thats the smell of satisfaction and victory babe." a voice cooed, a black haired, tattoo covered boy sat on the arm of the chair with a smirk on his face. " Now come over here and give daddy Z some love." he said blowing me a kiss as he winked. I rolled my eyes at him. " Smoke?" A voice asked I turned my head and then jumped, there was H looking me right in the eyes holding up a cigarette. " No." I said. " Your loss." H said as he lit it and put his arm around me as he kissed my neck. " Get off of me!" I snarled. " You know you like it babe, stop fighting it." Harry growled in my ear. " Hey H!, I wonder what size bra she wears!" Z said as he smirked. He walked over and lifted up my shirt as he took out my bra tag. " Damn babe! you've got small boobs!" Z said. "let me see." H said as he had his cigarette in his mouth, He looked and then laughed. " they're like two small baseballs." H joked the other guys laughed. " shut up." I snapped. " Woah, calm down babe! we're just playing around." H said as he took a drag off of his smoke. " how did I get here?" I demanded. " me and the boys came and got you, you were so cute curled up on the closet floor, but god damn you're heavy!" he laughed as he put his hand on my boobs. " get your hands off of those!" I snarled. H just laughed like it was no big deal. actually it was a huge deal, they were my boobs, and I decided who could or couldn't touch them. god he was such a grabby pervert. " she wears purple underwear!" H announced. The others smirked. " Thats personal!" I growled at him. " Not anymore Luv." Harry said as he snuck a kiss on my cheek. " keep your hands and your dick to yourself." I snapped as he looked my body up and down as he bit his lip. " Not gonna happen." he said looking at me. " it better!" I snarled. " Nope." H laughed. " Yes!" I screamed. " Never in a million years." H snickered. he threw a knife and it landed right above my head in the wall. " Bullseye!" H cried and then smiled. " a bullseye makes me twice as horny." H snarled as he put his hand on my spot.

" God that feels good." he moaned as he rubbed it with his fingers. " Stop!" I screamed as I pushed him away as he stumbled backwards and fell to the ground, my mouth fell open in shock as I realized what I had just done, I had just pissed off the devil. me being an angel pissing off the devil wasn't at the top of my bucket list, but what else was I suppose to do?! let him play with my body while his sick minded friends watched and jacked off. the thought made me shutter in horror. " I told you she was a fighter!" H said to his guys as they all laughed. " shes my fighter!" Z growled as he pushed H out of the way. " My dirty little whore." Z cooed. " You wish!" I snapped back. " I'm gonna make you my dirty little whore." Z said as he ran his finger down my cheek. " In your dreams." I said. " see this boner, its for you when you're ready." Z said in my ear as kissed my cheek. " fuck off!" I shouted. " or we could just get it on." Z smirked. " how many fucking times have I told you Z, we have to share our new playmate." Another boy said. I gulped, his fluent british accent, " You can call me your master." the boy growled into my ear. " Liam, Be gentle with her. god." H snarled. Liam... I gulped. the liam.... no not him... all the memories came back to me. they flashed in and out. but then I snapped back into reality. " James get your ass out here and come meet our new whore!" H hollered. " I'm coming." James snarled back. " Hello Beautiful..." James said as he sat next to me. " I'm James, You can call me rocket." James said as he smirked. " ummm... okay?" I said weirded out. I needed space, all these guys around me made me closterphobic. " I need space." I said. " I need a blowjob, we all need things." H snarled. I gulped and then whimpered like an abused puppy. " don't worry, we'll take good care of you." Z said as he put his arms around me. yep it was official I was gonna die begin a prostitute. only I wasn't paid to give away my body, I was being forced too. by a vicious, blood thirsty gang feared by everyone in town. pray for me.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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