Chapter 2 - Negitive Reaction

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Another day of H constantly following me to and from work. The texts came in seconds not minutes. Life speed up faster with H in my grasp. H never ever gave me his name. I could keep running for as long and far as I wanted but H always caught up to me. " Now how about that make out session?" he asked me with a more demanding tone than a question. He moved his lips toward mine as I put my hand out. " No Kissing, I don't kiss random guys I just met. Besides I have a boyfriend." I snarled. H looked full on pissed off. " Who?" H questioned. " That's none of your business, now I'm going home. Goodnight H." I said walking out the front door and down the sidewalk. " You didn't answer my question!" H snarled pulling on my arm. " let go of my arm!" I screamed. " just tell me his name and I will release your arm!" H growled. " His name is..." I started. " His name is what?! Tell me his name!" H demanded as his grip grew stronger on my arm. " His name is Niall." I said trying not to burst out into tears. " Niall, eh? Interesting." H said. " now let go of my arm!" I shouted. " As you wish. Goodnight." H said as he walked back to his house. " Kat?" A voice asked me. " Jennette?" I asked turning around. " what are you doing in this part of town? It's dangerous down here, let's go where it's safe." Jennette said walking next to me. Jennette was the only one true friend I had. She made me laugh a lot and smile, other than the fact that she was a movie star and a singer, she was really a down to earth person. I could tell Jennette anything, she never judged me. " H? Who's H?" she asked.

" SHHHH! don't say his name out loud!" I said. " He's my stalker." I said with a gulp. " and you have no idea what his real name is?" Jennette asked me. " I know his real name." Said a tall boy with a British accent. He flung his tooth pick to the ground and he lifted his head up. " His name is Harry." The boy said. " how do you know his real name?" I asked him with a puzzled look on my face. " Oh sweetheart, I'm one of his gang members, the name is Zayn, but you call me Zman." He said with a smirk.

" Gang." I said with a gulp. " Yeah we're the five best known bad boys around here. We run this town." He said. He howled and out came two more boys, " looks like we've hit the jackpot." One of the boys laughed. They grabbed my arms and pulled me into their hideout along with jennette. " I call her." Zayn said pointing to Jennette. " Hahaha. In your dreams pal." She said with a laugh. " you other three can fight over this one." Zayn said pointing at me. Zayn ringed a bell and Harry came into the room. " good job guys, new playmates." Harry said cracking his knuckles. My face sprung up and his eyes meet mine. " You!" I growled. Harry's face turned red. " Or should I say Harry!" I said. " HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!" He snarled. " a little Birdy told me." I said. " why did you bring them here?" Harry growled to Zayn. " I was horny and these two girls were walking alone, so I figure why the hell not go for it." Zayn said. " the curly haired girl is mine, don't touch her or I will break your hand off. The blonde, well who's she?" Harry asked me.

" her name is Jennette and if you touch her I will kick your asses." I screamed. All five of them laughed. " kick our asses? very funny. were the toughest gang in Los Angeles, we do the ass kicking around here." Liam said with a snarl. " bring me the curly haired girls boyfriend, his name is Niall. He lives on the west side of town, on a quiet little street." I said with a nasty smirk. " No! please dont hurt Niall!" I cried. " Dont you get it already? you're my girl now, call me H. I'm gonna keep tabs on where you are and who you're with, so dont try to fool around with other guys cause I will hunt them down and kill each and every one of them." Harry snarled. I ran home and couldn't sleep that night, the next morning I got ready for work. I stopped at the top of the stairs as I saw Harry's car parked in the front of my house as he leaned up against the passenger side of the car. " Well, look who's finally awake! I've been waiting 45 minutes for you to get your damn lazy ass out of bed! get in the car." harry snarled. " I don't need a ride from you. I always walk to work, without you." I said walking off. harry started his engine and squealed his car onto the road. " Get into this fucking car right now!" he said as he looked at me. " Go Away." I said as I kept walking. " you're so fucking stubborn get in this car right now!" he barked again. I kept walking and I made into the bakery just in time, I walked behind the counter and sighed. that night I locked the door as he wasnt even there, I walked out the back door and stopped when I saw someone smoking a cigarette at the door. Shit! I walked the other way and never once stopped walking. I made into my house and then sighed. I lost him, good. suddenly my phone vibrated and I got a text message on my phone, you can't escape me forever. -H God help me, I heard rustling through my fridge and I got up and crept to the kitchen where somebody was bent into it digging in it. " May I help you?" I asked them. they banged there head on the top of the fridge and swore. I gulped when I meet his eyes, it was him. " you've got no soda." he said. " Get the hell out of my house now! if you dont I'll call the cops and have them drag you out!" I I  screamed as H laughed and then shut the door. " Call the cops on me I dont think so doll, I already cut the phone lines, you're my girl now and forever, the next time you make an escape I will teach you a lesson." he said as he put his hand on my butt. " GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!" I screamed as I pushed him out the back door and locked it behind him.

Smash! I ran into my bedroom and locked my bedroom door. I breathed hard as I heard footsteps near my door I saw his brown dress shoes, I climbed into my rather large closet and locked the door as I climbed into the secret hide hole my dad built in case of an emergency. I hid in there and then push the clothes together so it would hide the hole. the door got kicked down and my closet door next. he pushed clothes out of the way and literally tore apart my room, thank god the hide hole door blended in with the wall and was invisible to the human eye. I took my cell phone and texted H to distract him I'm not in my house, I'm in the park, come find me - K I texted him and hit send. he growled and then stormed out of the room as soon as I heard his tires squeal off into the distance I climbed out of my closet and ran to Niall's front door, " Niall!" I called scared. He opened the door as his glasses were on as he smiled his shiny white teeth smile at me, he had on a sweater vest a pair of jeans and brown loafers on. " ello' luv!" Niall said he hugged me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall happily. Yeah I know my boyfriend is a nerd, I didnt care, I loved Niall, after all I wasnt popular exactly either. " I'm so glad you showed up! let me go put in my contacts and then we will have a discussion." Niall said as he walked down the hall. he came back with no glasses. He sat down across from me as he put his hand on top of mine, " What's on your mind babe?" he asked me. " Well... I don't know how to exactly say this.... I'm just gonna say it, Niall, I have a stalker." I told him. Niall looked dumbfounded, he cleared his throat and then spoke. " Darling, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you. I love you. Now how about some tea and crackers?" he asked me. " do you want honey in your tea?" he asked me. after the tea was ready he carried it over as he moved closer towards me and wrapped his arms around me. " I'm not gonna let this stalker hurt you." Niall said. H knew where Niall lived, I was screwed with no way to hide, no where to run. I was trapped. H had won, at least for now.

- Little Miss Sunshine.

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